I agree, 2h stab is just as exploitable and gay, but two gay stab animations don't make the situation better. They just need to make the animation on the 2h stab less idiotic (Not being able to flail while stabbing, hit somebody with the side of your sword and do full pierce damage). 1h stab was slightly underpowered before, but now it's just as exploitable as 2h stab. The thing is, the devs will never change 2h stab because a large part of the community is 2h.
These threads are a little pointless to be honest. It won't have any effect on the balancing of the game.
Oh, and I wondered where does all that QQ came from...
No, wait I didnt.
Let me tell you 2H users what the problem is. There are some of you that are skilled, and have quickly adapted to the new stab and now actually
Then, there are scrubs that simply refuse to block more than 3 directions when using their 2H, and will cry their eyes out on the forum, being epic hypocrites because they have fuckton of abusable shit that 1H/shielders are not able to use.
Fine, I am all for nerfing stabs if:
1: devs also fix 2H stabs, which were retarded much earier, yet nobody gave a flying fuck untill they buffed 1H stabs.
2: devs fix the retarded 2H zomgnoglance sideslashes, because it alows 2H to go merry-go-round on almost everyone while spamming sideslash. (when two 2H users meet, the procedure is practically same exept they spin so fast they create small tornadoes, killing enemies, team mastes and themselves, hence why most tkers are 2H users)