Basic logo/banner idea:
Welcome all. Are you fed up of a traditional team structure? Leaders you don't get on with or an atmosphere that kills your buzz? Do you just want a group of friendly like minded people to play public and/or Strategus with? Like the Greek theme or never had a clan before but have the maturity and patience to learn? If any of these appeal to you then chances our we might be right for you, but read on first.
Dammit I want answers Griffin, and I want them sooner rather than later1.
What is the plan? Basically we are going to form a fairly small unit for both public and strategus with the potential intention to be absorbed as an independent unit into a larger faction - more people to talk to, bigger strategus fights and general good times. Unless of course this strangely went big swiftly (doubted).
Leadership structure? This is where is gets slightly more interesting. I'm not particularly interested in playing the big man so I propose a kind of senate style whereby everyone who is a full member has equal leadership rights, most likely votes on courses of action so forth. If this turns out to fail epically we will appoint certain members to do certain jobs sticking as close as possible to an everyone is equal policy.
Basic restrictions? -18+ (maturity level considered for under 18s of course). -No one who intends to cause trouble with others. -People who like to have a laugh is a must, but not to the point of trolling (relating to maturity). -Microphone is a must.
-Want to work together with a close knit team -Don't mind people swearing over voice comms
-Willing to use unusual classes such as Hoplites, Peltists.
Gear restrictions? Round shields obviously, spears of all kinds are encouraged including throwing, short swords, no knightly armour or ninja/samurai/plate etc. Not really settled on a look yet but have a few ideas in mind others can be the judge of and suggest their own.
What is with this massively out of period theme? Well we already have some Romans so I didn't want to make another legion. The ancient Greeks are an interesting people. The gear looks pretty good. It's fun to use classes typically considered underwhelming.
Are you RPing or can I? I won't be pretending I'm a Greek but each to their own, if you want to you can so long as others don't start to get annoyed.
You are aware that a Phalanx was traditionally a large unit? Yes.
Phalanx & GearThe Basic Idea: A small unit of troops well equipped to act as a support unit for a main line of infantry or to go on separate tasks. Heavily shielded and with a combination of javelins/spears/short swords and the usual ranged suspects we will focus on staying together and well protected.
Example builds:
Thrower / 1H & Shield: 21 STR /15 ATH | 7 PS / 5 ATH / 5 Shield / 5 WM/ 7 PT | 110/110 wpf throwing/1 handed.
Balanced Thrower: 18 STR /18 ATH | 6 PS / 5 ATH / 6 Shield / 6 WM / 6 PT | 124/115 throwing/1h or 1h/throwing.
Hoplite: 21 STR /15 ATH | 7 PS / 7 IF / 5 Shield / 5 WM / 5 ATH | WPF either balanced or unbalanced towards 1h / Polearm.
Greek Archer: Completely your own choice, but we recommend fast archers that can stick with the group. Plain round shield and Cav shield [2 Shield skill] or the round shield [1 Shield skill] are all decent options that won't cost you many skill points.
Most builds are accepted as long as you can hold some sort of round shield, we are easy going just Greek it up a bit. The shield is fairly important though so we can maintain a Phalanx if need be. Throwing spear like weapons are encouraged so we can break charges.
GearHelmets: Khergit cavalry helmet. Spiked Helmet,
Rus Helmet. Khergit guard helmet.
Armour Leather armour.
Ragged Outfit.
Lamellar armour.
Byrnie. Rus Scale. Red mail with surcoat (if you must).
Shields: ANY round shield
Spears: War spear. Shortened spear. Light lance. Red tassle. Awlpike. Spear. Bamboo spear. Long spears of all variety. Boar spear.
Throwing weapons: Jarids. Throwing spears. Throwing lance. Javelins.
Swords Anything with 'Short Sword' in preferably the
Broad Short Sword.
The ones in bold just represent gear we are currently favouring, not definitive choices as that will be up to everyone in the unit.
Strategus & DiplomacyWe will be active in Strategus as soon as more members join. But the possibility of becoming an autonomous unit within a larger clan is likely so we have more activity in strategus and also more people to talk and play cRPG with.
Diplomacy wise: Currently totally neutral, Switzerland baby.
Code of conduct: We will contact people we intend to attack to arrange a suitable time and avoid early morning attacks. We prefer to have as minimal amount of non-battles as possible so priority attacks will be those with equipment. Generally we will try to be fair... but not stupid.
Contact Info & Members Teamspeak IP: Nditions -- Phalanx --
Banner: To be made.
The perfect joke to finish the thread, and simultaneously making you want to join and pee your pantaloons: To be invented.
Making this thread not look like crap: Profit?
No one wanting to join this unit: Priceless Steam: Or leave a message here/pm and I will be in touch.
Members: Equal Leaders:
Phalanx_Sharpe (SimonQuayle87 on steam) Phalanx_Gendry (Sharpes ALT)
Phalanx_Brothers (Fallen_Ramses ALT).
Phalanx_Decimator_MkII [MadCapKatana on forums] Phalanx_ReVeLaTioN (Decimators ALT)
Phalanx_Theodorick (NA)