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Better cav and melee
« on: May 17, 2012, 12:28:03 am »
1. De-fuck infantry movement. This is a 2 parter..
a. De nerf athletics. Except for archers - their boots should be permanently covered with heavy mud. Xbowsmen should have cement shoes.
b. de-nerf the delayed attack speeds thingies. You know, that stupid pause when you reach the end of wind up (chamber, yes I still hate the term).
Not just for two handers, all melee.
Besides making combat more fluid, it should give back the ability somewhat to feint. This is important when fighting cav. Also with some other slight adjustments it could make blocking something of an accomplishment instead of a routine.

2. De-fuck lance restriction to radius. Cav will not be forced to play like such pussies and only ninja attack. They'll have a chance attacking infantry head on (they do NOW because of the nerf to melee, see above).

3. Fix the stupid lol lancing, especially on couches (which is another crap I win mechanic). The end of the lance seems 3 feet in diameter when you are on the receiving end, too many apparent misses count as strikes. See also melee stabs - they last too long and lol stab is worse then ever. See also overhead melee strikes also dragged from miss to a hit (which for me only reliably hits team mates and not the target).

4. Remove that earlier hit nonsense.
Nothing screams 'fuck you player' like an attack hitting the ground instead of the downed horseman. Ok lots of things do, but too many horseman are getting a free ride because of this 'fix' for idiots glitch attacking through walls - what do we care about more?

5. Evaluate the looms.
Actually, melee weapons get the stinky end of the stick here.
What do meleee weapons get? + 1 speed and 3 points damage on full loom?
Bow + arrows = how much damage? It was more then melee last I checked
Armor - full set gets a bit stiff, what is it, 20 points? 15?
Horses - not sure, think they've been nerfed loomwise lately, havent seen any silly speed coursers lately.

5b. Raise all melee weapon speeds by 1 across the board.  Up the wpf gained from WM, I propose ~1 'real' point per level, so that at level 30 with 10 WM you would have 199 wpf instead of 189, alternatively be bold and make it 209. See also 1b above.

6. Reduce glance chance. Want to win right now? Wear armor. Even if you occasionally get one shot in the head by some bastard archer, most of the time armor is going to let you take an extra hit or ten. It's redickulous that a 1hander continually glances on armor, which is already mitigating the damage.

7. Remove pole stagger, it's better then crush through and knockdown for instant cheese.

8. Half bump/charge damage. The horse isn't getting the credit for the kill, currently too many unearned roadkills.

9. reserved for forgotten stuff.
Alas nodachi
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Re: Better cav and melee
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2012, 12:41:39 am »
Sorry to disregard the rest of your post but this;

5b. Raise all melee weapon speeds by 1 across the board.  Up the wpf gained from WM, I propose ~1 'real' point per level, so that at level 30 with 10 WM you would have 199 wpf instead of 189, alternatively be bold and make it 209. See also 1b above.

No. NO. Please god no. Back when you COULD get your wpf up to and over 200, MW katanas swung at lightspeed and a lot of weapons just couldn't swing fast enough to ever get a hit in. I don't want to see every other idiot using a katana again.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2012, 12:51:02 am by Peasant_Woman »
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Re: Better cav and melee
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2012, 02:29:34 am »
Sorry to disregard the rest of your post but this;

No. NO. Please god no. Back when you COULD get your wpf up to and over 200, MW katanas swung at lightspeed and a lot of weapons just couldn't swing fast enough to ever get a hit in. I don't want to see every other idiot using a katana again.

I disagree, lots of people could get a swing in, figure out the timing etc, such as Wallace, Canary, actually it's a pretty big list.

Note, to get 10 WM at level 30, you can do str 9 and agi 30, taking 10 athletics and 10 WM. You'll also have 3 PS. I would not worry about every other idiot using this build, even with 199 wpf and a 1 speed faster katana (or  1hander whatever). Sure it can get kills, but requires multiple hits, and often dies to one.
Alas nodachi
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Re: Better cav and melee
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2012, 04:49:28 pm »
Can't say I disagree with anything here...seems like it would allow there to be more of a skill gap instead of everyone being on such equal footing.  One thing I really hate you kind of covered is being able to lol-lance, but I think of it differently (bumping and then lancing, or bumping and then couching).  Lol-lancing to me is the same as lol-piking.  If your weapon is 7 feet long, and I'm standing 2 feet away from you, you shouldn't be able to hit me with it.  Weapons not being static objects really is a problem in Warband.  I understand stabbing someone 2 feet away with a 7 foot weapon is supposed to imitate that person running into your weapon, but then if you get to either side of the lance/pike, they shouldn't be able to move it through your body.

If weapons were "static" then just holding your pike in your hands and someone running into it would hurt them.  It would mean if they got close enough, you couldn't stab them with it, and you couldn't magically turn your weapon through their body either.  This would allow pikes to damage horses without having to thrust the pike, and even for weapons like a sword, if someone runs into it, it's still sharp and could still damage them.

Your 2nd point I think would be good to address is overhead swings that miss, if you keep turning after the swing is already "in the ground" you can still connect a hit.  So technically you could spin in super fast circles and anyone within your diameter will register the hit (obviously only one person would get hit if more than one). 

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Re: Better cav and melee
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2012, 12:33:35 am »
Heres some more dumb ideas for you

1.  Remove hilt slashing by fixing 2h/pole hitboxes. first 2/3 of 2h weapons do not damage at all and will glance and cause delay like unbalanced weapons
2.  Increase delay of 2h weapons after they are blocked.  no more attacking than instantly blocking counter-attacks from multiple opponents
3.  Make weapon speed affect actually swing speed, not just swing rate.
4. limit ability to turn while attacking to 15-60 degrees after attack is release, no more spin stabs and lol-wiggles
5. remove ability to jump attack

6. to compensate....bladed & blunt weapons over 3lb get KILLthru. Any damage over what was needed to kill first player continues thru with the swing.
7. shield bash - if wielding a shield when you kick you will knockback (and chance of knockdown based on shield weight/PS) any opponent that is not actively blocking

8.  add constitution stat and move HP to be based on it, as well as Ironflesh

Offline Wraist

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Re: Better cav and melee
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2012, 02:25:27 am »
Zisa, what are you talking about in 1b? I agree with you on some parts, but for entirely different reasons [I hate early activation because it allows for bullshit attacks that would glance for poles/one handers]. The main one I agree with is reducing damage on cav bumps, as they do more damage to me in my normal gear than 1hers would, and a re-evaluation of the looms. To be fair, bow+arrows could be 6gens worth of looms, when a sword is 3.

For glancing and armor, I think armor should be blanket nerfed, and glancing should be at a 1her level, where glancing is mainly due to your bad footwork [or if you use a sword like the scottish, because they are packing on the armor. Hit a mauler 14 times and he didn't die, I glance once and was thus oneshot :|].

Polestagger is inferior to crush through, and I think kb is better. Although if the devs want to replace polestagger with crush through in order to help with balance, they're free to do that.

Diggles, I think most of your ideas are terrible:

1) Block. If the first 2/3rds of poles/2hers are to glance than they need a significant buff. Of course, I could see why a shielder would want that.

2) Why? It would reduce the skill of the individual and make the mob more powerful. Fuck the mob.

3) ?

4) When I spin thrust, I don't release my stab until it would hit them, thus it doesn't wiggle their way into the guy. When I do the equivalent of a lolstab with a 1her, I spin at most 30ish degs. I also don't see why turning should be nerfed for every other attack.

5) Why?

6)No, I don't think this was well thought out, unless your suggestion is to make the guy who killed the enemy hit his ally as opposed to vice-versa?

7) No, shields have the advantage of not allowing you to fuck up a block and fight multiple people at once without having to worry about multiple attacks from different directions. As such, they suck at kicking [can lose shield] and aren't as good at defending attacks from the sides. I think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

8) Why? I think this one is poorly thought out.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2012, 02:28:02 am by Wraist »

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Re: Better cav and melee
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2012, 02:27:56 am »
Nerfing armor? Fuck no, heavy armor has enough flaws already, rest seems good.
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Offline Zisa

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Re: Better cav and melee
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2012, 02:35:12 am »
Heres some more dumb ideas for you

1.  Remove hilt slashing by fixing 2h/pole hitboxes. first 2/3 of 2h weapons do not damage at all and will glance and cause delay like unbalanced weapons
2.  Increase delay of 2h weapons after they are blocked.  no more attacking than instantly blocking counter-attacks from multiple opponents
3.  Make weapon speed affect actually swing speed, not just swing rate.
4. limit ability to turn while attacking to 15-60 degrees after attack is release, no more spin stabs and lol-wiggles
5. remove ability to jump attack

6. to compensate....bladed & blunt weapons over 3lb get KILLthru. Any damage over what was needed to kill first player continues thru with the swing.
7. shield bash - if wielding a shield when you kick you will knockback (and chance of knockdown based on shield weight/PS) any opponent that is not actively blocking

8.  add constitution stat and move HP to be based on it, as well as Ironflesh
They are only dumb ideas if they get implemented.
1. Almost useful, but you lost me on the glance stuff. I want glance reduced.
2. no. It's ok to have 2h envy, but come on.
3. Ok maybe. What are you talking about.
4.  I prefered making stabs last 'less', since you can wiggle stab lol stab or whatever you want to call it with any weapon that stabs. Not sure how limiting the turn on the attack is going to stop lol stabbing, unless you limit it so much it seems punitive.
5. No. The idea is not to remove fun, even if you would be slightly safer on horseback as a result.
6. That's called cleave. Guess who would benefit most - str builds.
7. Unwieldy. Sounds like a magic kick to me.
8. undecided.
Alas nodachi
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Offline Zisa

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Re: Better cav and melee
« Reply #8 on: May 18, 2012, 02:51:37 am »
Zisa, what are you talking about in 1b? I agree with you on some parts, but for entirely different reasons [I hate early activation because it allows for bullshit attacks that would glance for poles/one handers]. The main one I agree with is reducing damage on cav bumps, as they do more damage to me in my normal gear than 1hers would, and a re-evaluation of the looms. To be fair, bow+arrows could be 6gens worth of looms, when a sword is 3.

For glancing and armor, I think armor should be blanket nerfed, and glancing should be at a 1her level, where glancing is mainly due to your bad footwork [or if you use a sword like the scottish, because they are packing on the armor. Hit a mauler 14 times and he didn't die, I glance once and was thus oneshot :|].

Polestagger is inferior to crush through, and I think kb is better. Although if the devs want to replace polestagger with crush through in order to help with balance, they're free to do that.

1b - there is a delay added at the end of the wind up. I hate it. It is the biggest hated thing for me, no matter what melee weapon.

If you use a scottish sword, why should most of your attacks do nothing? Half of it is because of not lol stabbing while stabbing, the other half is just silly. It's multiple jeopardy - the tin can has more str, more hit points and more armor to reduce the damage, probably only needs one hit to bash yer head in, and you will need a few.

Polestagger... remove, not replace, unless with skill (personal not skill points). Any good polearmer should welcome this.
Alas nodachi
remembers glorious spring
a tin can's hatchet.