I would assume that this is for NA 100.
Please oh PLEASE dear god, ban Jason_The_Great. He has been trolling NA 100 for the past 3 or so hours. He had been warned a couple times by the Admin to stop, but once the admin left (and vote wasn't turned on) he continued. Not only did he insult clans, people, and sexualities, but he was team killing as well.
Unfortunately I wasn't smart enough to grab screen shots. BUT if you are able to find anyone who had been on the server for more than a couple min (between 12 am and 4 am (ish) [central]) you would know that everything - and more - of what I've said is true. One particular person would probably be best to corroborate this, it would be Literally_ZeroHour (I think he's in Literally). ZeroHour was more or less the focus of Jason's trolling.
In reality, nothing he said could/did hurt me. BUT I would like to think that the someone who continually calls another person a my old friend (bundle of sticks, etc.) should not be a part of the community.
He was down right insulting and a very poor person to play with (because of the TKing), if any more information is required I'll do my best. I don't know if this will work, BUT at the very least if he could be watched closer and on a shorter leash that would be great.
Thank you for your help in this matter.