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Messages - Gingerpussy

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Strategus General Discussion / Re: Grey Order Strat Announcement
« on: December 08, 2012, 03:24:48 pm »
Like i say i came back the day strat 4 released, actually not planed at all it was a coincident.

I have no knowledge of that.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Grey Order Strat Announcement
« on: December 08, 2012, 03:16:17 pm »
Yupp not a clan leader, but im in charge of south parts (Dhirim) in strat.

I have no idea what Meow is talking about. If thats the case that a baned player can lend his looms in armory i dont know. If Mercs did that yeah then its not good.

But even if thats true lending out a loom or two is not hurting anyone at all, but cheating in strat does.

greys been cheating for years, we all know that. Even got shiploads of proof. Thats why reading this thread is a COMEDY !!!

Any my precious statement is true. Nobody in here would have a chance in Strategus IF  Mercs where multi accounting.

yet the Greys with all there Keys cant even hold more then a average clan in strat. HAHAHA cheaters and fools

Diplomacy / Re: Druzhina: FREE TRADING AREA v.2.0
« on: December 08, 2012, 03:02:10 pm »
Just use horses & don't stay long in one place  :wink: We are too lazy now to chase caravans  :)

Gingerpussy & Blueberry Muffin, friends forever!  :P
Nahh not friends il see u in the end of my cross-hair :)

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Grey Order Strat Announcement
« on: December 08, 2012, 02:59:45 pm »
And that you guys still get a chance to play cRPG is beyond me,

but im sure chadz is scared to be left alone soon, its no secret that the community have shrunken a lot.

And that`s mostly becouse of some peoples CHEATING!

grey is cheaters, all they done in strat is obvious cheaters. read the thread harpaq says it himself.
All the ppl with stuff in strat got banned, so that mean all the ppl that have done shit in strat is cheaters and therefor the greys are ALL cheater.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Grey Order Strat Announcement
« on: December 08, 2012, 02:54:36 pm »
If you are adressing to the first case i've described - I never said you've used it, i've said you willed to use it and were stopped by your fellow mercs.

#To be tempted to use the gold i am sure mr Noc was, but you have to remember that the greys have cheated for 1 1/2 YEAR !!!

So to be tempted and think about is we are to use the gold or not is not the issue, the thing is that 99 % of the Mercs say NO to use that duped gold for obvious reasons. we had a poll, And for those who dont know this we are prob the ONLY democratic Clan in this game.

Greys and others have cheated for a long long time they had incident 100 keys thingy and now 20 30 40 ????

If i had 20 keys in strat and Mercs behind me, we would have 50 % of the map. greys U guys suck BASICLY !!!!!

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Grey Order Strat Announcement
« on: December 07, 2012, 12:11:41 pm »
Give us link on personal page ur wife on Facebook pls. Iam sure on ava she play in strat  :P It is not fair that only devs have it  :?
My sexy wifes pictures is for chadz only if he want it :D

Diplomacy / Re: Druzhina: FREE TRADING AREA v.2.0
« on: December 07, 2012, 12:10:27 pm »
yeah rarly do we say something nice about enemys, but DRZ is my favorite UIF clan as well.

They are disciplined alot more then our guys, would like to see some of that discipline in our own ranks :D

They havent got any cheaters that we know about and i really salute that. And i really hope they are cheat free.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Cheating or No?
« on: December 07, 2012, 12:06:27 pm »
I am not saying cmpx gave us something, but i remember 1 incident when the reinforcement time was changed.
Some Clans got this info we did not, we lost some battles due to it but that's just a example.

I remember as well when major changes was done that it was good to ask cmpx on details, instead of going to forum and ask. And at that time that really helped.

I am however trying to focus on how bad something is vs the other, example stealing a chocolate bar vs robbing a bank is very different criminal actions. And punished very differently.

So then you can set ur own opinion about it, i see UIF trying to make strategu sveiwer tool as just as bad as multiaccounting, and that's ridiculous.

my opinion about stuff that a legal ilegal and semi legal.

1. Multiaccounting, forever ban
2. Duping equip or gold, forever ban
3. duping troops, forever ban
4.  find a bug that dupe something and tell the dEVS, taken away the gold/equip.
5. Using gliches in strat battles, allowed
6. laying ladders on ground to prevent cav, i think legal
7. setting up ladder like last siege UIF ladderd up all over making towers of ladder, 1 week ban.
8. claiming to have a son, daughter, wife or whatever and don't have it, perma ban.
9. Using a script with Devs blessing, legal

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Grey Order Strat Announcement
« on: December 07, 2012, 11:52:36 am »
Is it only me that reads the thread ? don't you guys see that Greys now admit to multi account more, and that those accounts haven't been baned ?
They even admit to teamveiwer wow, how far can u guys go for cheating ? leaving ur hole computer up for whoever controls the greys. Im sad-

I am all so surprised that some members of this community would like to have these players back into the game. If you guys cant see all the new keys all ready been made.

And those who accuse me my wife or my son for cheating can rest assured that i am 100 % sure that i am one of those that are checked very much just because your accusations.

Grey will not quit the game, they want some PR.

this thread is reducouls attempt to force multiaccounting on strat as legal, and to accuse others of cheating when we all know who does what.

PS! UIF have a lot of information about us Mercs, and if we even cheated a little the spys would blow the wistle. Think about this----

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Cheating or No?
« on: December 07, 2012, 11:04:31 am »
Why try and joke away everything i say because i am a Merc vovka ? We have to be able to set aside UIF/Anti UIF discussion when it comes down to how strat should be and why.

Inside information from Devs might be useful for any clan. And might have a impact on everything in strat.
And a lot more useful to know details about strat then a screen shot from a member.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Cheating or No?
« on: December 07, 2012, 10:47:31 am »
I agree with chadz, this discussion is clan related, not on the actual facts or the program itself.

But people seem to forget 1 thing, especial the Nords have come with a lot of accusations and made this tool a problem when its really not.
but have you thought about what it means for a clan to have Devs inside your clan ? I remember what we  got to know when cmpx was a merc.
This is more a problem then this tool. Why ?

because just now the Devs are making new stuff for Strat, i hear talk about balista and some other things that i dont know what are.
This situation might benefit a clan likeNords who got many contacts and members inside Devs admins and the followers of chadz himself.
the info they get in a early stage can be use for example to save up points so they get the new stuff +3 before anybody else. or taking decisions inside strat because of the info they got.

I think this is more of a advantage then seeing a screen every 10 min from a online clan member.

On the other side this is a necessity evil to have this game move forward.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Cheating or No?
« on: December 07, 2012, 09:36:01 am »
Stupid to vote over something that the public really don't know what is.

1. Mercs tested it for like 3 days. Found it useful but security issues (possible to hack)
2. DaveUKR quited the game for some time and dint use this tool (hes the 1 on mountain)
3. this tool can be used to automatic shit but as it is now is just like a screen shot, but easier to see it because u see it on the strat map.

test it then come back and make ur vote.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Cheating or No?
« on: December 06, 2012, 03:34:12 pm »
To Andswaru and Thovex.

U guys are incredible. Im out of words. pathetic mogoloids

I have proof you guys used BUY SCRIPT in strat 2 and more (made by a russian clan we all know)
How is this a diffrence, ur arguing that all third party programs are cheats.

PS! i never trusted the buy script so i never used it. Or that other script for forming armys with excat nr of equip. 
The truth is that third party programs have been here from the start of strategus, And u NORD complaing that this was private HAHAHA

u never told anyone about those scripts. Hypocrits and morons the lot of u

Diplomacy / Re: Anti UIF Troop collection competition. (EU-Dhirim Area)
« on: December 06, 2012, 03:25:47 pm »
hey all.

Due to this take over of this thread i herby cancel this competition. Noone will read 9 pages about another mather then join the competition.
Thos who deliverd troops can be payed or deliverd there troops back. pm me.

So thank you Thovex for spoiling something that was meant to be a fun thing for the loners out there.

il lock this thread

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Cheating or No?
« on: December 06, 2012, 11:38:41 am »
I thin Noc says it very good in a thread he wasnt supposed to post in but il copy paste it here:

Here summary of Thovex :

Cries about prime times, but when other clans were getting gangbanged at xmas he cheers for UIF
Benefits from cheaters in two rounds, then accuses others by cheating for beta testing with the approval of admins
Calls people pricks for not giving peace time, act like a prick when he was offered peace at very start
Tells people to suck leaders dick, while he couldn't run three fiefs and joined another clan under someone else's leadership

1. The devs Admins and chadz himself didnt call this cheat-
2. We know for a fact that scripts have been used by Union and DRZ while we where more or less friendly with them ( they sent us buy scripts and so on basically a third party program as well)
3. nords got invited, they dropping the BOMB on my thread because they felt my thread was a threat.

Clearly anyone can see that this was not a attempt to cheat or get a advantage but test out something that all might be using.
The Greys quiting due to this is so ludicrous that i cant stop rolling on the floor laughing my throat dry.

the Nords using this as a exit as well.

When we all know this is due to there trade is STOPED in strat with our (Hre Peace Mercs Deserters) 17000 men troops walking into occiatan and bashi territory's.

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