
Is archery fine as it is ?

Yeah, everything is fine.
39 (23.1%)
No, something needs to be changed. There is too many archers using bodkins.
40 (23.7%)
No, something needs to be changed. All archers are OP.
13 (7.7%)
No, something needs to be changed. Archers hit like a truck. QQ
28 (16.6%)
Yeah, everything is fine but longbow needs some love.
32 (18.9%)
17 (10.1%)

Total Members Voted: 169

Author Topic: Plz Stop this pewpew madness without overnerfing it.  (Read 16924 times)

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Plz Stop this pewpew madness without overnerfing it.
« on: October 11, 2011, 04:03:54 am »
Being on a large warhorse and lose half it's hp with a single arrow coming from a horn bow. Lose half my health from a single arrow while on foot with 45~ armor... etc etc etc. All this OPness comes when it's a bodkin that hits me, my teamates or horses. The new "arrow determines the damage" system is bad (RLLY BAD) for balance. Also, with the new forcefield (hitbox, wtv the name) or the shields, its a lot easier to get shot "around" your shield! I got shot a couple of times trough it too using big shields like huscarl or heavy board shield...

With all this, I even made an alt archer and horse archer myself to try out before posting something on the forums. After trying them out, I can tell that they are IMO OP. With a horn bow and 5 PD I could stun/hurt goretooth (in all his heirloomed gear) and pretty much kill all other tincans there was. Plate users would fall as fast as the others under the fire of the new exploding number of archers. I recognize many names that were once 2handers/shielders that are now archers, plus the amount of new players playing archers... it makes some crazy amount of archers.

I don't really mind the archers themselves really... it's the fact that shitty bows like the Hornbow and lower should definitly not be able to do pierce. this also made the longbow near useless. Everybody uses either the hornbow or rusbow beside some rare longbow lovers that has an heirloomed one. Before the patch, whenever I would lose more then half my health from a longdistance shot, it would be a bolt (probably coming from an arbalest). Now, the bolts do less damage then when I see a bodkin sticking out of my belly.

I also made a gen archer right before the patch and I personnaly think the bows were perfect the way they were pre-patch. Plz, revert it.

The problem right now is that things are either being overnerfed or overbuffed. Just removing the pierce ability on all bows (beside longbow) should do the trick IMO.

Edit: Just before anyone says "l2p 2hander and buy a shield", I am no 2hander, I change class too often to even "give myself" any class and the classes I play include 1hander and archery every now and then. This has nothing to do with 2h lobbying.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2011, 04:07:31 am by Siboire »

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Re: Plz Stop this pewpew madness without overnerfing it.
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2011, 04:31:29 am »
It would be cool if the WPF for range weapons actually determined the armour penetration to a certain extent.

Like the heaviest armour would require a nearly pure range build to be able to get damage through the armour.

That way hybrids would be less effective against heavy armour.

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Re: Plz Stop this pewpew madness without overnerfing it.
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2011, 05:03:56 am »
While I think they do inflict a bit too much damage, as a 2H, I find it tolerable as long as I bring along a practice shield.
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Re: Plz Stop this pewpew madness without overnerfing it.
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2011, 05:09:03 am »
The only way your warhorse lost 50% is if it got headshot.  The only way you lost 50% in 45 armor is if you were RIGHT in the archer's face...or it wasn't a hornbow, or you have ~50 hp.

Small tweaks could probably be done, but the bodkin change was great.  It really wasn't fine pre-patch.. b/c every archer just went longbow.
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Re: Plz Stop this pewpew madness without overnerfing it.
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2011, 05:15:09 am »
It would be cool if the WPF for range weapons actually determined the armour penetration to a certain extent.

Like the heaviest armour would require a nearly pure range build to be able to get damage through the armour.

That way hybrids would be less effective against heavy armour.

hmmm maybe but that would prolly mean A LOT of coding  :?

The only way your warhorse lost 50% is if it got headshot.  The only way you lost 50% in 45 armor is if you were RIGHT in the archer's face...or it wasn't a hornbow, or you have ~50 hp.

Small tweaks could probably be done, but the bodkin change was great.  It really wasn't fine pre-patch.. b/c every archer just went longbow.

No I was not in the archer's face lol and it was a tartar bow that actually took more then 50% of my hp. (the horn bow was in the situation with my large warhorse). Also, pre-patch there was not that much longbows, now you rarely RARELY ever see one.

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Re: Plz Stop this pewpew madness without overnerfing it.
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2011, 05:39:14 am »
No I was not in the archer's face lol and it was a tartar bow that actually took more then 50% of my hp. (the horn bow was in the situation with my large warhorse). Also, pre-patch there was not that much longbows, now you rarely RARELY ever see one.

I call shenanigans, there is no way you will ever take 50%+ from a tatar bow in 45 armor unless you have like no hp or got hit in the head.  I have a MW horn bow & MW bodkins and I 3-5 shot most people, occasionally 2 shot peasants or light armored archer targets.

Longbows are one of the things that need a tweak right now; they are garbage until they get fixed.  If they get something to compensate for their low draw speed (perhaps a larger missile speed buff to set it apart from the others) they will be viable again. 
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Re: Plz Stop this pewpew madness without overnerfing it.
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2011, 05:55:56 am »
Longbows are one of the things that need a tweak right now; they are garbage until they get fixed.  If they get something to compensate for their low draw speed (perhaps a larger missile speed buff to set it apart from the others) they will be viable again.

This I'm 100% with you.

But what I said before is no shenanigans. If you have 6-7PD with your MW HornBow and MW bodkin and you need to 3-5 shot ppl, then it simply means the guys you hit are STR stacking and/or they have heavy armor. But we are getting out of the subject. I made this topic to discuss the sheer increasing amount of archers and the fact that low lvls or non-pure archers can dish out GREAT amount of damage simply because they can do pierce with fast bows like horn bow, nomad and tartar. So atm, you can do a 15-24 build, use a horn bow, be super accurate and dish out a lot of damage at a really good speed. Normally it should be one or the other, accuracy/speed or great damage. IMO.

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Re: Plz Stop this pewpew madness without overnerfing it.
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2011, 05:41:33 pm »
Like the heaviest armour would require a nearly pure range build to be able to get damage through the armour

Every archer is a pure range build (Okay slight lie, about 96% of all archers are pure range builds).

Part of the problem are people not remembering when the random armor factor makes an arrow do almost nothing, but they remember when an inaccurate STR archer shoots them at close range and the armor variable tips at just 50% protection and they think "Oh, every archer can do this."

Honestly Native has a lot more range spam.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2011, 05:43:13 pm by Tears_of_Destiny »
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Re: Plz Stop this pewpew madness without overnerfing it.
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2011, 06:01:58 pm »
its well known that 2hs will play archers until they are nerfed to their liking, then go back to 2h

i would play archer more but i suck, even with stf and i feel like im wasting time i could spend on my main

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Re: Plz Stop this pewpew madness without overnerfing it.
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2011, 06:27:36 pm »

The problem right now is that things are either being overnerfed or overbuffed. Just removing the pierce ability on all bows (beside longbow) should do the trick IMO.

I fully agree on that one!

Little ugly hornbow shouldn't be able to do that much damage and shouldn't be able to do pierce.
Same goes for rus bow. Make the longbow the only piercebow again

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Re: Plz Stop this pewpew madness without overnerfing it.
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2011, 06:38:59 pm »
Every archer is a pure range build (Okay slight lie, about 96% of all archers are pure range builds).

Part of the problem are people not remembering when the random armor factor makes an arrow do almost nothing, but they remember when an inaccurate STR archer shoots them at close range and the armor variable tips at just 50% protection and they think "Oh, every archer can do this."

Honestly Native has a lot more range spam.
Bolded part is the true problem. The very, very big problem. Making it better for archers to take some melee capabilities would fix so much.
This game isn't about being skillful as much as its about saying things in general chat that enrage people who then go to murder you but in their rage they make dumb mistakes which gets them killed.
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Re: Plz Stop this pewpew madness without overnerfing it.
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2011, 07:13:55 pm »
Bolded part is the true problem. The very, very big problem. Making it better for archers to take some melee capabilities would fix so much.

this is a very good point, you don't need wpf to block, maybe without wpf blocking speed should be reduced as well?
[14:36] <@chadz> when you login there is a message "your life as horse archer was too depressing for you. you decided to commit suicide. please create a new char"
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Re: Plz Stop this pewpew madness without overnerfing it.
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2011, 07:29:36 pm »
this is a very good point, you don't need wpf to block, maybe without wpf blocking speed should be reduced as well?
I was thinking more in decreasing the effectiveness of pure archers or something. Like the benefits are almost laughable so it'd be much better to take some melee. Like now, people are min maxing and taking nothing but PD and WM, then whining that horsemen/footmen can easily kill them in melee. One suggestion I came with was reducing wpfs affect on ranged. Bow wpf doesn't change accuracy, only speed. Xbow wpf doesn't change speed, only accuracy (or vice versa). Throwing only affects throwing speed.
They would still need the wpf per PD, so no just stacking PD AND make it so low wpf is VERY slow and high wpf cost too much for too little gain, so to make a sweetspot of good speed for wpp investmenet, making any extra much better spent on melee.

This game isn't about being skillful as much as its about saying things in general chat that enrage people who then go to murder you but in their rage they make dumb mistakes which gets them killed.
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Re: Plz Stop this pewpew madness without overnerfing it.
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2011, 07:33:32 pm »
Bolded part is the true problem. The very, very big problem. Making it better for archers to take some melee capabilities would fix so much.

I see the community has the memory of a WORM BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH or something like that.

Just a few months ago everyone was complaining that HYBRIDS existed, and that archers could pick up every weapon "ooooooh pocket flamberge (Or Danish if someone points out the unsheathable thing) archers! Onoz that archer can carry a melee weapon that is unfair that he can melee and shoot!" And now you are surprised... that you got what you wantd?

Seriously, just accept the fact that you are all inferior people who don't know what you want (since you keep changing your minds) and give me all of your looms.
I'm not normal and I don't pretend so, my approach is pretty much a bomb crescendo.
Death is a fun way to pass the time though, several little bullets moving in staccato.
The terror of my reign will live on in infamy, singing when they die like a dead man's symphony.

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Re: Plz Stop this pewpew madness without overnerfing it.
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2011, 07:55:52 pm »
I see the community has the memory of a WORM BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH or something like that.

Just a few months ago everyone was complaining that HYBRIDS existed, and that archers could pick up every weapon "ooooooh pocket flamberge (Or Danish if someone points out the unsheathable thing) archers! Onoz that archer can carry a melee weapon that is unfair that he can melee and shoot!" And now you are surprised... that you got what you wantd?

Seriously, just accept the fact that you are all inferior people who don't know what you want (since you keep changing your minds) and give me all of your looms.
Acutally I was always in favour of hybrids.

Although the pocket flamberges was really fucked up (especially when there was no upkeep).

But seriously, the slot system fixed hybrids much better. Give us some love! And just because more archers would go for 50-100 wpf in a melee sidearm would reallly not be op. Ofc, bitches would still whine just because them personally have trouble beating someone with 50 wpf xD
This game isn't about being skillful as much as its about saying things in general chat that enrage people who then go to murder you but in their rage they make dumb mistakes which gets them killed.
In memory of Jarlek_zeh_Blue, ruler of Ilvia