Those who seek revenge are not just taking revenge on that one guy who probably just killed them by mistake but the whole team who are less likely to win the round because of it.
So, taking revenge is just as bad as teamkilling someone on purpose as it hurts the team just as much.
Killing a friendly horse is a very bad move as well and may very well lead to a loss instead of a win for the team.
Animal abusers deserves no respect.
Btw, I remember I teamkilled you and you instantly slashed my horse to death round after.
So great job Nuffen.
No enemies were around, the last enemy who was around, was a samurai clad lancer who I killed, I then proceeded to kill the rouncy she rode and after doing so, immediately I'm killed by the said teamkiller, no enemies were around, it was also near the end of the round.
I've been accidently team killed many times, I've done nothing to the players who done so and even said no problem, discredit me if you wish, I don't exactly class you as someone I've ever had a problem with up until this post.
Suddenly killing an enemies horse, which was called by a team mate without a horse is suddenly something deemed bannable over an intentional teamkill, how screwed up can you get huh?
I believe the actions taken but nuffen to be nothing more but an elaboration on his desire to take action against people he personally holds grudges against, how can such a twisted judgement, ignoring an intentional teamkiller and banning someone for defending themself, be accepted on a server as prominent as EU1?
Remember riddaren I wasn't banned for killing a horse, and apparently you condone him team attacking me, in response for me attacking the called horse, you're condoning team attacking, is your judgement really rational?