This idea with formations for archers was already tried in strat battles and it failed.
Not exactly. It is 50% base damage for strat +10% per adjacent archer to a max of 100%, so it is like they have a nerf if they don't stand in formations.
That was something like that, but thoe worst thing were "magic winds". Single archer can't hit shit, and dmg was awful: guys in nordic helmets (non loomed) were able to survive headshot from 2meters with MW long bow and MW bodkins...
But pls, tell me what makes archers staying in one line to aim better at deal better dmg? They wisper to each other in elven language? Or they are making an aerodynamical tunnel for arrows?
IMO this is a game about killing in middle ages. It should be realistic as much as possible, and devs are trying to do that and in the same time try to ballance it.
In battle you have to have 2 things: proper equipment and skills (I mean bulid and personall skills). But it's not enougth. If you want to bee good you have to