Author Topic: Open Field Battle  (Read 27030 times)

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Re: Open Field Battle
« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2011, 01:48:24 am »
Welcome to the world of new strategus, where the only way to win is to hack your opponent and abuse spawning glitches.

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a sperglord spawn camping you, forever.
Please explain this "glitch" kind sir.

chadz purposely changed spawning to: defenders spawn first (used to me 60 secs) with a delay before attackers spawn.

chadz purposely changed spawning to one at a time once every second instead of all each 3 secs

The map was small and we went forward in a coordinated mass and attacked your troops--fault for Tydeus for attacking us there =)

We routed your army, capped your spawn, and hunted down the rest.

We can't help that some of your members got the no equip bug (which has always been around in strat, happens to everyone) or they were too stupid to chose equip they could use--we played well and won.  Sorry you didn't do the same!  Better luck next time old chap, that's the nature of video games, war, and well about everything else I can think of.  Have a jolly good day.

Now lastly--the new spawn system is rather silly imo--I've said that about the several BRD vs Merc battles I attended.  But until then, tally ho!
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<abearirl>crtlaltdel shut up | you are the worst | sperglord | i hate you so much | if i could ban goatee or ban you | i'd ban you
<Wylker|work>man if i was locked in a bunker with einstein, stalin, and CtrlAltDelete and had a gun with only 2 bullets | I'd shoot CtrlAltDelete twice

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Re: Open Field Battle
« Reply #16 on: July 30, 2011, 01:50:19 am »
I'm not usually one to point this out but I think the comment should be made:

EDIT:  I suggest no more comments be made before the video is posted.  There's no use to hearsay when better evidence is [almost] available.

You know if LLJK members are so many of the terrible things you say they are wouldn't it be easy for someone of such obviously inferred superiority to actually respond and refute their points? Interesting how rarely that actually happens in lieu of simply posting the clan tag and taking a shortcut around forming coherent thoughts. I wish i could finish all my debates by simply walking over to someone and repeating their organizational attachments over and over again.

Actually, i don't cause i find it pretty simple to actually back up what i say.

Offline Nasturtium

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Re: Open Field Battle
« Reply #17 on: July 30, 2011, 01:55:12 am »
  +1 While I do see your point, If you had encountered the backhanded and disreputable tactics used by the goons in other games, you might be hesitant to defend them, even when its justified. Believe me, in hindsight this will seem like crocidile tears.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2011, 02:00:59 am by Nasturtium »

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Re: Open Field Battle
« Reply #18 on: July 30, 2011, 01:56:45 am »
You know if LLJK members are so many of the terrible things you say they are wouldn't it be easy for someone of such obviously inferred superiority to actually respond and refute their points? Interesting how rarely that actually happens in lieu of simply posting the clan tag and taking a shortcut around forming coherent thoughts. I wish i could finish all my debates by simply walking over to someone and repeating their organizational attachments over and over again.

Actually, i don't cause i find it pretty simple to actually back up what i say.

I normally do exactly what you're talking about.  But when somebody makes doomsday premonitions on a street corner, occupying attention only by virtue of their location and volume, and when we've almost every reason to believe they're false (because of their easily demonstrable absurdity), then we say to the children passing by, "ignore the crazy man - people have been saying such things for thousands of years and many of them have been wacko to begin with."  It was a point made in jest - something I thought I could get away with because it was so silly to start with.

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Re: Open Field Battle
« Reply #19 on: July 30, 2011, 01:57:58 am »
I'm starting to think that chadz invented Strategus because he could not find any more worthwhile soap operas to watch...
I'm not normal and I don't pretend so, my approach is pretty much a bomb crescendo.
Death is a fun way to pass the time though, several little bullets moving in staccato.
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Offline Nasturtium

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Re: Open Field Battle
« Reply #20 on: July 30, 2011, 01:59:48 am »
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Re: Open Field Battle
« Reply #21 on: July 30, 2011, 02:00:31 am »
I'm starting to think that chadz invented Strategus because he could not find any more worthwhile soap operas to watch...

No he didn't.

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Re: Open Field Battle
« Reply #22 on: July 30, 2011, 02:04:41 am »
I'm not usually one to point this out but I think the comment should be made:

EDIT:  I suggest no more comments be made before the video is posted.  There's no use to hearsay when better evidence is [almost] available.

Stop the ad hominem attacks and go ahead and actually try and defend what has happened in the last two weeks. LLJK was hacked and lost two armies, and now apparently it's possible to win a battle before one side even spawns. But, oh "LLJK LOL THOSE my old friendS", best argument you've got, I guess.
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Offline Diomedes

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Re: Open Field Battle
« Reply #23 on: July 30, 2011, 02:11:13 am »
try and defend what has happened in the last two weeks.

This is not what I was responding to.  Here's a more direct and humourless response to your original post:

Welcome to the world of new strategus, where (1) the only way to win is to hack your opponent and (2) abuse spawning glitches.

If you want a (3) picture of the future, imagine a sperglord spawn camping you, forever.

1) Many battles have been won without hacks.  I've participated in a few, on both the winning and losing sides.

2) As the video will show almost the entire dfc team had spawned by the time ATS were half way to their spawn.

3) It's an invalid picture to posit considering there's a dedicated team of developers who spend their time correcting bugs, unfairness, and imbalance in cRPG. 
« Last Edit: July 30, 2011, 02:12:29 am by Diomedes »

Offline Ylca

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Re: Open Field Battle
« Reply #24 on: July 30, 2011, 02:12:33 am »
I normally do exactly what you're talking about.  But when somebody makes doomsday premonitions on a street corner, occupying attention only by virtue of their location and volume, and when we've almost every reason to believe they're false (because of their easily demonstrable absurdity), then we say to the children passing by, "ignore the crazy man - people have been saying such things for thousands of years and many of them have been wacko to begin with."  It was a point made in jest - something I thought I could get away with because it was so silly to start with.

Would you mind pointing out what's crazy about pointing out that:

1. Taking weeks for multiple people to raise 1K to 2K armies and having their battles finish in 5 minutes or less is not in any way fun.
2. Many strategus battles have suffered from glitches.
3. Many strategus battles have suffered from hacking incidents.

I find pointing out problems with a game that we are supposedly beta testing to be within the exact spirit of what were here for. I will say that I do however hear one constant repetition, it's that when any LLJK member points out anything of any substance at all it's suddenly "ignore the trolls" but when LLJK is actually trolling people trip all over themselves to engage in the "He said, She said" "No you" in a heartbeat.

Like i said, finishing debate by organizational inference is an incredibly low point in honest discussion. I'm surprised that someone hasn't pointed this out before, this is middle school level tactics here and i was under the impression we were all at least a certain level of maturity, no matter what our difference in the game may be.

e: I just read the post you made above this one. So your problem is actually simply that you don't understand hyperbole? Has it ever occured to you that a frustrated player might make a bit of an overstatement but still be referring to valid issues? Did you really think the best first option was to say "nope the whole thing is crazy" and sweep it all under the rug? I find it hard to imagine some of you having conversations in real life:

 "Oh man she was a whale!"
"Why would you be at a bar with a whale, whales are aquatic mammals".

Seriously though, playing semantics games only works when people don't notice what you're doing.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2011, 02:16:30 am by Ylca »

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Re: Open Field Battle
« Reply #25 on: July 30, 2011, 02:15:55 am »
I'll take these one at a time, because based on my past experience with you, you're not very smart so I don't want to overwhelm you.

Please explain this "glitch" kind sir.

Not all attackers were spawned when defenders reached their spawn. There is supposed to be a spawn protection system in place to prevent this.

chadz purposely changed spawning to: defenders spawn first (used to me 60 secs) with a delay before attackers spawn.

chadz purposely changed spawning to one at a time once every second instead of all each 3 secs

Instead of confusing you more, I'll direct you to the previous point.

The map was small and we went forward in a coordinated mass and attacked your troops--fault for Tydeus for attacking us there =)

Random plains. If mechanics aren't going to support small maps, there should be no small maps

We routed your army, capped your spawn, and hunted down the rest.

I'm not sure you know what routed means, I'll give you a helpful link:

We can't help that some of your members got the no equip bug (which has always been around in strat, happens to everyone) or they were too stupid to chose equip they could use--we played well and won.  Sorry you didn't do the same!  Better luck next time old chap, that's the nature of video games, war, and well about everything else I can think of.  Have a jolly good day.

The best thing about spergy douche bags on the internet is how :smug: they get when they think something went their way. If you think game breaking mechanics are something cool to brag about on forums then more power to you, but I think you'll regret being such a stupid cunt about it in the near future.

Now lastly--the new spawn system is rather silly imo--I've said that about the several BRD vs Merc battles I attended.  But until then, tally ho!

What kind of weird backpedaling is this? You can't say "I don't like this mechanic, but I'm going to gloat about abusing it".

Well, maybe you personally can.

Offline Nasturtium

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Re: Open Field Battle
« Reply #26 on: July 30, 2011, 02:19:43 am »
You are not a very nice young man are you?.....

Since you are quoting definitions from Wiki and calling people names here is a link you might enjoy.

Etiquette (play /ˈɛtɨkɛt/ or /ˈɛtɨkɪt/, French: [e.ti.kɛt]) is a code of behavior that delineates expectations for social behavior according to contemporary conventional norms within a society, social class, or group. The French word étiquette, literally signifying a tag or label first appeared in English around 1750.[1]

  Also covered in that article are "manners"
« Last Edit: July 30, 2011, 02:24:03 am by Nasturtium »

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Re: Open Field Battle
« Reply #27 on: July 30, 2011, 02:29:31 am »
In a discussion of precise game bugs, modification, and imbalance there isn't room for argumentative comments so saturated in hyperbole.  Here's a response to [what I discern as] the non-hyperbolic intent behind the original comment.

1) Yeah, it sucks when people hack - but that doesn't seem relevant in this particular case.  Until stronger evidence is produced than a half-dozen players without armour, especially when it's a known bug, this point is without a significant base.  If there are other demonstrable cases of hacking, as seems to be the case, they are not relevant to the discussion of this battle.

2) As the video will show almost the entire dfc team had spawned by the time ATS were half way to their spawn.

3) So what you're saying is that things aren't perfect as they are now?  Okay, got me there.

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Re: Open Field Battle
« Reply #28 on: July 30, 2011, 02:33:26 am »
Everyone needs to stop acting like every post not in agreement with their own post is a personal attack on them. Relax.

The new spawning mechanics are kind of dumb. I really see no reason what so ever why both teams shouldn't spawn every player right off the bat. I like the idea of future spawns being in clusters of 3 or something instead of giant groups like before.

What is the intended effect for not having both teams start with all spawns? It seems like a solution to a problem that didn't exist.

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Re: Open Field Battle
« Reply #29 on: July 30, 2011, 02:47:14 am »
TBH strategus seems to bugged to actually care about atm.

I think from now on im just gunna deal with administration, dtay out of the drama and hate and wait for the new strat.

Theres no way this one can be allowed to roll on so i dont think its worth getting all shitty with each other over.