Author Topic: An advocation for reinstatement of cRPG’s proximity XP/Gold gain system  (Read 4509 times)

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Re: An advocation for reinstatement of cRPG’s proximity XP/Gold gain system
« Reply #45 on: February 10, 2014, 03:33:15 pm »
The only thing I can disagree with in the OP is about "proximity gain" making it better for lvl 1-15.

Sure those new players are complaining that they die easily and cant compete and have crap gear?

Regardless, they can always make a STF.

It would be a nice blast from the past to do the XP BARN!! again.

Ill have to perfect dying in the middle of the battleground again.

Actually - proximity would be even worse for newer players because they will probably be couched or shot before they make it to the main battle area.

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Re: An advocation for reinstatement of cRPG’s proximity XP/Gold gain system
« Reply #46 on: February 10, 2014, 07:01:54 pm »
Randomdude, you're assuming people aren't staying together as if they were playing the tick system still.

I got blasted plenty of times in my peasant phase of cRPG when it was proximity. Sure it was dumb, but we're not looking for 100% survival rate. We're looking to increase the fun factor in general for new players, which will in turn improve new player retention.

It's not like the same peasant is going to get put down before he gets to the battle *every single round.* If they die before hitting the battle in one round, they'll probably be more conscious of moving in cover in the future (in which case, you can still get shot, but that mostly pertains to luck, not so much staying with the team).

That said, the amount of arrows theoretically wouldn't be as high, based on the community at large who would be more interested in personal gain, which would mean more melee.
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Re: An advocation for reinstatement of cRPG’s proximity XP/Gold gain system
« Reply #47 on: February 11, 2014, 05:41:11 am »
I'm going to bump this thread again.

I don't care how it gets done, I just want to see a change in the EXP system.  I will probably stop playing again after I retire this gen.  It's just not fun.  I am at a 1x multiplier almost all the time.  I have roughly 22 1/2 hours to level 31, and that's assuming I keep a 2x all the time.  Even with a 3x that time is still 15 hours.  That's a long time, considering I am playing a game.  It actually looks more like a job, 30 hour work week is about what I do now.

Yes, I understand that the game isn't completely about EXP.  Removing that from the equation for a moment, the game still has problems.  I think I would be more inclined to grind if teams were more balanced.  One of the big problems I have with this game is that team balanced mostly seems extremely one sided.  The system actually REWARDS team stacking, something I have a big problem with.

Stop rewarding the team so much and reward the player more.  This is the first step.  Put me in control of my progression.

Team balancing is a bit trickier and I'm not sure how to address that.  It's not like we have a matchmaking system in place.

So, I would like to see the EXP system reevaluated to be more player centric, as opposed to team centric.  Even more so, I think players would be more apt to grind if it didn't feel so unforgiving.  Nothing more demotivating than being stuck at 1x with a team that keeps getting rolled.  I've got better uses for time, especially when I'm looking at 20+ hours of that crap.  It's more work than fun at that point.

I would also like to point out that DTV is more profitable than playing Battle, at least for me.  Does that seem wrong to anyone else?
« Last Edit: February 12, 2014, 06:03:01 am by Breidr »

Offline BarBeQ

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Very easy solution:
Bring back proximity system BUT keep upkeep costs and give higher amounts of xp and gold.
Also if there is a given amount of damage on the server even higher amounts of xp and gold can be obtained.
<<< im not sure that can be done with all that hardcoded bullshit.

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  • More camping
  • Rewards staying alive as long as possible - thus, more camping, more passive play, less actual fighting

Wait, what ?

Did you even play back then ? Because I can't fathom how you would say that if you are not either lying or talking out of your ass.