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Messages - Egyptian_Pharaoh

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Closed Requests / Re: Banned from NA_DTV for what?
« on: May 26, 2011, 04:00:13 pm »
Thanks Nindur. I i am really sorry this has continued to escalate to the point it is and for taking part in this major hastle for you, This is only the second bad situation involving me on here.. wich both happened within the same day.. Its just been really crazy and frustrating, this server has never been this extreme before..

-King_of_kings is the original poster
so will I have to make a separate thread for the unban?

Closed Requests / Re: Banned from NA_DTV for what?
« on: May 26, 2011, 10:27:34 am »
See this guys just complete trash.. His personality shows alot here he just lies, and changes the story its actually kinda funny ask anybody that knows kelly and theyll tell u how bad this kid is.. Its just funny how hes trying to appear a ''good'' guy but.. simple as that go to page 1 and any right minded person will know what the hell is really going on

Closed Requests / Re: Banned from NA_DTV for what?
« on: May 26, 2011, 09:42:20 am »
Whoever is viewing this.. Go back to page 1.. And read it all.. This matter really needs to be reviewd and looked at.. Just please go to page 1 and look at all of this complete crap.. Btw there is really nothing more for me to point out or say.. its all on page 1

Closed Requests / Re: Banned from NA_DTV for what?
« on: May 26, 2011, 09:09:56 am »
listen to this Rkelly guy.. like really.. This is how he is all game long.. and hes demonstrating a perfect example of himself on here..

This is just either an act of Prejudice, Or just simply Bias wich clearly is.. theres nothing els really. any normal person after looking at what I have to say.. And what Patricia/Rkelly have to say would also clearly agree that this ban is very unnecesary.

Closed Requests / Re: Banned from NA_DTV for what?
« on: May 26, 2011, 09:08:04 am »
Rkelly why are u even talkin haha

Like I said... People(players) talk to eachother in a jokingly manner.. Its not hypocritical its just the fact that u didnt state in anyway that u were an admin wouldve influenced the way i wouldve responded.. Just as you would change ur speech around a teacher/adult compared to how u would talk to your buddies.. AND LIKE I SAID.. it was with an LOL at the end.. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to know its not ment to be directly offencive lol. AND LIKE I SAID AGAIN WHAT IDIOT WOULD GENUINLY TELL AN ADMIN TO SHUT THE FUCK UP.. lol did u not even read what i wrote... This ban has no real reason.. This is truely diaspointing..

And really what did Royal_Sword do? lol what did he DO that RKELLY DIDNT DO?? tell me that lol.. WHAT DID I DO that Rkelly didnt do? Tell me that too. N howcome you dodged everysingle other point i also had...
See this isnt going anywehere and just doesnt make anysence.. Lift this ban.. Or I really dont want to make another post and waste the other admins time.. when u can just resolve it right here..

and So You waited about an hour later to finally ban that exploiter, and after me? No doesnt make sence at all.. I just think u have somthing personal against me and thats not right, is he even REALLY banned?

I still want to know why Royal Sword was banned. What did he do? Lol and I guess hes a friend.. Its just that me and him were targeted by Rkelly so i guess it kinda put us together in the situation..

Closed Requests / Re: Banned from NA_DTV for what?
« on: May 26, 2011, 08:43:11 am »
OKay this is really frustrating me and is not right...

Patricia I dont know why on earth u have such a stong feeling against me or what it is and why? Were you Akaboum??? I missed what u said and asked '' Yes Akaboum what were u asking?'' And you said '' I TOLD U TO SHUT THE FUCK UP''.. Now assuming that ur just a regular ordinary player.. I simply AND jokingly told u to ''YOU shut the fuck up LOL'' Notice the LOL there? yeah thats a because its in a jokingly manner? And Now that I know your an admin and that Akaboum is your account I am deeply sorry U took any sort of offence to that in any way.. Like cmon what idiot would knowingly tell an admin to shut the fuck up?? Especially a player as prestigous as me? And you banned me for that?/ Out of all the racist, Cheating, Trolling, Exploiting?? (Oh yeah and remember that guy that u repeadetly told to get of that exploit and did nothing about)?? And yet you banned me?

And if you were in the game You should know that I told RKelly numerous times to leave me alone and to stop egging me on.. Yet he persisted to make jokes about my mom (him and his other 2 trolls), continued to make fun of me and insult, and cus, Kick/Punch... I told him over and over to stop talking, and leave me alone..

I have a feeling u have some strong feelings against me.. And that is why you havent supplied any pics of the chat log (as simple as it is)
Why I think that? because it would expose this whole sham and everything rkelly said and how u didnt even bother to ban that guy who exploiting in the village... I honestly dont know.. it just seems suspicious as to why u havent supplied those chat logs as simple as that is, because there really isnt any other reason why you banned me othe than the fact i jokingly told u to ''you shut the fuck up LOl'' (rmbr 2 notice the lol at end) and unaware of u being an admin

and because of this suspicous lack of evidence...
I want every admin to go into the server and ask players like Hardeknud and others that were there and I GARUANTEE that they will say Rkelly is the biggest troll ever on the server.. He has been vote banned many many times by people in the server and he is well known for his trolling.. I bet that atleast 80 percent of the servers regular players WILL aggree.

The thing i simply just dont get is why he isnt banned.. After all of his abuse and aggrivating everyone..
Im not trying to degrade you or put you down Patricia.. But for some reason you are on me like a hawk and really trying to give me a hard time...
and im starting to have suspisisions and I think thats fair to say...

Its dissapointing how it seems just admins are complete authority and dont even need proof, wich isnt right.. And we all know not ''everyone'' can be completely truthfull, not even the higher authorities
and like i said.. Y cant simple proof such as chat logs be presented?? I wouldve gotten some of my own.. But I was just ubruptly banned with no say or anything said beforehand.. just straight up banned, and over nothing as seriouse as others issues..
-I would be more passive and less aggresive to this matter.. But I feel I am being strongly disregarded and its very VERY frustratingly unfair...

Closed Requests / Re: Banned from NA_DTV for what?
« on: May 26, 2011, 08:01:23 am »
okay what are you talking about?? this is so confusing..

Closed Requests / Re: Banned from NA_DTV for what?
« on: May 26, 2011, 07:58:18 am »
Wait wait.. I am deeply sorry for any missunderstanding of insulting you?/ But i honestly dont recall insulting you or talking ''shit'' on the server for a good 2 hours?? This is really frustrating and There were people asking me about the whole ban situation and I was just trying to ignore it by saying it was nothing because i didnt want to bring it up again...

Closed Requests / Re: [Ban] Defend the Village Abuse
« on: May 26, 2011, 05:20:16 am »
sinic really.. I was just on the NYC server with you and the admin on there and even he knows im a good person.. And everyone knows that lljk arent innocent all the time.. I really dont know why u hate me or dislike me enough to actually go though with this lol. U even told us in the NYC server that u werent even there so wtf.. Y r u changing ur story now

Closed Requests / Re: [Ban] Defend the Village Abuse
« on: May 26, 2011, 05:08:30 am »
I know its temporary but its still very just not good. And she says how nobodys vouching for me here.. Its not like I have ther ephone numbers or steam accounts.. Im just generally very friendly and a good player.. I know alot of the regulars kinda well now but Its not like i creepily added them on steam and told them to come here to vouch me.. Lol but w/e guess i just gota waste my sweet time

Closed Requests / Re: Unban REQUEST: Egyptian_Pharaoh
« on: May 26, 2011, 05:04:16 am »
in the pictures u can even see a bit of the convo still.. I was saying how we need to charge together to take on the enemy to survive..because(We were all clearly bloody red and almost dead)

Closed Requests / Unban REQUEST: Egyptian_Pharaoh
« on: May 26, 2011, 05:03:03 am »
From: Egyptian_Pharaoh
I was Unrightfully banned on a DTV server...

- I am allegedly responsible for leeching xp and gold..
- Aparently I waited a very long time leeching xp and gold from an archer...
- There were about 5 pictures supporting this troll's claim (BTW the 5 pictures were all literely seconds apart)
- Ive seen many Racist, TeamKilling, Perverted, Annoying, Insulting/slandering players continue to play on this server OVER and OVER and Over time and time again..
and on some bogus report I get a permaban?? Really guys
- I am also part of the crew who completed the DTV along with Perceval_ATS, Duke_Skewer, and a few others.. I am friendly with many of the players on that server and others will
probably vouch for me to like Hardeknud, Royal_Pike, TheMarkedOne, Mute, And many many other regular players apart of the server...
- Even players on the NYC Keepers server are vouching for me
- Bottom line is that I am not a troll, A racist, A slanderer.. or anything people dont want to play with...
I am a great player with great skill, and friendliness and there is no reason why I am being banned its completely disappointing

-I just dont get how anyone could disagree with me on this one..
So can just any random troll these days just set up a bogus report to get somone permabanned, while there are hundreds of terrible people out there every day who dont even get kicked??..

Please please guys ive put alot of time into crpg and into DTV and this is wrong...

unban Egyptian_Pharaoh...

Closed Requests / Re: [Ban] Defend the Village Abuse
« on: May 26, 2011, 04:48:47 am »
Are you kidding me.. All of those pictures are literally seconds apart.. Really guys you can do better than this.. I really have no idea why this is being brought apaun me.. Its a simple troll who had nerve to do this.. I have many people who are vouching for me that I am a great player and not a troll.. Scum.. Leecher.. ETC.. I also was one of the people who BEAT DTV! with Perveval_ATS MarkedOne, Duke_Skewer and a few others.. There are alot of more other regular players that also like me and talk with eachother often.. Even people from the NYC keepers server enjoy my company.. I am really disappointed with this and this needs to be fixed..

Closed Requests / Re: [Ban] Defend the Village Abuse
« on: May 26, 2011, 04:15:30 am »
You stop it.. this isnt a joke and is actually very seriouse.. Its not funny what u are trying to do..

Closed Requests / Re: [Ban] Defend the Village Abuse
« on: May 26, 2011, 04:12:52 am »
And justice has been served.

are you joking?? Read what we were saying.. I was saying we were going to charge him. and that we need to do it together.. If you actually look at the pictures (there all the same).. And we were all at no health..(Bloody) looking.. Also.. This kids a troll. this isnt justice or anything... this is bogus

and dont u think that if there were more dead people... they wouldve banned us or kicked us out of the game??? this kids a troll

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