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Messages - Zaelious

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Game Balance Discussion / Re: [STATS] Nerf horse bump damage
« on: September 29, 2011, 02:08:34 am »
This is a fine example of random shit that should just stay out of serious balance threads, but i guess some people just can't help it...

and you consider your spam NOT spam? You didn't post a single relevant thing to this thread, and I posted my opinion regarding it, perhaps you should instead of just posting useless shit?

Game Balance Discussion / Re: [STATS] Nerf horse bump damage
« on: September 29, 2011, 01:59:55 am »
This thread is becoming pointless with too much spam/trolling/whining and too little rational discussion. Furthermore Polehammer probably screwed the poll by convincing his cav friends to vote since, following his little comment, 'No' got 5-10 extra votes in 5 minutes.

So here are a few suggestions:
Stop trolling, whining and making pointless post, use arguments instead to prove your point and convince people.
If your only argument is realism, take this to the new realism forum (cretaed so we dont need to read it while actually discussing balance)
Don't post the same over and over again, it's just plain annoying - if you have nothing new to say, stay out of the thread.

Now i'm left with a few options:
1. Delete this ruined thread and let it be (which i wont)
2. ask a mod to clean it up and then reset the poll (which they probably dont have time for)
3. lock the trhead and create a similar one, hoping people will actually discuss this in a better way.

I'll probably go with 3 when i get back

or 4. be a retard

I think you followed 4 quite well.

Bumping did a shit ton more damage in the past, it's perfectly fine now, easy to kill horses, just pay attention, even if you don't have a pole arm or long range weapon.. It's not 1 or 2 hit like it use to be, which was more realistic and was still fair essentially..

2h not even cav, I think there would be a lot of crying if cav got nerfed again though.

Game Admin aBooze / Re: irc://Nuffen
« on: March 20, 2011, 05:51:16 pm »
+1 please finally get rid of this kid, polls were changed last time.. 1 vote.. And look, still abusing and once again valid reasons.

Can we please get rid of this admin finally? Reign of tyranny still running rampant.

Game Admin aBooze / Re: [VOTE] nuffen/Lilith
« on: March 04, 2011, 04:57:58 pm »
Not many people voted to begin with, if Lilith hadn't banned whoever was trying to get all the people in EU to look at the forums then maybe this poll would've gone through like it should have.

Game Admin aBooze / Re: IMPORTANT: Posting in this forum gets you muted
« on: February 28, 2011, 12:35:25 am »
Lilith why does your rep bar keep resetting to 0? You were at a higher negative than balton.

Game Admin aBooze / Re: Nomination: [ptx]
« on: February 27, 2011, 03:37:22 am »

Very bad admin, is abusive to people and racist too. My +1 was deleted in this thread also.. wtf? Having to re-post it..

General Discussion / Re: Polls on Wooki and Lilith/Nuffen - DISCUSSION
« on: February 27, 2011, 03:31:48 am »
So many of you are voting no and simply saying they have their faults or tolerate it.. But that's the thing, we don't have to tolerate this anymore, people have been complaining for ages about Lilith and Wooki, it's just we had to deal with all the bullshit until finally chadz did something great, so now, finally, we won't have troll admins and the bad form of insensible admins, the ones with no common sense.. HOPEFULLY.

There are a lot less trolls in that thread than some of you may think though, Lilith uses the ban button like its a verbal warning, so obviously many many people will be displeased with her admining and want someone new, Wooki on the other hand is just a bad admin overall, trolls, bans for stuff outside the game, kicks and bans players who haven't broken any rules generally. I just hope you guys actually understand the difference between a good admin and a bad one, there are always other candidates out there who can do a good job, and don't give some bs about "your time, or our time," most players who enjoy this game can actually do a decent job and won't mind doing it at all, we just gotta' find the good ones and learn that getting admin should be hard, but losing it should be extremely easier.

I still don't really understand how Braeden got admin, a few months ago he wasn't, and he still doesn't even play much or never did, then just "did something" on IRC and now he's an abusive admin. If only the admin abuse forum was legit, still waiting on the polls to start.

Spam / Re: CursedKhergit
« on: February 26, 2011, 02:16:45 pm »
Krampe it's no surprise, ptx is a bad admin. He makes up stories quite a lot actually, only to justify his abusive actions.

Closed Requests / Re: hello I am partyboy
« on: February 25, 2011, 07:56:58 pm »
Looks like another bad ATS admin.

Game Admin aBooze / Re: Nuffen
« on: February 25, 2011, 07:48:59 pm »

Lilith, I just re-read your edited post, that's one of the reasons you shouldn't be admin, you're too full of yourself, the only reason you need to be admin is simply to keep the game enjoyable and allowing everyone to have an equally good time.. If you don't understand that, which you clearly don't, then you shouldn't be admin (if I need to clarify why then /facepalm).

Also, it's time for a poll! Get rid of this abusive admin forever please!

Game Admin aBooze / Re: Nomination: Braeden
« on: February 25, 2011, 03:58:42 pm »
+1 I never liked Braeden, joined his clan then he almost got me banned for no reason, then he sucked dick in irc until he got privileges.

Game Admin aBooze / Re: Wooki : D
« on: February 25, 2011, 03:57:02 pm »

wooki pretty much explained why hes a bad admin or she, who knows, too many he-she admins.

Being admin is simply to help keep the game fun and stop trolling or rule breaking, you don't ban people because they piss you off personally or because they did something in another unrelated incident. This has nothing to do with TS or other bs, grow up wooki.

Closed Requests / Re: Unban request
« on: February 16, 2011, 09:39:17 pm »
Cecil never warned anyone and when they weren't using ladders you'd tk them regardless, along with other BRD members too.. You tk'd for 4 maps straight before getting banned, you deserve the ban.

General Off Topic / Re: Why is lilith an admin?
« on: February 15, 2011, 07:13:03 pm »
Why should the thread be locked and deleted? It's not a rage thread, I've been polite the entire time, it's just too many kids posting so it's diminishing the concept of the thread. No one is even bothering to answer the thread topic yet continue to reply in it.. When an admin abuses their power, he or she, I don't care what IT is, their position should be brought into question, preferably by the public since obviously you guys just let stuff go on without a second glance, I mean look at Lorne, he got away with his shit for so long before anyone did ANYTHING.

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