I was also on this server the precise moment that this was happening. I played with Rosento and Egypt before and they are always keen on stalling as much as possible.
In this situation I logged in roughly 1 minute before this screenshot was taken. I logged into the above having a 5x and leaving the last mob shooting arrows for eternity while they just sat. We tried to boot/ban Rosento but the vote failed by 1% arguably because people dead also had a 5x or similar which is understandable on their part. Frustrated the ban polls were going nowhere I left to go play on the other NA DTV server NYC Keepers where-in i mentioned the above incident to the folks on there.
Server logs if they are robust enough (no idea on server software dynamics for Warband) can confirm my appearance coinciding with this specific event, perhaps logs on the ban poll for Rosento would collaborate my post here. I always follow my best practices and never stall unless its a bunch of ranged mobs left with me just reloading my crossbow taking shots trying not to die. In this particular situation there was a shielder and two other people that would be almost literally impossible to fail killing one archer who would die before he even drew his weapon in CQC.
Since it is relative to the thread, I've never seen any admins on this particular server ever to monitor this at all.
Moral of The Story: Kid got caught stealing from the cookie jar and left a trail of crumbs.