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Messages - Adrian_Cyrius

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Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Help: how bad is my first build?
« on: May 17, 2011, 09:09:04 pm »
Ok! Ok! Thank you all!

Now I understood about attacking from left and turning right, to make sword reach opponent faster... but the problem is: I have troubles directing attacks!
With keyboard it attacks always forward, 'cause I use to go ahead and behind while fighting... and anyway I couldn't go right while attacking left...
With mouse it also always attack forward. :| It seems to not get turning head like movement to attack... or maybe because I lover look too much... (and yes... miss headshots...).

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Help: how bad is my first build?
« on: May 15, 2011, 04:19:49 am »
Yeah a second shield slows you down by an enormous amount.  Especially your acceleration.  Probably the worst thing you can do to your mobility.   
Don't use 2 shields, it slows you down way too much.

Other than that, i think your build looks fine. You might want to look at your equipment though, but the other guys got that covered :)
Yep, I noticed today and renounced. I tried buckler... sometimes it seems great, sometimes not. Anyway versus Bardiche and Axes it lasts few like every other shield... I also felt to get hurt by much more arrows, even if somebody told me I shouldn't with 6 on shields...

Anyway today even I used an even lighter armor (Sarranid Leather, 4.5 instead 11), lighter helmet (Nordic Leather Helmet, 0.5 instead 3), no second shield (5 weight), but still some skilled people can attack me twice after I block them...
They said it's 'cause of experience and the way they move their PG, but I can't understand how possible!
With my speed (I can walk faster than crosbowmen often) I would expect I can counter-attack after blocking!

Suggestions Corner / Re: About horsemen
« on: May 15, 2011, 01:45:42 am »
We couldn't hit his horse 'cause he didn't stop running.

Suggestions Corner / Re: About horsemen
« on: May 15, 2011, 12:25:45 am »
PhantomZero, your posts still keeps being just "fun", but adds almost nothing to discussion.
If your only aim is to try to ridicule other's post, you already tried to do your job, so you can give up.

Getting some very low damange, like 2%, if hitting metal armor infantry or if running full speed in front of a wall, wouldn't prevent people to use horses. I'm sure.
Also because they don't "die" without horse.

At max it would be like shield... after a while you "abused" to use horses to trample metal armored infantry, you'll loose it. But with 2% (or lesser) damage took for each trample, loosing horse due to this means you deserved it.

Anyway, if you think 2% or lesser damage would change the balance in favour of infantry, we could still think about something else...
Maybe after each trample horse slow down for half or 1/4 of second?

My opinion keeps being: there will be no balance until horsemen can freely run over here and there.

Example: in last match I did, there was a crosbow-horsemen, which wasn't even good to hit enemies with his weapon, but delayed all games for long time any time he was last standing versus infantry. 'Cause even if you would succed to go close to him, he just turn a bit his horse and trample you.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Help: how bad is my first build?
« on: May 15, 2011, 12:07:55 am »
Scimitar has neither the weight nor damage to really threaten heavily armored enemies.  Light swords like that will glance off alot.

Either pick a HIGH damage cut weapon or try out bludgeon/pierce weapons.
How weight on weapons reflect on efficiency?

Scimitar has 97 length, 1.3 weight, 101 speed, 30 cut
Niuweidao has 88 length, 1.5 weight, 101 speed, 33 cut
Italian Falchion has 70 length, 1 weight, 101 speed, 34 cut

Those are the most "cutting damange" swords with speed at least 101.
But the last two are far away shorter than Scimitar... lenght is not so important?

at least 21 strength and 7 powerstrike or you will bounce off people's medium to heavy armor a lot.

Uhm... next "generation" I'll do 21/15 then? So I can have 5 on shields, which lets me use buckler, which is way a lot lighter than usual shields.

Suggestions Corner / Re: About horsemen
« on: May 14, 2011, 08:35:34 pm »
Well, as said, it's not a matter "I feel the game is not enought realistic". (It's not what I think and it's not the discussion I wanted to make here.)
The matter is: "I feel not balanced to let horsemen running over everything freely"

So, seeing I felt this, I wanted to think and suggest solutions.
And seeing I should suggest solutions, I tried to search for some "realistic" ways to make horsemen just a bit less free to walk over everything.
Like: "forcing them to choose their movement a bit more tactically".

So the aim is not to make the game more realistic, but more balanced (in my opinion, obviously).

Obviously you're free to not agree with my feeling of not balanced game due to "freely running over everything" horsemen. And it's ok.

But I think it's not forcely to say "if you have to implement this, you have to implement that, too...". The aim is balancing, not (only) realism.
If more realism would means less belance, well... in my opinion: better not. (Usually I'm to sacrify some realism to balancing.)

You realize that when chargers hit people, they are impacting with their chest right?  The strongest part of their body.  Have you ever seen horse skeleton?  Do you see how thick the bones are?  You are like balsawood to a horse
The problem of horses is they get cripple easly. They're leg are not so resistent.
Well... it's what I know... I could be mystaking anyway...

But in this optic... walking over a "shogun armor" warrior shouldn't be "totally free of charge" for the horse...
I'm not saying it should get cripple... but at least scratched by metal... so 2% damage or similar...

RI-EDIT: Anyway, again, it's not about a matter of 100% realism... is about a matter of "justifying a balancing solution choice".

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Help: how bad is my first build?
« on: May 14, 2011, 08:16:44 pm »
I didnt say completely go without helm, just dont wear something so heavy.  A medium armor helm is going to give you more protection for the weight and prevent 1 shots.

Use medium-light armor and faster speed weapons.  This will give you the small swing speed advantage you need to get the drop on people.

Try out Steel Pick, Winged Mace, or any sword over 102 speed.  My guildmate that is hoplite shield/1h uses a Niuweidao to very good results.

Uhm... well... I noticed all helmets before Barbutte are ugly... :D
Maybe I should search better then. ^_^
Around how much armor and weight should I look about?

Druzhima Mail Shirt is enough "middle" armor?

I chose Scimitar 'cause I thought it as the best length/speed/damage/cost choice...
It is fast 101 (and long 97).
If I renounce to "inheredit" Long Espada Eslavona (which is fast 99 and would be 100), I can make Scimitar became 102 on second retirement.

What do you think about?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Help: how bad is my first build?
« on: May 14, 2011, 08:04:18 pm »
(Generally I go 21/15 or 24/12 or 27/9 even if I am using a 1her sword).
Are you talking about "Strength/Agility"? So I put too much agility for sword?
Well I care to be "sword and shield" 'cause of a sort of affection to this kind of character! ^_^
(I always play like that in RPG games.)

Well I wanted also to ask about this, but forgot. ^_^
I put enought athletics 'cause somebody told me it faster your weapon. But I'm not so sure. Maybe it's only for bowmen? Or he was right? Does athletics faster my sword?

That's why I put lot of points in Agility, 'cause it let me raise interesting skills, like athletics (if it works like said), shield and weapon master (to raise one handed much more).

So the question is: what I should do differently to have a good "sword and shield" character after retirement?

Remember, helmet weight x3 = actual weight.  How often do you really get headshot?

WOW! I didnt' know about this!
Well actually I noticed also not so much headshots... infact I used no helmet at all for some periods.
But at the end I decided to buy a new one when I had enough "lot of" money...

I don't dislike the idea to go around without helmet... so you think I should renounce to it?

Suggestions Corner / Re: About horsemen
« on: May 14, 2011, 07:42:07 pm »
Is your horse anorexic or something?  Warhorses are 1500-2k lbs

Warhorse hitting the average man is the equivalent of the average man hitting a 20lb infant.

Ok, go around hitting 20lb metal armored infat, then.
After return here and tell me if you didn't get hurty at least a bit.

Then again return back and hit twenty 20lb metal armored infants... and so on.

Suggestions Corner / Re: About horsemen
« on: May 14, 2011, 07:38:26 pm »
If your goal is to make horsemen unable to use horses
And it is not.

Infact my real suggestion aim was to implement something not debilitating at all for horsemen.
If an horse has 100hp, and get 5 damage for each trampling on metal armored infantry, they can still trample 20 warriors (or like) and still (probably) all bowmen and some crossbowmen on their way. And surely they would keep doing.
And this is just an example. The amount could be lesser...

[EDIT - Like: if horse gets 2 damage for every metal armor infantry trampled, they could still trample 50 of them! They should just count the risk to be hit by a weapon while their horse is already a bit hurt.]

It's just a matter of balance, infact.
Which is what I want, too: balance. And I don't feel it at all with "unbreakable" horses.

I neither talked about shields, 'cause I can guess they would be too much debilitating for them, and maybe neither so realistic.
If my aim was really to debilitate horses at infrantry advantage, I would had suggested to hurt horses on shields too... and, as said, I didn't.

Anyway I noticed horse rearing before hurting a wall... but as Patricia said, at full speed horses can't stop so fast.

So as you can see, I'm not talking about "how much hurt a real horse would get by walking on an armoured man".
It's a game... it have to be realistic, but also balanced.
If it should be "so realistic", horses should be at least lame everytime an horsemen runs them fulls-speed on a wall. And horses surely would fail to stop or turn by instinct...
So you see... if we really put inside "so realistic" arguments up to "your head cracks if an horse walks on you", we have to start put inside lot of other stuffs which includes impairments and similar!

So no point. You arguments about "too much realistic" doesn't fit, 'cause it's neither what I'm searching about. I'm searching balancing, 'cause it's a game.
So it's a matter to balance realism and gameplay.

No skull cracked, no horses crippled due to runned into a wall, no arm cutted due to weapons, and similar stuffs...
But at least some "balanced" consequences for bumping this and that and similar.

The "argument" in this topic is not "I want the game to be much more realistic for horsemen and not for infantry".
The argument is "I feel not balanced the fact horses can run over everything freely. So in the aim to balance this, I wanna suggest something which COULD also be realistic".

Beginner's Help and Guides / Help: how bad is my first build?
« on: May 14, 2011, 06:33:51 pm »
Hi all, I started playing the game 4 days ago, and now I'm level 27.
I have some difficulties sometimes, expecially related to attack speed. I know most of problems are just related to my low experience and "players" (mine) slowness and low reflexes! ^_^

But just to be totally sure, I want to show you my build, to know if it can give me some "limts" too, or at the end is just totally about me...
can you help me? :) Ok...

My build is:
Strength   15   
Agility   18   
Weapon proficiency
One Handed   151   
Two Handed   1   
Polearm   1   
Archery   1   
Crossbow   1   
Throwing   1   
Iron Flesh   5   
Power Strike   5
Shield   5   
Athletics   5   
Riding   0   
Horse Archery   0
Power Draw   0
Power Throw   0
Weapon Master   6
Next level I foresee 1 more to shield and strength, and keep raising one handed.

I use sword and shield, and I use equipment based on actual multiplier, to be sure to keep save money, and up to now I used two shields, 'cause I'm totally unable to stop attacks by blocking with weapon. I also carry an axe, if I'm 1vs1 with another shielded (and not too long weapon) enemy, to break his shield faster.
(Note: no ranged and no riding.)

My equipment on 1x and 2x multiplier I use:
head - Steppe Cap
body - Light Leather
hand - Leather Gloves
legs - Hunter Boots
slot1 - Horseman's Heater Shield
slot2 - Scimitar
slot3 - Hand Axe
slot4 - Horseman's Heater Shield

On 3x and 4x multiplier I use:
head - Barbutte
body - Druzhima Mail Shirt
hand - Mail Mittens
slot1 - Knightly Kite Shield
The rest is the same than before...

On 5x I use:
body - Coat of Plates

Lately I bought:
- Long Espada Eslavona: I wanna try it on 5x. It's a bit slower, so I'm not sure I'll get accustomed soon... seeing also I feel lack of speed like my main problem... but I'm thinking to "inherit" it twice on next retires, so it would be fast 100 (Scimitar is 101, by default)... so maybe I would get accustomed with time.
- Steel Buckler: somebody told me with 5 (going to 6) points on shield, this small buckler is enough to defend me, in addition it would almost never break. So the plan is to use it and no other shield (so slot 4 would be empty)... I'm a bit thoughtful anyway: my current shields are fast 100, while buckles is fast 99... but I wanna try it.

Anyway, as said, I still have to try this two lats equipments...

Do you see something very wrong in this build?
Thank you all!

Suggestions Corner / Re: About horsemen
« on: May 14, 2011, 05:43:20 pm »
since they are hitting your soft parts
Uhm strange... I was so sure I talked about metal armor infantry...
Maybe it's just me mistaking... but I was also sure metal is not soft...
Or maybe you mean the horse is so intelligent and agile to only aim your armor weaknesses while walking on infantry? So it can't get any kind of hurt at all..

but if you hit someone in the belly with your fist, does your fist take damage?
Instead, ask yourself "if you hit someone strongly on a metal armor with your fist, does your fist get hurted?". The answer is "yes".

Maybe PhantomZero's post is funny. And I also accepted it as funny post. But keeps being senseless and without argumentation, as I answered to him.

Using an absurd example where there is a horsemen and 100 infantry without skills or right good weapons, the horsemen in the game could theoretically walk on them all.
This keeps being nonsense in my mind.

Adding a minimal amount of "hurt" (not lethal at all by itself) on the horse for trampling metal armor people, makes them have to care to not trample "too much" of them. For me is totally logical and more balancing.
Horsemen would keep being advantaged on footed infantry (as it is right to be), but they should care just a little bit more (not neither so much more!).
While the current is not a fair situation at all, IMHO.

This will keep being my opinion anyway. And I'll keep consider my suggestion a (very) valid one.

Suggestions Corner / Re: About horsemen
« on: May 14, 2011, 04:49:19 pm »
Well if horses are hurt realisticly when they trample people, maybe they could actually trample people and do realistic damage when this happens. Ofc, realistic damage in those situations would often mean death for the footman. So I suggest we keep the statu quo here.

I didn't suggest to make realistic amount of damange, I said at least just a bit of damage. Just to make "trampling" less "free from consequences".
As is now, horsemen just walk on all people they can't hit with their weapon. They have just to care about two handed footman (and only if they find people able to use them).

Suggestions Corner / Re: About horsemen
« on: May 14, 2011, 02:01:00 pm »
But I think my suggestions whould 1. When an horsemen runs over a metal armor infantry, the infantry should get (at least) a bit hurt. Infantry are not so resistent to a 1100lb animal crashing into them at full speed. Obviously they should also be (at least) a bit hurt when infantry hit an obstacle (a rock, an house, another infantry, so they both get hurt, this could also reflect an infantry falling over or tripping during a battle!).
Infact they already do. Horsemen running over an infatry hurts them and stun them.
Except no sense infantry should get hurt if walking on obstacles. They don't run on obstacle at horsemen speed.

2. When an infantry charges an horse and the footed guy jumps, if the horsemen body hits the jumping footman, the infantry should be stunned for a while, too. I don't mean they have to fall ground, but at least be forced to half speed and can't change direction for half a second (or something similar).
Infact they already do. The same as said for "run over infantry".

- There was possibility to find "versus" servers where pikes are forbidden (other than DtV where AI uses horses too, actually).
Well... it's not exact the "contrary" of what I suggested... you should had suggested "where INFANTRY are forbidden"... and in this case, actually, I could even agree with you!

Duel server. Siege server. (Yes they are not forbidden but mostly unusable there).

Yep, I agree about Siege. Even if I still saw some few horses sometimes (but few horsemen are not a problem, at the end).

But Sieges currently have two problems.
1. I saw in a server they implemented some maps... without a castle or buildings/walls to defend! Just a flag in the middle of nothing. And those maps are even worse than battle. I still didn't understand if those maps were inserted as custom on that server only or are in the game by default, anyway.
2. In  EU_5 there is a map which stucks the server when loading. It keeps re-loading that map infinitely. :(
You can only close the game with ALT+F4 then...

Suggestions Corner / About horsemen
« on: May 14, 2011, 05:21:40 am »
I wanna make two suggestions about horses, but I never used horses, so I dunno if they're still implemented.
I asked about this in game and they said no, they're not implemented. I also felt they wasn't.

But I think my suggestions whould make horsemen less "free" to run here and there to bring disasters.
I tried to make only "realistic" suggestions. So stuffs which have a sense in reality.
I hope it's possible to implement them in the game.

1. When an horsemen runs over a metal armor infantry, the horse should get (at least) a bit hurt. Horses are not so resistent on legs. Obviously they should also be (at least) a bit hurt when horsemen hit an obstacle (a rock, an house, another horsemen, so they both get hurt).

2. When an horsemen charges an infantry and the footed guy jumps, if the horsemen body hits the jumping footman, the horsemen should be stunned for a while, too. I don't mean they have to fall ground, but at least be forced to half speed and can't change direction for half a second (or something similar).

Those are my main two suggestions.

In truth I also would like if:
- Horsemen's horse would be forced to half speed when horsemen attack with weapon (but maybe it's not so "realistic" at the end).
- There was possibility to find "versus" servers where horsemen are forbidden (other than DtV where AI uses horses too, actually).

Ok, thank you all for reading me.

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