Author Topic: Haven and hearth world 7  (Read 18268 times)

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Re: Haven and hearth world 7
« Reply #240 on: June 10, 2014, 02:19:03 pm »
It seems that Jorb&Loftar sold Salem - this means they can focus fully on Haven&Hearth, which is great news!

#salem wrote:(20:25:47) * Claeyt has joined #salem
(20:26:02) <Claeyt> can someone please tell me what's going on for fucks sake
(20:26:10) <Claeyt> did Jorb and Loftar sell the game?
(20:27:49) <loftar> Yes, that is actually the case. I expect Jorb should make an official announcement from our side within a few hours (he's currently asleep).
(20:29:21) <Rawrz> o-0
(20:29:22) <Rawrz> wut
(20:29:44) <loftar> But let it just be said that I'm very positive about it. I'm very happy that someone with time on their hands can take care of Salem for us.
(20:29:52) <loftar> Rawrz:
(20:30:02) <loftar> We'll be staying around to help John out, though.
(20:32:03) <Claeyt> this isn't some grand MM troll is it
(20:32:15) <Claeyt> Mortal Moments doesn't equal MM does it
(20:32:33) <loftar> I don't see how the tribe would have gotten their hands on a pink account, for sure. :)
(20:35:10) <loftar> Well, primarily we'll be around to help John and his guys transition into the development, but outside of that we'll provide guidance to him to whatever extent he wants it, really.
(20:36:54) <Rawrz> does that mean the forums might become less of a cesspool? =o
(20:37:01) <Claeyt> lol I wrote in blue if I could
(20:37:18) <loftar> For sure, that would be a nice thing. :)
(20:37:19) <Claeyt> I hope so Rawrz I hope so
(20:37:34) <loftar> If he manages to clean up the cess, we might just want to take a hint for the Haven forums. ^^
(20:37:37) <Claeyt> so do you guys work for them like you did paradox loftar?
(20:38:01) <loftar> No, Claeyt; they've completely bought Salem from us, and their primary intention is to develop it independently of us.
(20:38:12) <loftar> We're just loosely involved, as I said, to the extent that they want our help.
(20:38:13) <Claeyt> to bad
(20:38:20) <Claeyt> so what's in yoiur future then loftar?
(20:38:31) <Claeyt> your
(20:38:31) <loftar> Primarily and immediately, Haven.
(20:38:41) <Claeyt> are you going 3D with Haven?
(20:38:49) <Rawrz> whats their take going to be on custom clients
(20:38:54) <Rawrz> thats the more interesting questions i haz now
(20:39:09) <loftar> And it will gladden me greatly to be able to work dedicated on Haven without having to have my conscience constantly bothering me about Salem lying fallow.
(20:39:44) <loftar> He's indicated that he enjoys the custom clients.
(20:40:05) <loftar> But I shan't try to put words into his mouth.
(20:40:23) <Claeyt> When is HnH new world coming out loftar and is it 3D
(20:40:42) <loftar> I'm sure you've seen the screenshots, Claeyt.
(20:40:47) <Claeyt> just give us a year
(20:40:54) <loftar> Whether you want to consider that 3D or not is up to you, I guess.
(20:41:11) <Claeyt> I mean is it using the Salem system of 3D
(20:41:45) <loftar> It uses the same basic graphics technology as Salem, but as I've stated on the Haven forums, with camera and graphics adapted to be as close as possible to Haven's 2D graphics.
(20:42:15) <loftar> But, of course, getting the advantages of OpenGL drawing, like rotating objects and stuff.
(20:42:37) <loftar> I posted that long ago in the Christmas thread.
(20:43:04) <Claeyt> so they bought everything both yours and Paradox's shares?
(20:43:09) <loftar> Yep.
(20:47:26) <loftar> Well, I've got work to do on making the server code ready for hand-over, so I'll leave you again. As I said, Jorb should be making an official announcement from our side in a few hours.

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Re: Haven and hearth world 7
« Reply #241 on: September 08, 2014, 10:33:59 am »
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#haven wrote:
(16:09:13) <Oddity> Been doing dev with jorb lately?
(16:11:40) <loftar> For what it's worth, there are now bunnies in Haven again. :)
(16:11:41) <Bergzwerg> you mean in hafen/
(16:11:41) <loftar> No, I mean Haven since that's what it's called. ^^
(16:12:08) <loftar> I might use Hafen when there's any doubt as to whether I mean the current Haven or the rewrite, but in this case, I don't think there was any such doubt. :)
(16:12:16) <loftar> Yes
(16:12:24) <Bergzwerg> but, it's hard to distinguish then
(16:13:49) <Bergzwerg> loftar, so, bunnies are only worth talking as a progress of 4 months?
(16:14:24) <loftar> Nah, we've been adding stuff here and there, of course.
(16:15:13) <loftar> But nothing of it is particularly huge in and of itself. It's mostly the kind of small stuff that goes into a game, like a new tree here or a waterskin there or whatever.
(16:18:30) <loftar> We have gone through some UI appearance changes also, for what that's worth. :)
(16:18:31) <loftar>
(16:18:56) <deus> you better have an 'original ui' option
(16:19:05) <loftar> Of course not, silly.
(16:19:08) <Bergzwerg> looks nice
(16:19:21) <Bergzwerg> maybe a bit fancy
(16:19:26) <deus> overdone
(16:19:26) <loftar> I trust the client modders will be all over the client to uglify it anyway. ¦]
(16:20:11) <loftar> You're overdone.
(16:20:55) <Bergzwerg> we have stockpiles now?
(16:21:01) <loftar> That's not news, though.
(16:21:36) <Oddity> When may I see bunnies!?
(16:21:42) <Oddity> in Hafen
(16:22:30) <loftar> Well, if you just want to see the sprite, there is one on the old Christmas screenshot.
(16:23:35) <Bergzwerg> but it's now more than just a sprite?
(16:23:42) <loftar> Indeed
(16:24:10) <deus> and u can kill it?
(16:24:17) <loftar> u canz
(16:24:31) <deus> drink its blood?
(16:24:36) <loftar> Not with any combat system, though, but through catching it and wringing its neck.
(16:24:43) <loftar> Not yet, but that's probably coming.
(16:24:58) <deus> vampirism?
(16:25:03) <Bergzwerg> why would you do that
(16:25:07) <loftar> We have also started producing some ideas on an actual combat system.
(16:25:14) <deus> such as?
(16:25:21) <loftar> Well, blood itself could be good for a lot of things apart from drinking anyway. :)
(16:25:33) <loftar> Like black pudding or what not.
(16:28:44) <deus> also whats combat going to be like
(16:29:44) <loftar> There is, as always, the risk that even if I mention any of our ideas at this point, we'll just overturn it completely by the time we get to it. ^^
(16:30:24) <loftar> Well, it is at least probably going to be kind of like the current system.
(16:30:30) <loftar> As opposed to Salem's system, for instance.
(16:31:14) <loftar> One of the primary changes we're playing with is to change the "availability" of individual attacks, so to speak.
(16:32:48) <deus> can u make it less stat based
(16:33:05) <loftar> That's mostly just a question of quantitative balancing though, deus.
(16:33:14) <loftar> There are no qualitative changes necessary for that.
(16:33:31) <deus> do u get to play any other games?
(16:33:39) <loftar> I'm not sure how to summarize the ideas we're considering, though...

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Re: Haven and hearth world 7
« Reply #242 on: September 08, 2014, 03:08:10 pm »
aaaaaaannnnndddd......................theyll ruin Haven just like they ruined Salem.  I can already see it coming, what the fuck is black pudding.

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Re: Haven and hearth world 7
« Reply #243 on: September 08, 2014, 03:30:38 pm »
I doubt they'll make it shit like Salem, J&L have learned their lesson.

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Re: Haven and hearth world 7
« Reply #244 on: September 08, 2014, 03:38:30 pm »
I doubt they'll make it shit like Salem, J&L have learned their lesson.

we can only hope.

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Re: Haven and hearth world 7
« Reply #245 on: September 08, 2014, 09:53:40 pm »
to me haven and salem are both as shit and brilliant as each other, so I'm pretty sure either way I'll enjoy this.

I think most hardcore hnh fans will hate anything they make anyway because it will feel too different no matter what. The good thing is I don't think J+L give monkey what people think, they make the games they want to make. Its why their games are so shit and brilliant.

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Re: Haven and hearth world 7
« Reply #246 on: October 17, 2014, 02:23:50 pm »
aw ye boys new screens

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Some new info:

When it comes to food decay, I think we're going to at least experiment a bit with it, and see if it can be done in a fun way. I would like to think that it can be done by being selective enough. For instance, I do think there is a reasonable category of "fresh foods", like newly-roasted meat or stuff like that, that could and should decay in a meaningful manner (so that they can constitute a category of more "exclusive foods" that can't be stockpiled), while there should also exist states of food that are far more steady. Dried/pickled/salted stuff are obvious examples thereof. As for stuff in between, I'm guessing we'll gravitate towards steady states so as to try and avoid meaningless and boring grind. We'll tread cautiously and see how it turns out.

I'm really split over this. On the one hand, I don't really like how one can just mindlessly walk in one direction and 'vacuum the map" and just teleport back*. On the other hand, Salem has shown that "the way back" isn't a very fun journey to undertake. As it stands right now, we'll probably keep teleport-back-to-hearth as it is.

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Re: Haven and hearth world 7
« Reply #247 on: October 25, 2014, 02:42:45 pm »
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Re: Haven and hearth world 7
« Reply #248 on: October 25, 2014, 11:08:26 pm »
So stupid question and I haven't been following this thread at all but those screenshots intrigued me. Is that Salem? I played HnH for a while but I didn't really like Salem, are they "revamping it"?

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Re: Haven and hearth world 7
« Reply #249 on: October 25, 2014, 11:57:08 pm »
So stupid question and I haven't been following this thread at all but those screenshots intrigued me. Is that Salem? I played HnH for a while but I didn't really like Salem, are they "revamping it"?

They are revamping Haven&Hearth. They sold Salem to some other company.

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Re: Haven and hearth world 7
« Reply #250 on: October 26, 2014, 02:41:40 am »
They are revamping Haven&Hearth. They sold Salem to some other company.

Ohhh dats cool. Thanks!

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Re: Haven and hearth world 7
« Reply #251 on: October 26, 2014, 03:56:03 pm »
They are revamping Haven&Hearth. They sold Salem to some other company.

That other company seems to be the tribe - I know I thought it was people trolling at first but it really does seem like it.

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Re: Haven and hearth world 7
« Reply #252 on: January 13, 2015, 09:15:23 pm »

How am I supposed to play this while I have a job...

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Re: Haven and hearth world 7
« Reply #253 on: January 13, 2015, 09:44:46 pm »