Splitting hairs here, but what Gorath is saying
What? :Nevermind, missed the other guy referencing my post. What I was saying is that strafing out of the way only works on cav that are AFK (pressed couche lance and then LEFT the computer) or braindead/have no aiming skill. Even going directly in front of the horse, which used to be the "safe zone" (though you still got ran over) gets you lanced by any half decent cav now. The only defense is to:
Kill the horse first
attempt a jumpslash and hope it works first
block down (unless they're couching)
Use a shield
Hope there's cover such as a building corner, tree, etc and then pray that their lance model doesn't just go through the tree/corner/etc like everything else does and still kill you.
But strafing? I have yet to see a person that has figured out how to bind sprint to a key in order to do it on command so they can strafe out of the way without a decent cav making the smallest of course/aim corrections and still lance thrusting the dude.