I think RL people actually have the advantage, and the "no_lifers" only have the games... so who fucking cares.
Who fucking cares? Those of us who's main hobby (other than getting piss drunk with our friends at social events: bars, clubs, concerts, etc) is gaming but because of the sad fact of life grew up and so watched our free time dwindle down into single digit hours per week. I mean hell, I can spend an assload of cash on say racing, hunting, fishing, etc to gain advantages in those hobbies (and yet still have to use my own skill to actually succeed, albeit less so because of mechanical advantages bought and paid for) but not gaming? Well at least not in this mod. Most proper "MMO" style games don't seem to mind taking my cash to give me tangible benefits in their gaming world over the
worthless masses nolifers kids/ unemployed that put me back on an even ground compared to the time they spend in-game. In fact many of these games see the overall benefit to their company to do so and so implement online stores and such allowing me to bypass grind by buying a good weapon or armor. No better than what people can grind for, but on par with what they have to spend hours to obtain at least.
chadz. Implement real-world transactions for troops, strat gold and heirlooms and you can supplement your server costs and tuition/book fees for sure.

*In before anyone takes this too fucking serious. It's only a half-hearted/felt rant. Lighten up.*