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Messages - Grok

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Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Beginner build help & tips?
« on: November 02, 2011, 11:41:17 pm »
Going 2H or Pole is probably your best bet to start -- they are the easiest classes to be "successful" with early on.  While you'll certainly die alot and shielders will be difficult to deal with you'll get plenty of action and kills with those big ol' weapons.

That said, 1H Shielder is alot of fun, but in comparison takes more levels and work before it becomes effective.

Archer and Crossbow have even steeper curves, but can be fun too.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Fast 1h swords.
« on: November 02, 2011, 02:56:44 am »
I used the Italian Sword for a long time -- really liked it, but I eventually settled on a Grosse Messer.  It's shorter, but I noticed that the Grosse typically required one less swing to kill most enemies which meant all the difference to me (of course this was before the damage tweak so who knows now).  The stab on the Italian Sword is really nice but stabs with 1H weapons are notoriously finicky, have a tiny window of effectiveness (meaning they glance in many instances when they should not) and those glances cause a delay/stagger.

On the other hand, cut damage was more negatively impacted in the last patch, while blunt and pierce were boosted -- so the Grosse is bit less effective than it used to be.

The Langes Messer is nice too - bit more reach than the Grosse, but less than the Italian.  However, it's slower than both.

While I liked the reach of the NCS and the KAS the slower speed was VERY noticeable.

Another great option is the Broad One Handed Battle Axe -- it's a bit shorter and a bit slower but has the highest damage of any 1H and absolutely shreds shields.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Remove ladders from Siege
« on: October 27, 2011, 06:51:54 pm »
I'd agree.  Ladders seem to provide far too much of an advantage to the attacking side.  Being able to get to the flag in just a matter of seconds is really no fun on either side. 

And, as much as defending the flag makes perfect sense strategically, it's definitely more fun to defend the walls, then fall back and defend a gate and to eventually have to fall back to the flag in a final scrum.

Just experienced another "first." 

I guess a thrower who is directly in front of you can now jump while standing 10-15ft away (probably anywhere in the 0-15ft range) and completely circumvent a raised shield over the top.  I was the recipient of 2 axe-throwing headshot deaths a few days ago due to this little wrinkle.  Throwers are usually not much of a threat to a shielder who is facing them, but suddenly they least some threat.

Not worried about throwers getting love as much as wondering what the point is from a shield user's perspective.  Shield's are very heavy and significantly slow our movement speed, especially when raised.  This is clearly the penalty in order to balance having frontal protection and a one size fits all block.  Now that we've significantly reduced shield coverage, why are we not afforded a boost to mobility?  If shields are bad then why can't we get some mobility back?

I just don't understand the change to shields at all...I don't notice shielders running rampant through hordes of 2H or Pole players; I've never seen any stats showing them dominating in any particular category; shields break pretty quickly and when they do we enjoy a healthy stagger; they do not provide universal block coverage in any direction which all other blocking weapons do provide; weapon length; weapon strength...etc. etc. 

There are a ton of balances stacked against shields based on the simple premise that the shield functions as it does...yet core shield functionality seems to have changed pretty radically overnight with no resulting adjustments to the elements that kept shield use in balance.  That's an easy argument for something now being out of balance.  I'm still weapon is still weapon reach is still weapon is still weak...

Game Balance Discussion / Re: [STATS] Fix the 1h sweetspot
« on: October 09, 2011, 09:10:38 pm »
Hiltslashing works just fine in a group situation it just depends where the others are.  I get hiltslashed all the time in group fights.  It definitely feels like it needs to be tweaked but I also understand that requiring long weapons to only work at a particular distance is also a bit wonky.  Overall, it's probably not a big deal.  Pole stun however!!!

It does feel like I'm both glancing at a notably higher rate recently, while also not being glanced upon much more frequently...though this part was clearly by design.  So, yes, it does feel like there should be fewer glances within the normal 1H arc.  The death zone for 2H and Pole is huge -- I'm getting hit regularly by people facing away from me -- sometimes it feels like a 280+ degree arc rather than 180.

That said, I am enjoying my very short reach in siege hallways these days...of course these are few and far between, but nice nonetheless.

This is pretty big problem.  I had just retired before the patch so didn't notice it much as I was leveling over the last two weeks -- I was getting wrecked regardless of my shield's functionality. 

However, now that I've hit 20 it's readily apparent what a significant change it was.  I'm CONSTANTLY getting hit through my shield -- attacks that start in front of me during a fight as the player moves towards me are regularly circumventing my shield.  I've even been hit with a few overheads in the last few days with my shield completely raised....this have never happened before.  I'm assuming it's a jump combined with them pathing through me somehow.

The only solution I've found is to completely face my shield to the weapon and NOT the player or to actually stop using the only playstyle (facehugging) that works with my weapon and class by backing away and then darting in after swings.  I have an 85 reach weapon.  This is a ridiculous.

I use a Heavy Kite Shield which is naturally more challenged on the edges, but this is absurd.

Closed Requests / Re: Banned from siege?
« on: August 22, 2011, 04:51:42 pm »
I'm having a bit of a problem with the current name violation policy that's being enforced as well.  And, this is coming from someone who DEFINITELY does not like "bad" or overly juvenile names.  So, I think some of the players who have been forced to change their names has been perfectly acceptable (at least that I've seen).

But, yesterday the Pike Bastard issue was just plain silly.  There's no violation of any supposed policy here.  To suggest otherwise is...silly.

Starfucker is certainly a bit more dicey, but again I think it's a bit borderline -- though I could certainly understand if it fell on either side of the fence.

The problem I'm seeing, is what seems to be a lack of common sense being applied to the "policy."   And, frankly, that's how any admin's enforcement of a any server rule should be applied.  Sure, you want players to have a relatively black and white understanding of what is and is not allowed, but that does not mean there is no gray area.  I guarantee you'll never have enough rules to properly provide a black and white answer for every single situation you ever run into in CRPG.  And, that is exactly where common sense should be being employed.

Overall, I like the general direction on the name issues, but I think there's some food for thought on the admin team's part in regards to specific enforcement.  More common sense, less rule book citation.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Bec de Corbin issue
« on: July 28, 2011, 01:33:26 am »
The Bec is certainly a bit odd though I'm not sure it needs too much of a change.  When I do get hit by a Bec it does frequently seem to strike sooner than it "should" -- maybe it's the animation, which really wouldn't be the weapon's fault or the fault of bad balancing anyway.  Add in the silly stun effect and occasionally getting hit a second time before you can block and that's probably where most of the problem is.

It's definitely overused, but the funny thing about gamers as a whole is that they are like water and overwhelmingly take the path of least resistance and thus naturally gravitate to the most powerful and effective weapons/spells/skills/etc.  Its been true of every game released over the past 30 years and is no different in this game.  So, weapons that are overused are by their very nature clearly providing a tangible benefit to the player.  The Bec clearly fits the bill, but how out of balance is it?  If at all, probably not much.

And, on the Battle vs Siege tangent.  I may not have enough time on Battle to speak with finality, but the ONLY real skill difference I see on Battle is with archers - but again this also seems to correlate highly with map design -- not to mention the simple safety in numbers you get from archers on Siege.  Rather the real difference seems to be purely the average level of the character on Siege vs Battle.  I see far more peasants and folks grinding on Siege, but I find killing folks on Battle no more difficult than Siege -- there are just a few more freebies with each Siege run.

I'd agree that it's just part of the game, but I think the "shame" or mild consequences could easily go a bit further with some additional stat tracking.  Specifically, the raw team damage caused should be tracked and pinned to each toon just as TKs are now.  I'd also REALLY like to know who is in fact damaging me on my team.

Clearly, 90% or more of the TKs in the game are accidental though I'm sure MANY are the direct result of players overreaching and trying to get a kill to the detriment of an engaged teammate.  Of course, I also know the vast majority of team damage comes from my two-handed brothers and sisters...I think 90% of my deaths are due to their inaccurate spam and I go into and come out of a good portion of my fights with significant team wounds.

General Discussion / Re: best 1h in your opinion?
« on: June 14, 2011, 06:35:04 pm »
This is my first character who is approaching first retirement and I'm really struggling with my "favorite" 1H sword -- in particular which to heirloom.

It was Italian Sword for most of the way, great blend of speed and reach, but I just started trying out some of the other weapons.

In particular I've been sorta liking the Grosse Messer (I tried it after seeing Cascade using it).  The +4 cut damage difference between it and the Italian Sword seems to make a HUGE difference in terms of how many hits needed to get a kill.  Though the reach does take some getting used to.

The Elite Scimitar is nice too, but it seems to take longer to hit the target than the other two...or maybe I'm just not yet used to it.

At Masterwork level is there a noticeable difference between the swords?  Are there better options if I generally like these two/three weapons?

MW Italian Sword
Speed:  100
Length:  98
26 Pierce
33 Cut

MW Grosse Messer
Speed:  100
Length:  85
21 Pierce
37 Cut

MW Elite Scimitar
Speed:  100
Length:  100
0 Pierce
35 Cut

Any help or recommendations appreciated!


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