Author Topic: nerfed archer again  (Read 33834 times)

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Re: nerfed archer again
« Reply #195 on: January 20, 2011, 12:47:32 am »
Despite all this whining the servers are still packed with archers like usual so maybe the nerf wasn't so bad after wall, was it?

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Re: nerfed archer again
« Reply #196 on: January 20, 2011, 12:49:28 am »
Despite all this whining the servers are still packed with archers like usual so maybe the nerf wasn't so bad after wall, was it?

Despite whining archers still do just fine.
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Re: nerfed archer again
« Reply #197 on: January 20, 2011, 12:54:03 am »
Explain to me why should archers be so privileged that they don't need melee weapons like other ranged classes.


crossbow ... dont need any PD so they can easily get PS

thrower .... they need like 80 wpf and are mostly STR build so they can easily spend point on PS

Archer .....  need PD and high wpf to be efficient wich mean you dont have point to waste in anything else then PD WM and some athletic

I'm fine with the archer atm had to change playstyle but its still somehow efficient.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 12:55:13 am by forgivers »
Actually, it's because I love playing archer, and I like it to be special.
Sad !

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Re: nerfed archer again
« Reply #198 on: January 20, 2011, 12:56:23 am »
maybe some1 can explain to him what mean Pure ?

anyway i'm not gimping my char with 0 PS i would actualy gimp him if i did put some PS

again if you like playing an hybrid that cool but you need to stop your BS

Oh my god :D

I get flashbacks from the 'get a shield' argument that has been overused by archers since the dawn of time. Well get some powerstrike you damn tool. Unless you are building a horse-archer you will have spare points that you can put into powerstrike. And instead of getting 170 wpf in archery, what about just getting 166 and lots of points into 2h/pole?  :rolleyes:

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Re: nerfed archer again
« Reply #199 on: January 20, 2011, 01:03:48 am »
Oh my god :D

I get flashbacks from the 'get a shield' argument that has been overused by archers since the dawn of time. Well get some powerstrike you damn tool. Unless you are building a horse-archer you will have spare points that you can put into powerstrike. And instead of getting 170 wpf in archery, what about just getting 166 and lots of points into 2h/pole?  :rolleyes:

Yeah no shit.

Want to melee more efficiently?  Then fucking build your character right.  My archer has:
STR: 15
AGI: 22

PS: 5
PD: 5
Ath: 7
WM: 7

Archery: 150 wpf
2her: 100 wpf

My reticule is nice and tight, my khergit+bodkins can kill plated guys when they show up (1 headshot, or a few body shots) and I am perfectly capable in melee.

So in other words:  Get some PS or accept that your "pure" archer gets assraped in melee because you built him to get assraped in melee.  There's really no logical reason not to hybrid, if only even a little, in order to maximize your overall character effectiveness.
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Re: nerfed archer again
« Reply #200 on: January 20, 2011, 01:12:29 am »
Despite all this whining the servers are still packed with archers like usual so maybe the nerf wasn't so bad after wall, was it?

What nerf the only thing I really noticed on my archer is that my bodkins hurt 7 instead of 8 and my arrows fly a tiny bit slower.

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Re: nerfed archer again
« Reply #201 on: January 20, 2011, 01:19:03 am »
I think chadz is trying to find the fine balance where only archers are playing archers without making them only playable by the sado-maso archers.  :wink:
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Re: nerfed archer again
« Reply #202 on: January 20, 2011, 01:34:22 am »

At level 23, my archer is at PD5 and 125 wpf, which is enough to be decently accurate and get kills.  I've even topped the scoreboard for multiple consecutive rounds on a couple occassions, mainly with arrow kills. 

I'm also PS5 with 74 wpf in one-hand.  With a mere warhammer and no shield, I was far from helpless in a fair fight.  I could get kills before ever getting close to an enemy, soften people up before they can reach me, take out cav easier than I did with my polearm/shield/thrower.

FFS my very first round at level 1 with this character I went 2-0 just by standing on a rooftop and spamming with a hunting bow and bodkin arrows.  Yes, it was lucky, but that's the point.  No other class can stay completely away from the fight and get a positive score on pure fucking luck.

I also made tons and tons of money compared to my other character, because I only needed a couple expensive pieces of equipment.

Archery is so easy and offers way too much reward for how easy it is.  So little effort and risk involved compared to every other class.  It just doesn't make any sense to play any other type of character.

Ok, I will say one thing in the interest of fairness, at risk of sounding like I'm stroking my own ego.  I've been playing snipers in FPS games since the Future vs Fantasy mod for Quake 1 back in 1996.  You wouldn't think being forced to lead your aim is so horrible if you ever played on a 28.8 modem before the invention of client-side prediction.  Archery in this game is nothing to me, so perhaps I'm not the best judge.

And being a "pure" archer is a challenge you intentionally impose on yourself.  You can't complain about the outcome.  You're choosing to invest massive amounts of points for a very very small increase in archery ability.  You could take some of those points to make yourself capable in melee, and probably not even notice the hit to your archery.  What are you doing with your extra skill points, anyway?  Are you only spending one skill point on an actual skill per 3 levels, and boosting your stats with the other two? I maxed out power strike, weapon master, power draw, and athletics for my level, and still had points left over for stat boosts.  I don't understand why you can't.  I also don't understand why you can't leave off 5 wpf in archery for 50 wpf in melee.

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Re: nerfed archer again
« Reply #203 on: January 20, 2011, 01:40:18 am »

At level 23, my archer is at PD5 and 125 wpf, which is enough to be decently accurate and get kills.  I've even topped the scoreboard for multiple consecutive rounds on a couple occassions, mainly with arrow kills. 

I'm also PS5 with 74 wpf in one-hand.  With a mere warhammer and no shield, I was far from helpless in a fair fight.  I could get kills before ever getting close to an enemy, soften people up before they can reach me, take out cav easier than I did with my polearm/shield/thrower.

FFS my very first round at level 1 with this character I went 2-0 just by standing on a rooftop and spamming with a hunting bow and bodkin arrows.  Yes, it was lucky, but that's the point.  No other class can stay completely away from the fight and get a positive score on pure fucking luck.

I also made tons and tons of money compared to my other character, because I only needed a couple expensive pieces of equipment.

Archery is so easy and offers way too much reward for how easy it is.  So little effort and risk involved compared to every other class.  It just doesn't make any sense to play any other type of character.

Ok, I will say one thing in the interest of fairness, at risk of sounding like I'm stroking my own ego.  I've been playing snipers in FPS games since the Future vs Fantasy mod for Quake 1 back in 1996.  You wouldn't think being forced to lead your aim is so horrible if you ever played on a 28.8 modem before the invention of client-side prediction.  Archery in this game is nothing to me, so perhaps I'm not the best judge.

And being a "pure" archer is a challenge you intentionally impose on yourself.  You can't complain about the outcome.  You're choosing to invest massive amounts of points for a very very small increase in archery ability.  You could take some of those points to make yourself capable in melee, and probably not even notice the hit to your archery.  What are you doing with your extra skill points, anyway?  Are you only spending one skill point on an actual skill per 3 levels, and boosting your stats with the other two? I maxed out power strike, weapon master, power draw, and athletics for my level, and still had points left over for stat boosts.  I don't understand why you can't.  I also don't understand why you can't leave off 5 wpf in archery for 50 wpf in melee.

Pure luck at a distance, any ranged can do so, it's not just archers.

I know what you mean by archery being easy, good thing it's not straight forward for the regular CSS/CoD player.

And who goes pure archer these days? much more worth it to invest in a side arm. I shift your athletics to riding and horse archery, 1h to polearms and i can play slow archer, horse archer, lancer cavalry and slow polearmist on the ground. This slow is relative only Really damaing on land speed.
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Offline SalmonGod

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Re: nerfed archer again
« Reply #204 on: January 20, 2011, 02:02:13 am »
Pure luck at a distance, any ranged can do so, it's not just archers.

No.  It's just archers.  Crossbows also to an extent, but their reload requirements are enough of a disadvantage to make up for it.  Archers have no equivalent disadvantage.  They can move fire move fire move fire move fire.

And there is no way in hell I could have done the same thing with a thrower.  Thrower is way more inaccurate and shorter distance.  I was on that town map where one side spawns on a bridge and runs onto land and can either go straight into town or left along the shore.  I stood on that roof and engaged in archer battles with two different archers who were standing just beyond the bridge where they spawn.  Over that distance, I could land 1 in every 3 or 4 arrows exactly where I intended it.  Throwing rocks, I would have never hit anything at that distance.  Standing on that roof, I would have been putting all of my time into dodging arrows and offering no pressure on the enemy in return.  If I did hit, I would do no comparable damage.  If I moved to the ground, I simply would have been chewed up like the peasant I was.

Only archer.

And who goes pure archer these days?

forgivers, apparently, which is who those comments were directed to.

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Re: nerfed archer again
« Reply #205 on: January 20, 2011, 02:11:48 am »
Having WPF in melee seems rather pointless as an archer from my experience.  I kill maybe 3-5 more people with an elegant poleaxe compared to the war cleaver but I believe that's much more due to the fact that the poleaxe is a bigger weapon (and a much better turtle shell opener).  My 93 points in polearms I don't think helps all that much, makes me regret having only 136 points in archery because people keep stating there is a greener pasture at 150.

But I definitely do recommend getting powerstrike.  There's more than enough points to go around if you planned right and when I can finally retire I think I will definitely try some variant of Gorath's build.

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Re: nerfed archer again
« Reply #206 on: January 20, 2011, 02:33:48 am »
Having WPF in melee seems rather pointless as an archer from my experience.  I kill maybe 3-5 more people with an elegant poleaxe compared to the war cleaver but I believe that's much more due to the fact that the poleaxe is a bigger weapon (and a much better turtle shell opener).  My 93 points in polearms I don't think helps all that much, makes me regret having only 136 points in archery because people keep stating there is a greener pasture at 150.

But I definitely do recommend getting powerstrike.  There's more than enough points to go around if you planned right and when I can finally retire I think I will definitely try some variant of Gorath's build.

I've tried them both and i can definetly tell you that wpf in 2handed is a lot more worth it than wpf in polearms, if you don't plan in going much over the 100s. I was pole, then 2h and with the patch i got pole again and i can assure you my morningstar ranked up more kills than my glaive. Maybe it's because it is a glaive and not a stronger weapon but the morningstar is awesome on horseback. On foot i used the bar mace, pre patch. Helped because there were tincans everywhere.
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Re: nerfed archer again
« Reply #207 on: January 20, 2011, 03:45:46 am »
So many bad trolls ITT. At least I hope some of you are trolls because if not there's no hope for you.

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Re: nerfed archer again
« Reply #208 on: January 20, 2011, 07:08:02 am »
I really can understand Players ho make an pure Archer with 0 PS its because they do a lot of Damage with there Bow so they need just a Couple of shots for Heavy armored guys!!

My Archer build atm is:

Level: 29

Strength: 18

Two Handed:59


The biggest Fail the meely guys do on distance is they dident watch were the arrows arrive!
In an Archer to Archer Fight the enemy archer gets nearly 0% hits on me if i watching his arrows than its really easy to avoid the arrows at distance!

The Biggest Fail the Meely guys do at close Combat is they have no shield and go for Archers by there own and mostly the Archer is on a Higher Position like them so they slower too!Yes the first 4 or 5 Arrows they can avoid with running Zick Zack but a good archer will hit them later or earlier!The most people in this Game are soo Kill hungry that they dont think about wat they do!

If someone arrives with a shield and some of my Teammates are somewhere i just runn to them to keep him busy in that Time i go slowly behind his shield shot kill bam!

Actually the Players in this Game acting more and more for there own less Team play i can see that by my own Team too!!
Just need to Concentrate for some long distance shots in that time my Team rushes without warning into the Enemy Teams direction ergo i am left alone 2 enemy's close bam i am dead!

The Problem with many Archers at the Servers is if three archers shoot on you than maybe you cant avoid all Arrows but 1 Archer at distance you need to be an noob to get hit by em!

If you are in meele Fight than than 1 Archer can be really be a danger than thats our Plan you are busy now i will kill you!

Also with the 10Eu sell from Mount & Blade Warband many new Players are in this Game so many new Archers have arrived and now they are Archer until they are Lvl 31 and can Retire!

All the Times i am on a Server the Question is dropped "is it worth to retire at lvl 31?" and every time the ans where is "yes you get Bonuses" so Players dont make a new Char they are now Archers and will it be until they Reach Lvl 31 or Quit the Game!
« Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 07:18:16 am by Beleidiger »

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Re: nerfed archer again
« Reply #209 on: January 20, 2011, 12:24:31 pm »
i find the native archers pretty balanced
maybe take a look there ..?

also i came to the understanding that on this mod, archers are simply not allowed to be of any threat  so, I admit I am doing this a little too late, just moved to a nice native server where from time to time i get to play HA (a real HA not the gimped class  you have over here) sometimes I go cav, sometimes archer, but funny enough , never 1/2 H and guess what I'm having tons of fun (similar to what i used to have in this mod in the beginning).