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Messages - Sir_Roin

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Your secondary weapon as spearman/hoplite
« on: July 11, 2012, 11:48:53 pm »
With my hoplite build, I usually bring a short spear for back up. Short spears only require one slot and they are quick enough to put those katana spammers in their place. Unfortunately hoplites can no longer deal any damage at close range (the good old turn stab was killed by the turn speed limit), so you might be better off using a military fork and shield as side weapons while using a nice pole-arm for a change.

Scene Editing / Re: SIEGE MAP *BALANCE* FEEDBACK - Rochester Castle
« on: July 10, 2012, 01:55:49 am »
Oh sorry Elindor, I don't believe I have played on that version yet. I guess I'll be camping out the siege server till it comes around on the rotation.

Scene Editing / Re: SIEGE MAP *BALANCE* FEEDBACK - Rochester Castle
« on: July 09, 2012, 06:36:45 pm »
Thanks for this thread, and thanks for this map. (I have to admit that I have ever checked out the scene editing area)

I have had a lot of fun playing on this map, and in essence it plays a lot like one of the old siege maps on the community server (I can't remember its name, but the tile set was yellow bricks and there was only one set of stairs to the top of the keep). At first glance this map looks heavily slanted towards the defenders, but once attackers get a foot hold on top of the keep and cut off reinforcements from using the stairs, the map turns out to be only slightly advantageous for defense. I think that the suggestion of moving the attackers spawns forwards is really all that is needed to even the playing field (that or lowering the entire keep structure, although that might be to much work).
Now for the things that I think are great about this map. First of all the flag area makes for a great fighting ground, the different levels, the sectioning of the area, and barriers (this area alone turns flag camping from a boring necessity into a fun task). I love the side rout you can take after climbing ¾ of the back door stairs (which involves some risky jumping) because it allow a couple of guys to sneak onto the flag area, while making it impossible to take a large force through this route. Lastly, this map looks spectacular; kudos on it's scenic quality.

Ok, so there I was, just about to retire my main (sir_roin_II) for the second time, I scrolled to my beautiful "Heavy crossbow". My heart was beating quickly at this time as I clicked the check bubble next to my heavy crossbow. Now I was absolutely sure that the heavy crossbow was checked, this whole retirement thing makes me nervous so I triple checked that I had selected the right item. Low and behold once I was retired and I checked my inventory, there was a "well made crossbow" staring at me. Its true that I had a crossbow in my inventory, but I am absolutely certain that I had checked the heavy crossbow (as I said, triple checked and all).

I am wondering if this is an isolated case or something more common, and if so is there anything I can do? If this is a new common glitch, possibly due to the nice and pretty make over the page received, I would like to help in anyway I can to prevent this from happening to some one els (although Im pretty poor at coding).
(btw I searched the forum for a similar topic, but I was unable to find a similar post)

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