Being on a large warhorse and lose half it's hp with a single arrow coming from a horn bow. Lose half my health from a single arrow while on foot with 45~ armor... etc etc etc. All this OPness comes when it's a bodkin that hits me, my teamates or horses. The new "arrow determines the damage" system is bad (RLLY BAD) for balance. Also, with the new forcefield (hitbox, wtv the name) or the shields, its a lot easier to get shot "around" your shield! I got shot a couple of times trough it too using big shields like huscarl or heavy board shield...
With all this, I even made an alt archer and horse archer myself to try out before posting something on the forums. After trying them out, I can tell that they are IMO OP. With a horn bow and 5 PD I could stun/hurt goretooth (in all his heirloomed gear) and pretty much kill all other tincans there was. Plate users would fall as fast as the others under the fire of the new exploding number of archers. I recognize many names that were once 2handers/shielders that are now archers, plus the amount of new players playing archers... it makes some crazy amount of archers.
I don't really mind the archers themselves really... it's the fact that shitty bows like the Hornbow and lower should definitly not be able to do pierce. this also made the longbow near useless. Everybody uses either the hornbow or rusbow beside some rare longbow lovers that has an heirloomed one. Before the patch, whenever I would lose more then half my health from a longdistance shot, it would be a bolt (probably coming from an arbalest). Now, the bolts do less damage then when I see a bodkin sticking out of my belly.
I also made a gen archer right before the patch and I personnaly think the bows were perfect the way they were pre-patch. Plz, revert it.
The problem right now is that things are either being overnerfed or overbuffed. Just removing the pierce ability on all bows (beside longbow) should do the trick IMO.
Edit: Just before anyone says "l2p 2hander and buy a shield", I am no 2hander, I change class too often to even "give myself" any class and the classes I play include 1hander and archery every now and then. This has nothing to do with 2h lobbying.