If it sucks so much, don't do it? Most people don't seem to have a problem showing off their best gear for a few rounds and then paying for it.
Thats the people who have like 200k+ with everything they needed bought. I try out new classes constantly and new playstyles on new characters and this would be a nice way to change the game from 10%tincan/charger 30% light horse 60% medium/light armour to tincans plated chargers arbalests longbows, would be hell of a fun thing to do.
And yeah remove earning gold too.
Maybe make it an admin activated event? *Chads turns on happy hour! No upkeep! YAY! But no gold is earned during this hour of gameplay.*
Or make it a voteable option.
When you think about it it's not like it can be abused, you are earning no gold but paying no upkeep. they cancel each other out to balance it.