I would like to be an admin on NA. I have plenty of experience as an admin on servers, as I was one of the few admins on the ATS community servers who DIDN'T have tons of hate threads.
My secret is simple: I maintain the philosophy that any action I take as an admin should only be taken after asking the question: "Is what I'm about to do going to improve this game environment as a whole?"
I think that is what admins are for, simply to maintain the integrity of the gaming environment in order to facilitate the population's continued enjoyment.
I don't think people should be banned when a verbal warning will suffice for correcting the behavior. I think that verbal warnings go a long way without damaging the population or general fun of a server, and so I issue verbal warnings generously. I only resort to mechanical methods of punishment(mute, kick, ban) when others fail. I also believe that bans should be a relatively rare thing that only happens when people fail to respond positively to lower tier action.
EDIT: I also work 3rd shift, so I play at times when there normally isn't an admin around(early morning).