Author Topic: A few things that should be considered as a must-do for the next patch or so  (Read 5451 times)

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Offline Welcome_To_Hell

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I just love it how you people twist things around here. Many of you should learn to read with understanding but its not up to me to educate you.

Irony meter off the chart.

Offline Ginosaji

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Huh, popcorn! :D

Gnjus, you're style of writing is really awesome. ^^ But please calm down, it would be very sad to lose one of the most dedicated players of this game because his head explodes.
While I totally agree with you about running and shooting archers (1 guy chases 1 archer, turns his back on him, gets shot in the back, turns, chases, turns, gets shot, ...) and I totally hate archers on a roof when the fight is almost over I don't think that all of this is much of a problem.
Archer on the run? Ignore him (carefully, so he can't shoot you in the back) or lure him into a trap. Someone else with a horse will kill him.
Archer on the run when the game is nearly over? Ignore him, he'll soon be the last guy on the map and either killed or kicked.
Last man of opposite team on the run? Poll him.

I think you take this game far too serious. In fact I think that 99% of all players do so. Players of all clans (no matter if Mercs or Templars) teamkilling because they got (accidentally) teamwounded, spampolling, GTXting, ...
For me this game is fun and always has been. No matter if my k/d-ratio is negative (I wonder why you've never insulted me because of my lack of skill :P), no matter if I get tked thrice in a row (which happened yesterday), no matter if I see my axe slicing through someones head without hitting him at all.

Offline Gnjus

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But please calm down,
I think you take this game far too serious.

On the contrary, my friend. I'm as calm as one can be. And i don't take this game too seriously, i rarely post on suggestion/balance/discussion forums as i find most of the things there to be useless spam, whining and crying. But these things that i mentioned here should really be addressed as soon as possible, its not about my personal preference, its about the general image of these battles, which atm is more then ridiculous. Actually you could describe these "events" with several other terms that would be closer to the truth, rather then calling 'em battles.  :wink:

(I wonder why you've never insulted me because of my lack of skill :P)

You have more skill then you think, furthermore you have the guts and the spine that many lack. I always see you in the front lines even tho maybe you should be staying behind some shields.  8-)
Also, i don't call out all of the "no-skill" players, hell even i lack skills, its not peoples fault, we cant all be the best, nor even good....some have to be "weaker" or "stronger" then the others. I only mention the chosen ones (like for instance my old friend BlueGreen the Useless, champion of thinking about permanently equiping mail and plate which is blue, and in combination with my green shield and banner it would also make me a kind of a honor him).  :wink:
« Last Edit: February 05, 2011, 01:19:07 pm by Gnjus »
Do you honestly think you have any sort of moral authority, Reyiz? Go genocide some more armenians and deny it ever happened, please, and stay in the middle east.
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Offline Lamix

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Ladders need to be addressed, not for letting archers on rooftop, but because of the ladder sky building stuff and the amount of fail ladders just clipping through stuff, just make ladders no collide with each other.
I would rather see ladders taken out of bought items and 3-5dropped at each spawn, this would stop too many ladder spamming, and make them immune to friendly attack. or recode them entirely so that you can push down a ladder like you can with some of the static ones and are non destructable.

I'll agree with the running point only at the end of the round, same as roof camping, unless its a 1 on 1 battle  make it a kickable offence(but to me this is already in the rule about round delaying, just needs enforcing more)

Maps, bleh we all know we need new maps, nearly all the maps are 1 sided, and most of these are totally 1 sided like up a hill and in a village but thats because these weren't intended as multiplayer maps, most of them are maps from the villages in native singleplayer. I'm working on some brand new multiplayer balanced maps atm, just hope they will get considered to be put in when i have them done.(i intend to make hay roofs and the likes impassable, but the more sturdy ones fine.)

These are just my opinions on the topic, take em or leave em.

Offline Teeth

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Ladders should be replaced by stakes in battle, stakes should be deployable and undestroyable and should wound horses and slow down infantry, they provide enough safety for archers for a period of time, but it wont help them when the main body of infantry comes up.

Offline Beauchamp

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Define good features. And don't forget: i'm talking about battle servers only, since i never play siege. Maybe i should of said it in the beginning but i think its common knowledge.
its difficult i have no definition. but for me if it brings more possibilities or strategies than its usually a good feature. this includes ladders in battle mode (of course except for that situation when sbdy climbs high roof, destroys ladders going up and than doesn't go down when he's the last one on a map). but this doesn't happen really often, usually the last guys jumps down in the end.

what i dislike more are those bugged static ladders that take ages to climb. and people saying climb up i also did that, while he continually hits and kicks you for 30 secs from above while you make it to the top.
OOODDIIINVALHALLAAAAAAA on the 20th of April 2011: What I know is that... heh, eh ja how can I explain? ...deh feeling to believe in Odin is right, dat is what I say, ja?!

Offline Ginosaji

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On the contrary, my friend. I'm as calm as one can be.

Glad to hear that. I guess swearing is your method to avoid getting a stomach ulcer then :D

But these things that i mentioned here should really be addressed as soon as possible, its not about my personal preference, its about the general image of these battles, which atm is more then ridiculous. Actually you could describe these "events" with several other terms that would be closer to the truth, rather then calling 'em battles.  :wink:

I have to agree on that. Although I have still fun playing cRPG battles became different in the last months with all these ladders and roofs.

You have more skill then you think, furthermore you have the guts and the spine that many lack. I always see you in the front lines even tho maybe you should be staying behind some shields.  8-)

Thanks for the flowers, my new char has a big round shield   :D