Age44 [29]
Strength 20
Agility 15
One Handed 90
Two Handed 126
Polearm 1
Archery 1
Crossbow 1
Throwing 2 (no idea why it is 2

Available points: 1
Iron Flesh 6
Power Strike 6
Shield 5
Athletics 5
Riding 0
Horse Archery 0
Power Draw 0
Power Throw 0
Weapon Master 5
I put 6 str in the begin, then 3 agi, then 3 str, then 3 agi again.
The stratagy i used is the build it up with saving ability points, for example when i hit level 22 I got two ability points, wich i directly put in Iron Flesh and Power Strike (when it comes available at 21) Then I'll put 3 points in agi again, so when I hit level 24 shield, athletics and WM are available again i got 3 points to spend it right away. This way I didn't convert any atribute points or skill points.
I know have a very stable and balanced character that can tank very good with a huscarl shield and a 1h, or go rampaging with a 2h. Or I could do a twist of both with a 1h, a heavy round shield and a Great Axe.
As for my armour, i have two sets too, for using a tank build I use Nikolskoe helmet, Mail shirt, Mail mittens, Mail boots. Champ Nord sword, huscarl shield
For my 2h buil I use a Nordic warlord helmet, Kuyak, Rus Cavalery boots, leather gloves. And Great axe (purely for the good looks and more athletics)