I don't know from where you are, but what I will say applies to EU servers (the overall population has less str and more agi, so more ath than in NA, resulting in weapon reaches being more important, among other differences).
I forgot to mention that the german poleaxe isn't that good, at least in terms of popularity. Short weapons like that have to be faster in order to be good (like the elegant poleaxe or bec).
The long war axe is a good and cheap alternative but 1 damage and 3 reach points are more important than only 1 speed with weapons that long (for example you can outreach elegant poleaxes with a GLA if you have more ath, however it's way more difficult with a long war axe).
The great bardiche is a 2h weapon, I guess you meant the long bardiche. Again, played accordingly 15 reach are going to win fights more often than 2 speed. At 89 speed the weapon is slow anyway.
Those two are good choices if you really want to save up money, but honestly the main power of polearms are their reach which make them very good group fight weapons. In terms of actual reach (with the animations), the long war axe isn't much longer than a long 1h.