« on: May 26, 2011, 05:03:03 am »
From: Egyptian_Pharaoh
I was Unrightfully banned on a DTV server...
- I am allegedly responsible for leeching xp and gold..
- Aparently I waited a very long time leeching xp and gold from an archer...
- There were about 5 pictures supporting this troll's claim (BTW the 5 pictures were all literely seconds apart)
- Ive seen many Racist, TeamKilling, Perverted, Annoying, Insulting/slandering players continue to play on this server OVER and OVER and Over time and time again..
and on some bogus report I get a permaban?? Really guys
- I am also part of the crew who completed the DTV along with Perceval_ATS, Duke_Skewer, and a few others.. I am friendly with many of the players on that server and others will
probably vouch for me to like Hardeknud, Royal_Pike, TheMarkedOne, Mute, And many many other regular players apart of the server...
- Even players on the NYC Keepers server are vouching for me
- Bottom line is that I am not a troll, A racist, A slanderer.. or anything people dont want to play with...
I am a great player with great skill, and friendliness and there is no reason why I am being banned its completely disappointing
-I just dont get how anyone could disagree with me on this one..
So can just any random troll these days just set up a bogus report to get somone permabanned, while there are hundreds of terrible people out there every day who dont even get kicked??..
Please please guys ive put alot of time into crpg and into DTV and this is wrong...
unban Egyptian_Pharaoh...