Author Topic: Revert the 2h nerf, change it to poles instead  (Read 1579 times)

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Re: Revert the 2h nerf, change it to poles instead
« Reply #15 on: July 14, 2011, 10:49:15 pm »
The lolstab was too fast. Hell, you could machinegun it. 2h is fine as it is, why even bring this up.

As said, I'm NOT proposing a speed increase on the stab, just a small damage increase as I find the 2h to be glancing alot more than other weapon types (yes, they have massive range, but I still think a small dmg increase would be justified).

Both 2h and Poles were too powerful and they nerfed both of em hard. (No more 52 cut damage axes  :cry:)
2h is still deadly if you use it right.So as polearm why do you suggest it ?

Because these are my observations from playing the game, not an atempt at lobbying for my class  :rolleyes:

Polearms really needed a nerf.  I used skip the fun to make a polearm character and found myself laughing at how easy it is.  They need to start by giving all poleaxes, bardiches and long axes the unbalanced attribute or removing the bonus to shields attribute.  There's no reason they should have that advantage with absolutely zero disadvantage accompanying it.  They can fiddle with stats however they want after that.   

No. Just no. Removing the unbalanced attribute from the 2h axes I think would be a good idea, but removing all high-teir polearms from the duelling scene? Why would you want to do that? O.o

Besides, poleaxes especially were made to be all-round weapons and I think that is reflected pretty well in the game.

Oh, it is just this thread again.

Yeah, everybody has agreed Polestun is stupid. However, nothing can be done about polestun until WSE. So can we stop talking about it now? The devs already know.
Everything else is already balanced between poles and 2h, which is why this thread exists. Again.

Yes, something can be done, and that is to buff 2h weps slightly stat-wise until polestun is removed.

Wait a second. Are you guys seriously crying because you lost the extra +1 speed on masterwork, that no other weapon type had and was basically a mistake?

Mistake or not, I'm under the impression that the MW speed nerf would be better suited for the polearms.

And as said, I didn't lose the speed, but from what I've seen, there is a slight imbalance between poles and 2h atm.

Pikes tho, I think would need to be nerfed further, polestun really gives them an unfair advantage when it comes to infantry support, and until its removed, a considerable damage nerf (maybe change them to "cut" dmg?) is needed imo.
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Re: Revert the 2h nerf, change it to poles instead
« Reply #16 on: July 15, 2011, 09:16:19 am »
What 2h nerf? Did I miss something?

the latest was the heirloomed swords nerf and the miadao nerf, before that when wpp inheritance was removed we had the 1st stab(animation/damage) nerf and a round of greatsword/katana weakening, then another round of katana/greatsword stab weakening, then a third round of nerfs to horse usable 2hs, then katana weight nerf(or wait was that a little earlier, all the nerfs are hard to keep track of now)

it's really starting to get stupid how u might as well just go 1h/pole as u can use your weapons on horses, with shields and keep wpp, wtf is 2h supposed to be best at? 

I mean I've played this game almost 10 years, so If I kill u believe me its not luck, its familiarity

and yes, if u didn't notice the last 8 months of nerfs u have missed something, hell spears/1h have all gotten stronger with all those nerfs we've taken, some poles/1h have only gone up, or not been changed at all

honestly slightly tweaking katana cut up by 1 and thrust by 2 would not be a mistake and inline with its price point, considering a MW longsword is better in all respects cept 3 speed(which in the way character builds are done matters about nothing combined with nerf weight of 1.3 = always stun)

and giving back more horse usable weapons now that crush has been removed from bar mace/long iron/studded war club
« Last Edit: July 15, 2011, 09:19:47 am by DrKronic »
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Re: Revert the 2h nerf, change it to poles instead
« Reply #17 on: July 15, 2011, 09:18:15 am »
Either way, lolstabbing from a mile away is a gay tactic, I'm glad it's not particularly useful anymore. Poles have a bit of an advantage with the stun versus 2h, but that's the only problem I see.

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Re: Revert the 2h nerf, change it to poles instead
« Reply #18 on: July 15, 2011, 09:23:29 am »
Either way, lolstabbing from a mile away is a gay tactic, I'm glad it's not particularly useful anymore. Poles have a bit of an advantage with the stun versus 2h, but that's the only problem I see.

btw I've always been a slasher, never used any lolstab swords in that "era"

thing is, for some reason everyone can gloss over polearm benefits like horse rearing, being able to use your wpp with a shield, best weapons on horses, long ass anti-cav weapons with still having great dueling weapons,

alot of that can be said for 1h(minus the good vs horses, very good from horses, great ranged defense)

then they just look at pure length/damage and speed and say "HEY MAN THIS OTHER WEAPON DOES 1 MORE NO FAIR" while ignoring all the inherent benefits polearms or 1h's have in other area's that are completely valuable for survival

its like we want a longsword and nordic champion and war spear to have same stats except u get to use a shield with one and u actually have to know how to block with the other(and worry about frontal ranged attacks, etc, get stunned etc)
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