In a climatic battle today, the fearsome hordes of xKHANx, who had been plaguing the Sarranid desert with their endless banditry were put to rest by those endless champions for justice, BIRD CLAN. Let their deaths among the Sarranid sand be a lesson to all those who would prey on the innocent, or rob the weak, or take annoying egomaniacs unto their breast.
The xKHANx took the field under their great war leader Ylca, known for his unbeatable strategies and keen tactical insight. Though the great horde was numberless, they were weak and womanlike in battle, and the proud soldiers of BIRD CLAN put them to flight and destroyed the entire host.
The Great Warlord of BIRD CLAN, LORD BADPLAYER THE MIGHTY AND VERILE, appealed to his enemies in an act of his infinite mercy and asked the Khans to give up their wicked ways and denounce the villain Ylca, to turn over his ill-gotten gains - his stolen gold, his purloined heirlooms, the great volumes of strategy he had written of his bloody victories.
But the Khans were arrogant, and were destroyed.
In brightest day, in blackest night,
No evil shall escape my sight
Let those who worship evil's might,
Beware my power... BIRD CLAN AFLIGHT!