Author Topic: Blocks not working?  (Read 2412 times)

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Re: Blocks not working?
« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2011, 02:24:52 am »
Wow, I was just talking in Vent to some peeps about this the other day.  It does seem to be more of an issue lately but didn't realize it was widespread.  Thought it might've just been something going on with my connection.  But yeah, on my screen I'm blocking left (or wherever), and someone else in vent tells me I was blocking up or something.

I do notice a huge difference between when I play at home and when I play offshore (I work 7 days offshore & then home for 7).  At home with a 20mb down, 5mb up wired connection things are very crisp and not much error except for the mistakes I make.  Usually I know I made them in that split second "oh shit" moment.  Offshore though, with a 2-3mb down and a .3-.5mb up wireless connection it's a whole different ballgame.  Most times what I do never registers in time on the server, and that goes for blocks AND swings.  Even though my ping isn't bad offshore (usually 60-90) I think the lack of upload speed and just the fact that playing twitch games wirelessly isn't a good idea - all play a part in the difference.

But yeah, no telling how many times "WTF I was blocking that shit!" has come out of my mouth audibly.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 02:26:19 am by Draggon »

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Re: Blocks not working?
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2011, 06:24:04 am »
Not only do my blocks not work alot, sometimes they work when they shouldn't. Atleast twice today I've have my right blocks, block left swings.

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Re: Blocks not working?
« Reply #17 on: October 17, 2011, 07:02:57 am »

I literally get people running to me with an overhead ready for a full 5 seconds, me blocking up for a full 5 seconds, only for the swing to hit right through.

Had this happen as well. It's just a "...wat?" moment. I think I've noticed more of it altogether lately, but..

The problem with M&B is that it seems to have a very basic code. Most FPS's for example have stuff that let you see the packetloss etc.. AND let you change how many packets you want to send and how often.

It's the thing I hate most in this game, weird packet loss. Ping remains stable but the gameplay starts feeling very choppy, you only see animations at the very end etc... really fucks you up if you play 10 seconds when it's smooth and everything is reactive, then suddenly what you see isn't what you get. From what I understand, this is a common problem?

If a guy has ping of like 15 and you have like 65, you need to be super fast with your block if you want to block him. It's latency and jitter mostly. I have connection issues most of the time, only after midnight I'm kinda lag free.

Nah, not the case at all. Doesn't matter what ping your opponent has, and 65 is perfectly viable for everything.
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Re: Blocks not working?
« Reply #18 on: October 17, 2011, 07:08:54 am »
Yeah I rage quit last night because of this very issue.

Blocks weren't doing shit when I CLEARLY had them up for the swing.

The last straw before I rage quit was a clean, perfect overhead going right through this guy. Like he wasn't even there.

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Re: Blocks not working?
« Reply #19 on: October 17, 2011, 07:24:21 am »
And people wonder why I enjoy my shielder...  :)

Not only do my blocks not work alot, sometimes they work when they shouldn't. Atleast twice today I've have my right blocks, block left swings.

That's actually a feature, if you turn toward the swing... physics and all that, object vs object. If that's what you meant.

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Re: Blocks not working?
« Reply #20 on: October 17, 2011, 07:40:55 am »
It happens with attack swings aswell sometimes. Never noticed that when you hold an overhead swing (for instance) and when you release it it does a right swing?

Its a bit annoying when it happens.
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Re: Blocks not working?
« Reply #21 on: October 17, 2011, 07:47:41 am »
I've been experiencing this a bit, as well as a lot of rubberbanding the past couple days. Like, at least once in a play period, but on NA 2 and 1 it's been more like once a map or even round, I'll be moving on my screen, then snap back to where I actually am. Packet loss city, I've never had any problem with the connection I get through my ISP, or at least rarely, and not so persistent. No issues on Native servers I frequent.
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Re: Blocks not working?
« Reply #22 on: October 17, 2011, 07:51:46 am »
I had this problem quite often until ~6 months ago. I remember that it was very frustrating- I even made a thread about it.  Then my internet connection was upgraded from 10/10 to 100/100 and I haven't experienced it even once after that.

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Re: Blocks not working?
« Reply #23 on: October 17, 2011, 08:00:38 am »
This actually happens to me all the time with 110 ping. Although I never thought of it as a latency issue...(I'm still pretty mediocre at the game) and I'm not too great at blocking I usually just pass it off as me lifting my block (subconciously) just as his hit lands even though the animation is still there...
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Re: Blocks not working?
« Reply #24 on: October 17, 2011, 08:00:44 am »
Happens now and then, I'm gonna put my money on packet loss for this issue.

The same happens with attacks: I hold the left or right slash chambered for 5 seconds, then I release attack button and it makes a thrust attack. (wat)

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Re: Blocks not working?
« Reply #25 on: October 17, 2011, 08:17:36 am »
The same happens with attacks: I hold the left or right slash chambered for 5 seconds, then I release attack button and it makes a thrust attack. (wat)

So many deaths as 2h because of that...  :mad:
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Re: Blocks not working?
« Reply #26 on: October 17, 2011, 08:26:02 am »
Might be worth investigating the health of the server's network connection if enough people are having these issues.

That is, it might be packet loss from the server's ISP, not yours.

How to test for packet loss
Open a command window (on Windows 7, just hit start and type "cmd" in the search box and it'll come up)
ping -t

Let it run for at least 10 minutes.  (You can also let it run overnight, while at work, etc.  Doesn't hurt anything.)  Hit ctrl-C to stop it and see a summary of statistics.

What you want to see is 0% loss.  It's okay if it says like "Received = 5000, Lost = 2 (0% loss)".  That's pretty normal.  1% is worrisome.  Over 5% will make most games completely unplayable, though you might not notice it in browsing or downloading.

If you know the server's address you might be able to ping it directly (some servers block pings) and check the results that way, but pinging a neutral site like Google will help you determine if it's your connection.

If the ping test shows noticeable packet loss then:

#1 cause of packet loss is probably routers.  Unplug your router for 15 seconds and plug it back in.
#2 cause of packet loss is probably your DSL/cable modem.  Sometimes they just go bad and need to be replaced.
#3 cause of packet loss is usually something bad with your internet connection in general.  If you're using cable or DSL, call support and tell them you are having packet loss problems (5 years ago you might as well have been speaking Babylonian but these days they seem to understand the concept of packet loss = poor connection quality = something that can be and must be fixed).  You could also try taking some of your cable splitters out of the loop and that sort of thing, though I can't say I've ever had luck with that.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 08:28:44 am by Slamz »
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Re: Blocks not working?
« Reply #27 on: October 17, 2011, 08:45:17 am »
Good to see im not alone here.

Last few days people have been hitting me regularly through blocks and also lag spikes make feints almost impossible and  inreliable.

I blame the servers
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Re: Blocks not working?
« Reply #28 on: October 17, 2011, 10:24:19 am »
This actually happens to me all the time with 110 ping. Although I never thought of it as a latency issue...(I'm still pretty mediocre at the game) and I'm not too great at blocking I usually just pass it off as me lifting my block (subconciously) just as his hit lands even though the animation is still there...
Sry for being a bit offtopic, but.. So you're the guy some peeps confuse me with.  :D
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Re: Blocks not working?
« Reply #29 on: October 17, 2011, 10:29:45 am »
It can't be happening "Just these last days"
It happens all over in Waband, not just cRPG...