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Messages - Chazzer1

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Um i cant follow the link to you applications page :(

Spam / Re: My dad can beat up your dad
« on: July 18, 2011, 02:20:12 pm »
my dad died in a car crash when i was five assholes  :cry:

i have an idea, how about it only does damage if the sharp bit hits people, i see pikes stabbing through somone. the shaft goes through their body then the blade goes up and hits them. Its hard to explain. Basically the blade is allready past them, by their feet. As the stab carries on the pike guy aimes up and the spike at the end hits the guy in the head. It is illogical, if any part that is not the sharp bit hits u it should bounce of with no dammage.

General Off Topic / Re: Laptop suggestion
« on: July 05, 2011, 11:42:43 pm »
what u got momo?

Suggestions Corner / Re: Skurcey's WorkShop [IMAGES]
« on: July 05, 2011, 10:51:33 pm »
I think they could increase the "ruffian" classes. If you look many clans take the kyak, they could add this bear helm with it and more clubs and shit :D This could finally allow the bandit faction to dress like bandits instead of knights in pink briganes. :D

General Discussion / Re: respect
« on: July 05, 2011, 10:49:57 pm »
God dammit baldrider, voting against me again?  :shock:

General Discussion / Re: respect
« on: July 05, 2011, 10:48:35 pm »
that was me babe
Ragnar jumped in also :D
sadly you cheated and voted your own post up. booo hisss

Spam / Re: !!!!!!!
« on: July 05, 2011, 10:46:43 pm »
I'm British, in actually fact i'm a direct descendent of some fella who was a british noble running america, owned the majority of what is now called manhatan, his name was the bostan merchant. Richest bundle of sticks in america in the late 1700's. Untill he got fucked over in the war of independence :P    Well he stole all of your natural recourses for close to 50 years, A GREAT MAN. 

Suggestions Corner / Re: Completely new Gold + XP idea
« on: June 05, 2011, 03:02:35 pm »
Ok Digglez, firstly this is a constructive thread.
1. If you want to say something, give reasons and examples, don't just tell us that it doesn't encourage teamplay. Give examples.
2. It is widly accepted a new system would go on top of the old one, the team play would remain but there would be an advantage for more skilled players and it would make it more fair for peasants.
3. It is debatable if the new system is better, where is the reward for being good? you get the same gold as everyone on your team.

A good idea is perhaps that you get a multiplier for ever 5 kills you get without dying or something like that.

Sell/Trade / Re: (TRADE) Masterwork Items (Kunio's Tükkan)
« on: June 05, 2011, 12:22:27 am »
you know, if you feel like sharing some of your obvious wealth with the less fortunate.... :D

Suggestions Corner / Re: Completely new Gold + XP idea
« on: June 04, 2011, 11:01:16 pm »
hmm, keep the ideas coming guys. :)

Suggestions Corner / Re: Completely new Gold + XP idea
« on: June 04, 2011, 02:44:06 pm »
I know what would really add to game play, when someone is wounded they run and hit slower. This would mean shooting somone in the leg under their shield would do something. :) also i think toffi is right, the system now is good. Though perhaps a bonus for being close to the fighting also. Defiantly duel gold is needed. Perhaps every time you get a kill you get some gold. :)

Suggestions Corner / Re: Completely new Gold + XP idea
« on: June 04, 2011, 01:35:38 pm »
That is great for knights and all that. but what about peasents.
Higher your level the less your hit multiplayer. That would be epic. If your lvl 35, and cleaving through the enemy you wont get as much gold as a lvl 15 who is epic with a cheap weapon getting less kills.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Completely new Gold + XP idea
« on: June 04, 2011, 01:29:35 pm »
I was going to add on horses or fists. As for wooden sticks, if a knight was using one im sure an enemy would kill him with a sword. And if two people are left alone with sticks they get kicked/ban.

Suggestions Corner / Completely new Gold + XP idea
« on: June 04, 2011, 01:04:36 pm »
Ok, my problem is that if i was playing and had got like 11 kills what reward do i get? Everyone on my team gets the multiplier and killing 11 guys wont do that much if there is 150 people playing. Another problem is that when i fight against someone with a flamberge in plate i'm thinking, why am i doing this? Here is my master plan, i am unsure if it is possible or not.

1. IMPORTANT, i am not proposing you get gold for each kill, that would not fix my problem with fighting good people.
Here is what i am saying. When u hit someone you get say 10 gold and 10xp or what ever. So if i'm a peasant and i end up alone against a knight. If i hit him 50 times then kill him i get 500 gold. (very extreme case). But if the knight slices the peasant's face of he only gets 10.
2. IN ADDITION, if you are an archer and you often dont get kills this works because your are earning gold for each hit.
3. BIG QUESTION, now what happens if people just chose a short bow and spam hit? well this is the master plan, when you kill that person the number of hits is doubled. So if you hit someone 5 times then kill him you get 100 gold. (This can be balanced later on, the gold and xp is estimate from me).
4. OPTIONAL IDEA, one problem is if your fighting somone and have hit him like 10 times then your friend kills him, your friend just lost you 200. This could lead to fights and tk's. To resolve this if the guy kills you, your xp and gold from the hit count is halved.


I hit a knight, nothing happens immediately but when he dies i get my gold. If i hit him 5 times. I kill him: I get 5 x 10 x 2 = 100, He kills me 5 x 10/2 = 25, Someone else kills him, 5 x 10 = 50. So there will not be the "KILLSTEALINGmy old friend I HATE YOU" attitude, because you don't want to risk it.


I see a knight, i think, if i kill this guy i will get lots of money but i don't want to get killed. Getting killed means you lose a lot of money, think about it. The more hits you land on everyone will result on more gold when they are finally killed. So there will be less suicide charges, people will end up trying to get a hit on him but not getting killed, this is more realistic. Also pike men and archers will get money, at the moment they end up stabbing and hurting the guy then some two hander runs in and kills him. How does the archer feel? with this system he will get the gold he earned. Also this stops leeching, you cant just sit there hiding, you have to try and get a hit. It will also encourage lower levels to be ranged, then as they level up become a melee guy.

Perhaps we will keep the round win multiplyer and all that, but leecher polls will be removed. This should result in people clumping together alot more and leechers will just die without getting hits.

This is probably impossible, i have no idea how the scripting works but if you could get it to run of the number of hits it would be cool. This is a rushed version of the whole idea, if people have views or improved versions of this plan please post here. Thanks :)

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