Solution: use their banner XD
I feel ya though, this seems to happen a lot. Isn't actual ingame KD/R taken into account as well? I see people getting switched a lot when they're on top of the scoreboard.
Rarely in battle. Once the Initial First round is done, small changes like that are very rare.
Siege on the other hand, yes it WILL throw you off.
(IE: Occitan was playing in full plate etc and just STOMPING in the Kills department. Then finally the game said ok you guys good, have fun and put all occitan and some other vs a team that outnumbered them by close to 15 players, with DL on that Team. Occitan lost, pretty damn quick).
Also People aren't retiring, so the people who don't retire keep their KD's while those who Retire(or respec) get them reset back to 0. So I have propensity to be swapped as I hate the lvl 31+ players and always retire while several clan mates are going for their lvl 35 builds.