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Messages - Thucydides

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General Discussion / Re: The bane of your c-RPG existence?
« on: December 02, 2012, 01:29:09 am »
Crpg launcher

and school

cRPG Technical problems / Cannot connect to server error 404
« on: December 02, 2012, 01:01:53 am »
I downloaded the Clan banner pack and accidentally overwritten the script with the clan banner pack script. It broke so I used the Crpg launcher to repair it. That's when I got the 404 error, and now it constantly gives me this error. I tried deleting crpg, redownloading CRPG launcher using dropbox and official beta version. Nothing works. Any reason why this error is happening?

Historical Discussion / Re: Pikemen and the Phalanx
« on: November 30, 2012, 11:38:14 am »
Those guys were veterans of all of Alexander's campaigns though, like the wiki page says they weren't "ordinary" soldiers. They were fighting against brand new levies from Macedon that had almost never seen battle, certainly not the ammount that they had.

which is why i said it was " mostly true". the limitation of the phalanx wasn't the formation itself, but the training of it's soldiers. This applies to all troop formations, but the phalanx was especially vulnerable to poorly trained troops. The levy nature of the later successor phalanx is what, IMO, led to the conception that the phalanx canntot meet attacks on it's flank and rear. With adequate training, a square could be formed to meet flanking pressure until they are reinforced.

General Discussion / Re: I'm retiring from CRPG
« on: November 27, 2012, 10:46:31 am »
Welcome back? :wink:

Not sure if I remember you, what was your in-game name?

I'm NA so i'm not that surprised you don't. Its the same name as my Username here.

General Discussion / Re: I'm retiring from CRPG
« on: November 27, 2012, 10:35:46 am »
Could have at least waited for the thread's 1 year anniversary.

close enough

General Discussion / Re: I'm retiring from CRPG
« on: November 27, 2012, 10:11:12 am »
JK i was mad.

General Discussion / Re: I Quit
« on: November 27, 2012, 07:57:13 am »
He'll be back. They always come back.
The only way to leave cRPG is in a body bag.


Historical Discussion / Re: Pikemen and the Phalanx
« on: November 06, 2012, 02:49:53 am »
From what I've read the phalanx formation was vulnerable to being flanked or hit from behind.  It was a very "forward" oriented fighting formation.  If it had cavalry or some other lighter/more mobile infantry on the flanks it was less vulnerable. 

Spear and shield classes of fighters were still very common up through the end of the middle ages, just not necessarily in the phalanx formation.

Mostly true, with the exception of the Argyraspides, where during the Battle of Gabiene they proved that a well trained and high morale group of Phalanges can form  a battle square that prevents them from being outflanked.

While Eumenes' camp was being plundered and his left flank dissolving into rout, the Argyraspides advanced on Antigonus' phalangites. Completely smashing them, the Argyraspides routed Antigonus' entire phalanx killing five thousand men without a single loss. Eumenes ordered Peucestas to go back into combat with his cavalry and pursue the advantage, but the latter refused to move. Seeing this, Antigonus then ordered his light horse under Peithon, just finished plundering Eumenes' camp to attack the Argyraspides in their rear. However, the Argyraspides were not ordinary soldiers, instead of panicking and fleeing, they calmly formed a large square and safely marched off the field.

Historical Discussion / Re: Pikemen and the Phalanx
« on: November 06, 2012, 02:44:29 am »
Cavalry suddenly became the dominant force on the battlefield, so there needed to be a quick, cost effective way of countering them, without years of training. Phalanxes would not have been much use against the catapults and heavy infantry of the Romans, and once they were wiped out, spearmen became that much more useful.

Not True. Though the consensus is that Roman infantry was superior to the Phalanx one on one, Accounts of confrontations between the two shows a prolonged stalemate between the two until the Romans forced the pikes over uneven ground or if they ambushed the phalanx before they were set up. The Phalanx were intended to be a complementary force that pinned the enemy so that Heavy Cavalry would crushed the flanks and rear of the enemy formation. The Macedonian Phalanx only became the main force of destruction due to the wars between successors of Alexander, where Phalanx pushes determined the battlefield rather than cavalry, as well as  their relative cheapness compared to maintaining a retinue of Companions.

Mod is once again alive and kicking (D E A D)

lulul hashish

goddamnit bob you stole my thunder

Faction Halls / Re: The Peloponessian League
« on: December 25, 2011, 08:22:24 pm »
I looked some stuff up (as this is an era I havnt ever known much about) and it reads that Philip apparently was captured by thebes and there is a possibility that he was inspired by the military tactics and strategies of thebes. So I agree maybe Thebes helped create Macedon :)

If you want a good continual story of this period, you should check out "Hellenica" by Xenophon. Though i'd suggest you read the Histories by Thucydides first, since the Hellenica starts off exactly where Thucydides left off.

Faction Halls / Re: The Peloponessian League
« on: December 25, 2011, 08:00:31 pm »
The thebans never 'conquered' the greek city states like the Macedonians :P

Also the league would have to seperate and fight between two halves before Thebes even came in and did anything.

the thebans did liberate messenia and broke the back of the Peloponesian league, who were allied after the corinthian war. Without the Helots supporting the professional armies of sparta, the resistance against philip rested on the Citizen militia of Athens and Thebes, with a small contingent of sacred band professionals. We all know how that turned out.

You realize that it was Epaminondas that revolutionized military tactics and strategy that allowed philip to engineer his macedonian war machine. Without thebes, there would be no Philip, and no Alexander.

Faction Halls / Re: The Peloponessian League
« on: December 25, 2011, 07:17:43 pm »
Then the Macedonians will come and conquer us all... its all good :P

wrong the thebans will crush you at battle of leuctra and mantinea

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