Is joining a clan the only way to get started?
When i first time enter strat i have same question: wtf why i should join clan. No way!:)
And you know, i made my own clan with my own baNNER, clan tag , ppl joined me and i am happy. But in strategus i joined not clan but
faction its different. So i kept my clan in cRPG, and all related my clan shit!
This is very democratic faction that respect your freedom of choice and speech. You have no commanders or leaders. You are leader yourself! We have basic rules according with global politics. Cause we are fighting in strat against carebear alliances, huge clanes who turn ppl into "bots" ruled ppl like puppets, put them in slavery! We fight for all small calns and factions who dont wanna participate in this monopolic shit. Fight for freedom. We have same rights in our faction, noone can order u what to do, u decide by yourself. Thats the way game should be. But ppl are ppl. They unite in huge alliance, closed their borders(and closed their minds) and sitting there earning huge amount of equipment to wipe out neutrals, newbies, small clans, small factions and break fun for ppl.
Our faction is kind union of small clans, neutral ppl, random guys we are welcome newbies let them participate not only in strat but in battles too, cause this game made for fun for everyone no matter his skills or knowleges about strat mexchanic and other shit.
This game should be more democratic! And UDNWSFLC is first attempt to make strategus friendly for everyone, not just for bunch of nerds!