Author Topic: Steel Pick (continued discussion)  (Read 16577 times)

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Re: Steel Pick (continued discussion)
« Reply #90 on: March 11, 2011, 07:51:43 am »
+ 10 cool points for reading comprehension and explanatory post to person who lacks reading comprehension!

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Re: Steel Pick (continued discussion)
« Reply #91 on: March 11, 2011, 06:05:56 pm »
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Re: Steel Pick (continued discussion)
« Reply #92 on: March 14, 2011, 09:38:54 pm »
nerf the shit out of this weapon, 39p damg at that speed is just BS, not only that but you can and will combo it with a sheild, to has or to high damg, nerfed need

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Re: Steel Pick (continued discussion)
« Reply #93 on: March 14, 2011, 10:16:02 pm »
Yeah! Make it shorter. Make it's range negative so you hit yourself when you swing it!
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Re: Steel Pick (continued discussion)
« Reply #94 on: March 14, 2011, 10:18:07 pm »
I think the pick should lose some speed especially.
If you have seen Murrogh in the NA servers you know what I mean.
with overhead or left hand swing he usually gets headshots and those are 1hit kills on most people.
masterworked with 102 speed pretty hard to block

He's my brother btw so im not biased against him

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Re: Steel Pick (continued discussion)
« Reply #95 on: March 14, 2011, 11:38:14 pm »
I think the pick should lose some speed especially.
If you have seen Murrogh in the NA servers you know what I mean.
with overhead or left hand swing he usually gets headshots and those are 1hit kills on most people.
masterworked with 102 speed pretty hard to block

He's my brother btw so im not biased against him
this is why i posted its up there with the op items, 2 swings and he killz you in plate and he has a sheild =[

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Re: Steel Pick (continued discussion)
« Reply #96 on: March 15, 2011, 03:20:27 pm »
39p is TRIPLE HEIRLOOMED. Gimme a break. To use the pick you completely give up range, it doesn't knockdown, it doesn't break shields, and it's MORE expensive than any axe and it's just under the warhammer. You accept all those things in exchange for pure damage. That's always been the case with picks. What more do you want?

The warhammer does 37p when triple heirloomed AND it has knockdown, nerf nerf!

PS - If I could, I'd put my heirlooms into the military pick instead, because that's how much the disadvantage the short range is.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2011, 03:22:26 pm by Engine »

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Re: Steel Pick (continued discussion)
« Reply #97 on: March 15, 2011, 04:25:00 pm »
39p is TRIPLE HEIRLOOMED. Gimme a break. To use the pick you completely give up range, it doesn't knockdown, it doesn't break shields, and it's MORE expensive than any axe and it's just under the warhammer. You accept all those things in exchange for pure damage. That's always been the case with picks. What more do you want?
But it has speed and damage that is better than several two-handed/polearm weapons. Sure 2hers might have 40cut damage but that only ends up being more damage on very low armored people. Range doesn't mean much of anything, especially when you have a shield. Range really only becomes important when you're fighting more than one opponent at a time. This is why it doesn't mean anything if you have a shield, shielders have an easier time fighting when they're outnumbered than anyone else. I'm sure if there were a 2handed pick with 90 range 38p damage and 100 speed everyone would be complaining about that as well, and with good reason.
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Re: Steel Pick (continued discussion)
« Reply #98 on: March 15, 2011, 05:13:24 pm »
All 1hs are generally faster than 2hs, despite it not seeming that way ingame sometimes. That's how it is. That's why everyone chooses fast 1hs.

I don't see any triple-heirloomed poles on the field that do less damage than a triple heirloomed pick. Do you?

« Last Edit: March 15, 2011, 05:15:57 pm by Engine »

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Re: Steel Pick (continued discussion)
« Reply #99 on: March 15, 2011, 05:40:01 pm »
39 pierce does about as much damage as a 50 cut weapon or a 38 blunt weapon to people in 50 armor. So a masterwork steel pick does more damage than any polearm other than:

deadly long hafted spiked mace
deadly long bardiche
long maul
deadly bec de corbin
deadly great long axe
balanced great long bardiche

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Re: Steel Pick (continued discussion)
« Reply #100 on: March 15, 2011, 05:51:50 pm »
39 pierce does about as much damage as a 50 cut weapon or a 38 blunt weapon to people in 50 armor. So a masterwork steel pick does more damage than any polearm other than:

deadly long hafted spiked mace
deadly long bardiche
long maul
deadly bec de corbin
deadly great long axe
balanced great long bardiche

What's your point? To make a pick even remotely effective you need to combine it with 7 or 8 athletics. That's not a whole lot of PS.
Other than that, the ONLY thing you have to do to kill the guy with the pick is.... step back and swing the same time he swings. The damn thing is so rediculously short he will miss and get cleaved in half by your 7 PS deadly great long bardiche.
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Re: Steel Pick (continued discussion)
« Reply #101 on: March 15, 2011, 06:07:34 pm »
So what you mean to say is actually

"ONLY Against people with 50+ armor, the pick does more damage than the:
long-hafted spiked mace, which has knockdown
the long bardiche, which is a shieldbreaker
the long maul, which has crushthrough
Walt, how does it do more damage than the bec, which is also pierce?
the GLA, which is a shieldbreaker
and your last example isn't comparable as you neglected to triple heirloom it"

Look dudes, there gotta be a one-hander that does good damage against armored targets. You'd think it would be used more if it were OP; I know of only three people who use the pick regularly and have heirloomed it, and I can't speak for myself, but the other two guys are great players who would be at the top of the scoreboard regardless of their weapon of choice.

I do think the steel pick could lose a speed point or two, but still be faster than the military pick.

Man, I wish I'd heirloomed my mil pick.

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Re: Steel Pick (continued discussion)
« Reply #102 on: March 15, 2011, 06:38:41 pm »
What's your point? To make a pick even remotely effective you need to combine it with 7 or 8 athletics. That's not a whole lot of PS.
Other than that, the ONLY thing you have to do to kill the guy with the pick is.... step back and swing the same time he swings. The damn thing is so rediculously short he will miss and get cleaved in half by your 7 PS deadly great long bardiche.

That's pretty much it. I use the pick because I want something that can kill people in less than five hits while playing a high agility support character, which is useful in group battle situations.

I'm a regular on the duel server, and the others there can tell you that I typically hit them once and then get hit in the manner Spawny describes and proceed to die. I get really excited on vent whenever I one-shot someone with my shielder.

Now, this is probably due to the high concentration of strength builds here in the NA servers, and I can see how it's considered overpowered in EU where I'm informed balanced builds hold sway.

I personally find it easier to fight people who are using steel picks rather than the weapons you listed and server statistics (where a pick is listed as a 1h blunt) seem to agree.

It always comes down to this: if it's so overpowered, why is it still a relatively rare weapon to see on the battlefield?

I know that my K/D is triple what it is when I'm in a strength sword-wielding generation.

The cry for a nerf is typically strongest when exceptional players grab the offending weapon and push the limits of its use to ungodly heights. We saw this with Goretooth and his bec, ManofWar with his sidesword, Linden & Wallace with the barmace, etc.

Who do you want nerfed, here?
« Last Edit: March 15, 2011, 06:44:14 pm by Kalam »

Offline WaltF4

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Re: Steel Pick (continued discussion)
« Reply #103 on: March 15, 2011, 06:52:28 pm »
What's your point?

Engine mentioned not seeing polearms that do more damage than a masterwork steel pick. I made a list of the polearms that do more damage than a masterwork steel pick against some of the most common armors. I do not understand the confusion here  :?

Walt, how does it do more damage than the bec, which is also pierce?

If the information in the itemized heirloom thread is correct, the generation 3 steel pick does 39 pierce. The generation 0 bec de corbin does 36 pierce, the generation 1 bec de corbin does 38 pierce damage, and the generation 2 bec de corbin does 40 pierce damage. So, a deadly bec de corbin does more damage that the masterwork steel pick.

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Re: Steel Pick (continued discussion)
« Reply #104 on: March 15, 2011, 07:01:45 pm »
Engine mentioned not seeing polearms that do more damage than a masterwork steel pick. I made a list of the polearms that do more damage than a masterwork steel pick against some of the most common armors. I do not understand the confusion here  :?