edit: For that matter, 5 masks total are even in the game at all. And for a game that features heavily on the western armors and weapons, the porportions are imbalanced with 3-2 east-west.
Lets take this even one step further. There are 131 headpieces available. 7, thats right 7, are Eastern (not just eastern, but specifically japanese).
So with 125 western items, and 7 eastern....
having 3 of the 7 be war masks, and only TWO from out of 124 other items available from the west are helmets with face masks for visors...... TWO
Unless you are a complete moron or just dont understand math or the particulars of the english language I happen to be using, the conclusion is obvious
My original post about wanting to see more MASKS (not visors, veils, or face coverings) was EXACTLY what I wished to convey.
I want more facemasks in this game. I dont even want them all attached to helmets.
I even think it is a damn shame I cant use the japanese demon mask without the Samurai helm having to be attached to it.
Wearing just a mask would be cool.
Having multiple visor types, including face molds or animal faces, available for the plate helms would also be awesome.
Please think about your next reply to ANYONE before the next time you just blithely respond without actually looking to see what the hell you are talking about. A blantant troll is one thing, but an ignorant troll is just frustrating.