After playing native a bit recently, I was just remembering how much I like the "rock/paper/scissors" balance of the game. It has been disappointing to see a mod I love further narrow it's spectrum of combat, when it could more dynamic. It is supremely ironic that the same same people crying for "balance" seem to be the ones spamming the shit out of whichever item hasn't been nerfed..... Yet(?). I think this latest patch might just boil down to haphazard balancing. I hope this is the case, and things get better with new patches. Because when I hear people in game talk about wishing crpg were all melee, I know that we share completely different views on what makes this game great, and if they win I'll have to play a different mod, and fuck that.
I agree ranged could be toned down a bit from vanilla, But I feel like the whole system is out of whack now. I play all classes, and I don't mind getting thwacked when I'm a lumbering tank, or getting hacked down cowering as an archer. I LIKE having to choose whether to invest a few points in shield to help me reach my targets in fighting condition. I LIKE having to rely on support classes to get the job done. I LIKE strategic depth. The more the mod caters to a narrower field the more members of the community who perhaps don't share my same interest in depth are going to follow down that path of least resistance.
Plz correct me where I am wrong.