I completely disagree, devs spend their time to improve the game. This will improve the game quality, and add more classiness. I am not only talking about newbie-friendly stuff here. Everyone would like to see some enjoyable descriptions for some items.
Besides devs don't handle everything, moreover they don't have to. Boerks are made by somone else as I know, there are some items from different modules and etc. What I mean is writing descriptions is not a code-based activity, it can be done by anyone with good writing skills; so is manual. Henceforth, devs can find a volunteer for the job and add it to the website. It shouldn't took longer than 30 minutes for an experienced coder.
I don't see where this noob friendly if you only show a quick description like "sword : sharpened piece of metal used to crush your enemy skull", only usefull commentary should be about the skill, but even that is useless, noobs are not stupid, stop that shit, everyone knows after 5min of game (less if you played SP) that shield skill is for shield and PD is for bows... there is absolutely no added value in this suggestion.
Some enjoyable description will make the game less classy, it will make look like cRPG player are dumb, everyone knows what is a sword, a spear, a xbow or a throwing knife.
Comforted me, people are not that stupid?