I've got light kuyak and 3+ wisbys, 2IF and 15str, at medium/long range I never get oneshot, by never I mean NEVER, at point blank its either oneshot or 0-10% hp left, yeah you are simply forgetting the distance and also, with 145+ wpf in archery you can be more than sufficently accurate with -9.9 weight armor, also onehittin players in black armor is either extreme bad luck+speedbonus or plain bullshit, in plate you end up with 25-45% hp pretty much at every distance.
I got 3+ bolts and 3+ arba and on long distance i dont even oneshoot low armored (low armoured is everything below lamellar) running AT me.
and again. on long and middle range, xbows have a huge disadvantage, kill wise, compared to bows. If I manage to hit someone, he doesnt die and before I reload he got cover. bowman on the other hand manage to land 2 or 3 shots in this time, beeing able to actually kill him (if skilled)
furthermore, bow men get the "learning" advantage. if they shoot and the shot misses, the have 2 or more new chances to actually hit the target and can adjust the new shots with the experience gained from the first shot.
xbowmen on the other hand mostly have "first" shots all the time and no learning advantage (in most cases, obviously not in all) and therefore a lot of "blind" shots
this finally gives xbow men save hits (and therefore the huge advantage compared to bowmen) only when the target is standing still on middle or close range or it is running straight at you.
on some battle rounds, I get to fire not even half of my bolts.
this again makes other xbow men, when they reloading my prime targets. furthermore only new/unskilled bowmen get killed by xbow men easily and dumb infantry running straight at me, even though they see me aiming at them