Guys do we really need to discuss how "easy" it is to avoid horse and horsearchers, especially when it's about 2 or 3 horses coming from different sides?
If 2-3 horses are attacking you, you kinda deserve to die. You should not be in that position in the first place. Furthermore, out of say 10 cav on a server, I bet most of the time only 1 of those is an HA. HA are not common at all. That is for a number of reasons.
Well then you have to admit that you totally suck at horsearchery and that you should choose another class
Most horsearchers can do that with alot less arrows. Especially those bumpshot retards
Depends on sooo many factors. A smart infantry who is seperated 1vs1 with an HA can move around all over the place avoiding arrows unless they are a str char and in heavy heavy amour. Fact is it's easy as piss to avoid arrows, even when the HA is stationary. The HA will therefore waste a shit ton of arrows trying to hit you. And even if you do have heavy armour, all you have to do is move towards a tree or team mates. If you are that far away from cover that you can't do that, then you are an idiot.
1vs1 is not an HA's strong point. Darting around all over the map firing arrows into groups, enemy cavalry and already damaged infantry is an HA's strong point. Only the best HA will do well 1vs1 and not waste that many arrows unless the inf/archer or whatever is a complete retard.
Bump shots are a 1 time trick. Particularly useful to stop archers shooting and catching inf unaware. However, if you try and do it twice in a tight circle, the inf will know you're coming, and even if you hit them, circling round tightly reduces your speed so the bump does fuck all. If you circle at a wide angle to get the speed again, it gives the inf time to prepare, and an archer time to load.
Bumpshots are pretty much this. Charge in --> load --> bump whilst turning your view --> shoot --> move on to next target. Often because of the innacuracy of an HA the speed needed to bump means that hitting with a bumpshot is an odd mix of luck/skill. The times I do badly as an HA is when I get to focused on 1 target. The times I do well are when I bumpshoot/shoot at randomers and move on to the next target, never lingering to long. Partly why I always get my highest scores on open maps. More space to move around in and skip from target to target.
Needless to say, if you think the bodkin arrow damage thing is making HA OP, then you're doing something wrong.