I only gave it to you with such ferocity because you called Huey an uneducated, ignorant child because even though he is a minority living in California, he shouldn't DARE speak out against the glory of the CSA as seen in California's eyes. You said he didn't know enough about history to hold his arguments, so I went ahead and used cited, primary sources of the era to paint an example of the regional divides in Californian sentiment towards teh confederacy (they thought it was shit unless they owned slaves already) and just how generally bad the CSA was, because I agreed with Huey.
You went ahead and said "..it really wasn't about slavery.. it was states rights..". You deserve everything you get once you say that, for the sake of the 800,000 dead americans in the civil war, and the untold millions of blacks who have had their lives ruined for hundreds, hundreds of years because of the institution of slavery.
If being AGAINST SLAVERY is reasons for me to be deadminned, then deadmin me. Everything I do, I do for my country and my people.
No masters, no regrets. Freedom of speech, of expression, and since the Union won the civil war, freedom of you know.. actually existing.