One-handedOne handed weapons are primarily used with a shield for defense. Shields are the only thing that protect against projectiles, and using a shield in a fight allows the user to block from multiple directions, multiple enemies, and multiple weapon types. Shields provide the easiest defense abilities at the cost of some speed and damage.
- 1h has some customization abilities, but is somewhat limited in choices. It basically comes down to weak, but quick swords, slow, but powerful maces, or moderately fast axes that crush other shields.
- One handers can effectively defend against multiple enemies (2h users can effectively attack against multiple enemies)
- PROtip: 1h users can gain some extra speed and damage if they find they are being attacked faster than they can retaliate by putting away their shield. They lose some defense capabilities of course, but depending on their weapon, they can often fight as quick or sometimes even quicker than their two-handed or polearm bretheren.
Bottom Line: Extra defense at the cost of offensive power and very limited weapon choices.
Why I think it's balanced: If you use a shield you are able to defend against the most types of attacks and if you play defensively, this is the build for you. I've seen shielders take on 3+ enemies because they can block from so many directions at once. Also, 1h weapons are fast when used without a shield, so if you're struggling for speed, you can still drop the shield on occasion for that extra boost.
Possible fixes:I dont have very much experience in cRPG with 1h-shield builds so my advice is limited. I have heard many players complain that the weight and speed on shields is such that they become almost a liability in melee combat, rather than an important defensive boost. Without much experience I tend to agree with this sentiment, however I leave the reader to judge. Also they have relatively limited weapon choices compared to the other melee proficiencies, but I think that is the trade off you get for gaining the use of the shield.
Two-handedTwo handed weapons are arguably the fastest and most powerful weapons in melee. They sacrifice the defensive power of the shield for the extra reach and damage of the two-handers. Unfortunately they can only block in one single direction, and once engaged (they have put away their shield), they are easy targets for ranged. Often a two-handers best defense is a good offense this has led many to accuse two-handers of spamming attacks.
- Two handed is more versatile than 1h in terms of weapon choices. From quick swords, to long swords, to axes, to mauls, they have more options than one handed which gives them a bit more versatility in melee.
- Two handers can effectively attack against multiple enemies (one handers can effectively defend against multiple enemies)
- You MUST learn to manual block to play Two-handed effectively. In my opinion learning to play two-handed well takes more time and effort than 1h + shield, simply because of this fact.
Bottom Line: Offensive beast, but vulnerable from ranged and the players ability to manual block.
Why I think 2h are balanced: Two handers are fast, powerful, and deadly, but they are toast from ranged users. They need to drop their shield to fight. Two handers are good dueling weapons, but this is sometimes impractical in large battles. In order for 2h to be effective in large fights, they must learn to turn their defensive into offense. Good players use 2h well by dishing out more than they take. Call it spam, I call it playing 2h effectively.
Possible Fixes:
Ill start by saying Im a bit biased towards two handed, as it is my favorite class. Aside from perhaps tweaking some of the weapons (Im looking at you, barmace), I think the class as a whole is in a good spot. Many disagree, but I think this comes from a lack of understanding of the two-handers place as a massive damage dealing monster.
PolearmPolearms are by far the most versatile weapon class. They can be used with a shield, without a shield, on horseback, on foot, theyre excellent at long range, excellent at short range, they have all three types of damage in abundance, they have some of the fastest weapons as well as some of the slowest and most damaging. Polearms rock.
- You can find a counter for almost anything in the polearm proficiency. They can do the duty of a two-hander, yet still fight as a shielder if the need arises. Besides that, they also carry the only dedicated cavalry killer, (pike), as well as the preferred dedicated cavalry weapon, (lance).
Bottom line: Powerful and incredibly, incredibly versatile for only one type of wpf.
Why I think it's balanced: Polearms fill a variety of roles and they do each well. Polearms are the necessary ingredient for cavalry and anti cavarly and the battlefield just wouldn't be the same without polearms. Polearms are the ultimate support weapon with their reach, but good players can also duel with them pretty well. On the downside, most polearms must be used without a shield to be effective, which balances polearms out with ranged users.
Possible fixes:
If anything is overpowered about polearms, its that somebody with a polearm can fulfill so many different roles on the battlefield, just based on weapon choice. In my opinion, I think polearms are fine, however and the only thing that I would like to see is the longer polearms doing less damage at point blank range. Ive been killed many times or had 75% of my health destroyed by people using the longest polearms even when Im literally facehugging them. In fact, I say this for all weapons. If youre using a longer weapon you should do considerably less damage up close, in my opinion. Other then that, polearms are great. Oh, and using a polearm with a shield is pitiful in speed and damage and is SO easy to block. Please, at least allow the shield/polearm user to do an up attack and a down attack... many mods already do this and I think this is a GREAT fix.
ArcheryArchery takes a lot of skill-point investment (not to mention player skill investment) to master. Also, archers must wear the lightest of armor to stay competitive. For most, archery is far from a secondary skill since you need a lot of PD and wpf to get hits and kills. The cut damage also makes them deal lower damage per hit than crossbows or ranged and they are the only ranged weapon that cannot aim indefinitely due to fatigue. Still, with the right skillpoint investments, archery is very deadly and is still a very popular class
- The archers ability to rapidly fire really changes the battlefield as well, since even if the archer doesnt hit, he forces the enemy to pull out their shields and face in the direction of the archer, potentially giving your team the advantage in melee.
Bottom line: Skill point heavy, hard to master, takes many hits to kill, but very very useful on the battlefield.
Why I think it's balanced: Archers may get less kills on average than other players, but more often then not they are the battle changers. They can attack most easily without any fear of harm and every hit they give distracts the enemy and allows the team to do well. They are also the necessary counter for massed infantry, good two-handers, and light cavalry. On the downside, it takes a lot of points and time to master archery, which balances it out.
Possible fixes: I think archery is in a pretty good spot right now. Im not so sure about the damage nerf they received in the last patch, but so far I think it balances out with the fact that shields are smaller now. Also, I think the longbow could use some love. Its sooo slow for only 30 damage. Thats my own personal opinion however and probably not very high on the needed balance list.
CrossbowsEasy to use, easy to master, low skill point investment. For 100 wpf you can get crossbows up to decent accuracy and damage. Sure, their slow to reload, but if you have cover, once youve reloaded you have an infinite amount of time to aim your shot, which can be invaluable. Crossbows are a great secondary skill for hybrids.
Bottom line: Very powerful for minimal skill investment
Why I think it's balanced: A bit more expensive to maintain than archery, and probably less game changing due to the very slow rate of fire. Still, you can get some good hits and kills with it and it's less skill point intensive, which balances it out.
Possible fixes: Some complain about the price of crossbows. I tend to agree. Crossbows are meant to be the little cousin of archers for those who dont want to have to mess up their builds with skill points in power draw and athletics. With their price, however, you cant really bring in a crossbow and your good gear very economically. Perhaps this is chadzs intention. If so, leave it be. Some complain about the damage as well. I think damage is fine, considering it retains its pierce damage. I think damage is balanced by the fact that headshots are easier with a crossbow than, say a bow, in my opinion.
ThrowingAhh, throwing. Ive seen many complaints about throwing lately. I have less experience with throwing in cRPG, although I did play it a lot in native, so bear with me. Im speaking mostly out of observation rather than first hand experience. With the recent archer nerfs and the speed nerfs to crossbows compared to native, throwing has become the number 1 one hit wonder weapon for ranged. Still, like archery, it takes a large amount of skill points to get high damage and you get a lot less ammunition. The projectiles are slower too, and easier to dodge. I think its most frustrating to die to throwing, however, since half the time it just seems like bad luck rather than your enemies skill was the deciding factor in why youre lying dead with an axe in your head, and most of the time youre totally right. Throwing is so inaccurate that sometimes its better for the enemy to be aiming AT you. Then theyll have a better chance of missing!
Bottom line: Inaccurate, slow projectiles, but they pack a helluva punch. Enough to one shot in some cases.
Why I think it's balanced: Inaccurate, takes a lot of points, slow moving projectiles, and short range balances out with very high damage
Possible Fixes:
Maaaaaybe the damage should be lowered
Maybe. Id hate to see throwers disappear due to nerfs, as annoying as they are. You know what, one second thought, I think its fine. Its still freaking annoying though
![Evil :evil:](
Also, throwers are able to throw one after another very fast, which some think may need a nerf. Im undecided on this, but it is worth thinking about.