Seriously, is it really that hard?
Don't. Be. A. Douche.
If you really just want to win that bad, then I think you're missing out on the main point of the game, which is to have a good time.
And besides, if there weren't a community, there wouldn't be a game. I dunno, but shitting on the community is the last thing you should do imo.
Also, what's the fun in killing someone who doesn't have a chance to fight back? O.o
Imagine the scenario where the entire enemy team would be standing completely still, not fighting back. You'd win every round and rock dat constant x5! Great! Not.
Also /puke at your ranting about how people should get new gear to eliminate lag. Some people have a really shitty connection/comp, but give them 30 sec at the start of the first round and they'll play just like everyone else. Is that such a huge pain? In what way does it hurt you?
Really, just be decent and don't screw people over for no reason.