Author Topic: Remember Remember the 23rd of December  (Read 22378 times)

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Re: Remember Remember the 23rd of December
« Reply #165 on: January 22, 2012, 10:09:21 pm »
Nocti, do you know why people play two or more accounts ? Because it give advantage in stategus or for fun.

You don't even have to play in cRPG to be helpful for the clan in strategus. This is major problem, devs have to fix it by changing system in such fashion, that:
-clanless people and clan people without fiefs are welcome in fiefs belong to other clans, and can influence outcome of conflicts
-people can play as bandits in meaningful way
-people are rewarded for playing in cRPG(or punished for not playing for some period, for example by limiting their productivity)
-cities play larger factor in crafting battle equipment, villages are more for producing food and goods

Last but not least, why don't you simply talk with people who you suspect of wrongdoing ? Going to admin like crybaby isn't something i, and many people involved here (Slavs) approve, grow some guts and try to talk with people you just accused. I know that it's not popular in your society of informers, but at least TRY.

I don't play cRPG anyway, my total activity in a month is barely 5 hours. I'm in close contact with other clans and I play Strategus. Most of the old players play like that.

-Factionless people kinda make living in Strategus by selling their stuff to factions in exchange for cRPG gold.
-Bandit option is only available till factions conquer all the map. It could be an option to use them as guerrillas by rival factions but even this is not possible due big alliances. Bandits will always have logistics problem unless there is a "camping" option. They can only exist till map is entirely conquered, then they won't have anywhere to go.
-That reward is nothing compared to reward of multi-accounting.
-Again multi-accounting can overshadow any sort of legit production.

Talk what? There are only few clans out there that did not talk to me in person. What would you tell them? Would you tell them that what they are doing is wrong? or would you ask them if they are really doing what you think that they are doing? and do you think they would tell you the truth? Devs have two or more threads about multi-accounting. They can tell it there. There is a clear rule stating that IRL money transfer is not allowed. We understand cRPG interface and Strategus menu but now we don't get the rules?

Was it really necessary that I had to go through all of this?
Did anyone ask me to do it? Of course not.

I did it because I didn't see anyone else doing it.
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Re: Remember Remember the 23rd of December
« Reply #166 on: January 23, 2012, 10:49:45 am »

Also i think exploring new features like the current Battlegroups and combining those with some kind of league will also give people a competitive platform for all game modes and especially one that is less exploitable.

No worries, Strat is still being worked on.

YAAaaaaaaaay !

Naaaaaaay :=(

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Re: Remember Remember the 23rd of December
« Reply #167 on: January 23, 2012, 11:57:03 am »

I hate cheating and game abuse - it really pisses me off, thats one reason I wanted to be a game admin.

People have cheated in the past and they're gonna do it again - some people see nothing wrong in it, it's only a game after all, right?

If people have cheated in Strategus to such an extent that it makes other people not play then their "victory" is going to be pretty hollow, especially when noone turns up to fight against them.

I dont think this will bother cheaters too much and there's plenty of ignorant people like me around who wouldnt even realise some forms of cheating and would just put it down to an "organised"clan.

All I can suggest really is if you believe a certain persons/clans of cheating then just dont participate with them in the game. If they attack you, take it as a loss and dont show. Maybe they'll get bored.

Personally I'd rather just fight and take the hits. If I can survive strat 1 as a 2h with all those fucking archers then Im sure I can weather this.

Hopefully as time moves on strat will become better, more fun, less possibility for cheating and maybe "the good old days" will come back (but were they seriously that much better than now?).

« Last Edit: January 23, 2012, 12:00:18 pm by RandomDude »

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Re: Remember Remember the 23rd of December
« Reply #168 on: January 23, 2012, 11:57:52 am »

Offline Noctivagant

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Re: Remember Remember the 23rd of December
« Reply #169 on: February 27, 2012, 01:25:54 am »
"let him whine, he will shut up anyway then whole thing will be forgotten"
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Re: Remember Remember the 23rd of December
« Reply #170 on: February 27, 2012, 09:15:23 am »

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Re: Remember Remember the 23rd of December
« Reply #171 on: February 29, 2012, 06:35:06 pm »
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