"I stated that headshots are easier with a Crossbow, (in my opinion, remember), because I tend to get more head shots when I don't have to worry about getting my shot off quickly because of fatigue, as with bows."
Ok I see your point, but I respectfully disagree. Follow this trail of logic with me: we get one shot off in the time an archer can get 3-4(probably more) + archers get better accuracy so - who has the higher % chance of getting a headshot? We don't have to worry about fatigue but always on the edge of a xbowmens mind is if we miss (always a good chance of this as an xbowmen) that we probably won't be able to get to get another shot off.
Perhaps opinions, especially ones that are not supported by any facts at all, don't belong in a serious game balance discussion?
+ an interesting post I stumbled upon
Re: Archer build
« Reply #1 on: Today at 03:41:35 am »
* Quote
Well, I'm partial to my build on Moneyshot, but every archer is different:
Level: 30
Str: 15
Agi: 21
PS: 5
PD: 5
ATH: 7
WM: 7
Bow: 140
2her: 100
*Khergit Bow, Longsword, 2x Bodkins, Tribal Warrior, Straw Hat, Leather gloves, Leather boots*
My reticule is nice and tight, and I can 2-shot most everyone in mail or less, heavier armors obviously require more depending on the armor. Headshots are lethal period and relatively easy to aim for (as much as a headshot can be expected to be easy). Only 100 in 2her, but with the longsword and agi I'm fast enough and hit hard enough to melee fairly well. All in all I'm pretty happy with it."