i could say the same about "overcoming by simple HP+damage stats is a stupid concept. as long as two fighters hits 2 times eachother, the 9/30 wearing leather will die while the 30/9 wearing med-heavy armor will be at 80% hp"
btw WPF impact on swing speed is VERY VERY minimal. from 0 to 140 effective WPF, you gain ~10% weapon speed (i use the waltF4 tests to compare). so i suppose from 150 to 220 you gain another 5%. seems fine for someone with 3 powerstrike and 45hp. or not?
str build have 90hp, +80% melee damage, slow running speed, no armor/weapons difficulty restriction.
agi build have 45hp. +15% melee damage, fast running speed, armor/weapons difficulty restriction.
"Overcoming by hp/damage"
That was not my point.
I'm not talking about swing-for-swing-odds-are-that-that-person-will-win, I'm talking about a scenario where one guy would simply stand no chance because of flawed gamemechanics.
I never argued not to buff agi, I'm just saying that I don't think buffing swingspeed is the way, since mechannically possible spamming by means of simple weapon stats is bull. (Looking at steel pick and spammitar if swingspeed would increase).
Well you can glance due to character stats, getting spammed or glancing, it kinda falls in the same category. High agi builds glance, but high str builds do not get spammed. The wpf curve should be more linear, so the increased cost per proficiency point is higher than it is now in the lower numbers, and lower than it is now in the higher numbers.
High agi builds will get 200 wpf, high strength builds will get 80 wpf.
No it doesn't, there are ways of preventing glancing (turning into swings, speedbonus, headhit etc.), but if your opponent is simply so fast that you cannot strike back...? What you gonna do?
Even at lower levels and using a scythe I rarely glance nowadays.
Also, while I do agree agi needs a buff, nowhere ín the Holy Book of c-rpg Balance does it say that Str and Agi should be equal. The way I see it, Str is the "main" attribute of your character as it deals with the most basic stats (damage given, damage taken) while Agi is the "complementary" attribute, and the one that makes your character special and interesting to play with/against (governs specialized skills such as riding and shielding, also deals with the more subtle attributes of your character such as speed bonus damage, battlefield prescence, footwork, dodging arrows etc.)
Going for a high Str build will yield a character that is very powerful - but also very boring, slow and predictable. Going for a high Agi build will yield a character that is interesting, varied and tricky - but lacking raw power.
This is why I've always favoured balanced builds - enough power to be able to hurt, and enough agi to be able to do fun/tricky stuff (duel!).
...and imo, this is fine, BUT I feel that Agi currently give to little of a bonus to be, well, "viable". Once you hit the Agi levels where you can start doing real crazy shit, your character is already far too weak to be able to acomplish much useful.
Sorry for rant