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Messages - Yugop

Pages: [1] 2 3
Suggestions Corner / Re: draw/sheath sound
« on: August 15, 2011, 06:10:12 pm »
Quick and dirty way : go in module.ini and find the line
"scan_module_sounds = 1"
and put it to 0. You won't hear any other modded sounds though (voice commands, female yells, siege equipment sounds if there are any ...). Might also crash since I only tried this with single player mods :P.

Problem is, they didn't added a new sound for drawing/sheathing weapons, but instead used one that is already in the core files. So you can't just replace it in the sound folder. It's probably possible to change it through the module system but it seems a lot of trouble just for a few sounds.

You can also install the more metal sounds mod.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Hybrids ?
« on: August 15, 2011, 04:48:27 pm »
Thank you for your advice. Guess I'll go for a 1h/polearm or 2h hybrid (blocking with a shield all the time is boring, but getting raped by missiles is annoying as hell).

Another question : back in the old days, all my 2h characters had 2 shield skill and a board shield, but that was because of the awful ranged spam we used to have to deal with. I've not seen many 2h or polearm users carrying shields, so I wonder if it's still as useful as it used to be.
Also : now most bows deal cutting damage, do arrows break shields faster ?

I find some short 2h to be more useful than swords in some situations. In siege, a 2h mace will prove more efficient in the end.
But overall it's true using 2h axes and maces is a lot more challenging than just waving around the DAN15 GR8SW0RD of pwnage.
On a side note, I can still manage to kill horses with a greatsword, even with the new stab. Intended ?

I wouldn't mind a buff honestly. With no thrust, weapons like the great axe or bardiche have no purpose : for pure damage, one will always prefer the morning star, especially now the crushthrough has been replaced by bonus against shields.

General Discussion / Re: Racism
« on: August 10, 2011, 04:50:58 pm »
In this particular case, since it's obvious those guys are actually looking for a ban, they should be banned all right. I mean if they wanted to troll and get away with it, they would have been more sneaky. Not "lol we hate blackz lololol".

General Discussion / Re: Where ya from? Why ya playing? For how long?
« on: August 10, 2011, 04:19:38 pm »
France. Been playing since the open beta.
I made a lonnnng break (right after the heirloom system was added), and I must say, I miss being op.
Anyone remembers Ptah and his sniper repeating bow ?

General Discussion / Re: Intentional tk and trolls
« on: August 08, 2011, 08:21:29 pm »
I admit I did a couple revenge tks or played around with some trolls in the past. It sucks not being able to crush those guys' heads, but in the end admins shouldn't have to think for ages before banning someone who's causing trouble. It was ok during the beta because most of the professional trolls were known (and in some cases, tolerated), but now it's clearly impossible to make a difference between the one who started and the one who's trying to defend himself.

There are no real solutions. If you come across someone who's really, really annoying, you can always use screens or fraps. Usually a banpoll works if you don't rage and explain what's happening.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Hybrids ?
« on: August 07, 2011, 11:37:37 pm »
So, most of my characters when I played a lot (and wasn't a filthy noob) had split proficiencies. But now the armor reduces your WP accordingly, I feel this kind of character is a waste, unless you stick to -very- light armor since both will be reduced. Thoughts ? I'll retire soon so I'd like to know if I'm good to go the same way or if it's a bad idea.
Thanks in advance.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Faster Game Speed
« on: July 30, 2011, 02:00:23 pm »
Agree on the game becoming a little too slow paced, but it's really not that bad.
Changing the game speed setting is a terrible, terrible idea though : it doesn't look all that much faster, and from my experience screws up the game mechanics quite a bit (weird timing, hits registered slightly before the model actually gets you ...).

General Discussion / Re: Flying carpets
« on: May 01, 2011, 10:26:51 am »
Finally. I mean, we've been asking for flying carpets since early beta. What took you so long ?

Suggestions Corner / Re: leech nomination meta-game
« on: April 30, 2011, 12:58:17 pm »
Honestly I thought it was a bad joke when I noticed this feature. It should be completely removed imo.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Realism based on weapon
« on: April 30, 2011, 12:17:29 pm »
Obviously you dont watch Deadilest Warrior.
Herp derp.
Obviously the reason we don't have realistic katanas is to give other weapons a chance. If it was realistic, you could slash the ground under your enemies' feet to make they fall to their death, shoot fireballs with the tip, and make everyone else whine in pain just by showing them how cooler you are.

General Discussion / Re: Stab animation + Gfx + Sound Mods
« on: April 30, 2011, 07:22:30 am »
Realistic colors should work just the same. For more metal sounds, I think you'll have to edit the module.ini file yourself for the new sounds (female screams and voice commands, mostly) to display properly. Or wait for someone to release a compatible ini.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Spear / Shield drastically underpowered
« on: April 29, 2011, 11:26:29 pm »
There are still a lot of decent shields that take only one slot (heavy norman, heather, kite, and round, though I'm not sure the latter really is 1 slot).
As far as I know, only board and huscarl shields take 2 slots (I might be wrong though, didn't try a lot of them).

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Nodachi overnerf
« on: April 29, 2011, 06:39:29 pm »
Ok. It's a good weapon, a bit too pricey, but fine. Exactly how it was meant to be. What are you exactly suggesting ?

Announcements / Re: What needs to be changed with version 0.220
« on: April 29, 2011, 06:33:16 pm »
Kick for leeching definitly needs to go. I was unfortunate enough to remap my keys so ... No idea what "m" should stand for. For me it's the voice command/quest notes in sp. Might happen to others. It can be abused in the middle of a fight, too.

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