If your goal is to make horsemen unable to use horses
And it is not.
Infact my real suggestion aim was to implement something not debilitating at all for horsemen.
If an horse has 100hp, and get 5 damage for each trampling on metal armored infantry, they can still trample 20 warriors (or like) and still (probably) all bowmen and some crossbowmen on their way. And surely they would keep doing.
And this is just an example. The amount could be lesser...
[EDIT - Like: if horse gets 2 damage for every metal armor infantry trampled, they could still trample 50 of them! They should just count the risk to be hit by a weapon while their horse is already a bit hurt.]
It's just a matter of balance, infact.
Which is what I want, too: balance. And I don't feel it at all with "unbreakable" horses.
I neither talked about shields, 'cause I can guess they would be too much debilitating for them, and maybe neither so realistic.
If my aim was really to debilitate horses at infrantry advantage, I would had suggested to hurt horses on shields too... and, as said, I didn't.
Anyway I noticed horse rearing before hurting a wall... but as Patricia said, at full speed horses can't stop so fast.
So as you can see, I'm not talking about "how much hurt a real horse would get by walking on an armoured man".
It's a game... it have to be realistic, but also balanced.
If it should be "so realistic", horses should be at least lame everytime an horsemen runs them fulls-speed on a wall. And horses surely would fail to stop or turn by instinct...
So you see... if we really put inside "so realistic" arguments up to "your head cracks if an horse walks on you", we have to start put inside lot of other stuffs which includes impairments and similar!
So no point. You arguments about "too much realistic" doesn't fit, 'cause it's neither what I'm searching about. I'm searching balancing, 'cause it's a game.
So it's a matter to balance realism and gameplay.
No skull cracked, no horses crippled due to runned into a wall, no arm cutted due to weapons, and similar stuffs...
But at least some "balanced" consequences for bumping this and that and similar.
The "argument" in this topic is not "I want the game to be much more realistic for horsemen and not for infantry".
The argument is "I feel not balanced the fact horses can run over everything freely. So in the aim to balance this, I wanna suggest something which COULD also be realistic".