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Messages - ActionMan3K

Pages: [1]
I have 4 characters:
super str 2h

General Discussion / Re: Screenshots and videos thread.
« on: January 17, 2011, 06:55:11 pm »
roughly weight terminal velocity and such things. too lazy to google it, too old to remember it from college
Assuming Warband's terminal velocity for a naked guy is around the terminal velocity of a skydiver with his arms tucked in you'd come out with a rough total distance of about 1567 meters.  For those of us still using the old english system of measurement that's about 5139 feet or .97 miles.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Post Your Character Builds
« on: January 14, 2011, 05:16:12 am »

Age   45 [30]
Experience   4632449
Level up at   8735843
Kills   316
Death   263
Gold   98901
Generation   8
Attribute Points   0
Skill Points   0
Weapon Proficiency Points   1   

Strength   15   
Agility   25   

One Handed   130   [7 WPF cost]
Two Handed   1   [1 WPF cost] 
Polearm   1   [1 WPF cost] 
Archery   1   [1 WPF cost] 
Crossbow   135   [8 WPF cost]
Throwing   1   [1 WPF cost] 

Ironflesh   0   
Power Strike   5   
Shield   0   
Athletics   8   
Riding   0   
Horse Archery   0   
Power Draw   0   
Power Throw   0   
Weapon master *   8   

This character is setup primarily as a skirmisher.  My normal load out is a short arming sword, pike, and masterwork siege crossbow with steel bolts.  I use light armor to preserve mobility.  My primary tactic is to take a shot then run and reload.  The high athletics and low carry weight allow for quick hit and run melee attacks as well.  It's definitely a fun character to play.  The build could be redone using two-handed or pole-arms and one of the skill point conversions could be used for 2 points into shields, iron flesh, or riding.

General Discussion / Re: Archers buffed too much
« on: January 13, 2011, 05:44:01 am »
DerpofHerpDerp(aka Pridecrusher, Crymoar, etc...) just finished a 39 and 3 match as a war bow wielding archer.

General Discussion / Re: Xbows Idea
« on: January 12, 2011, 10:06:43 pm »
Alternatively, adding a skill requirement like PD for xbows would be acceptable, if it allowed xbows to not suck any more.

No thanks.  If I have to choose between putting points into a skill for crossbows or putting points in for archery I'd go with archery every time.  Unless of course the skill gives a significant shot speed and damage boost.  Of course the whole point of crossbows though is that it doesn't take much training to be decent with them but a dedicated archer is better in most cases.

As far as the current damage goes.  With 135 wpf and a masterwork siege crossbow I can down some stationary people with a chest shot.  Those that survive are often severely wounded.

General Discussion / Re: Why are leechers so stupid?
« on: January 12, 2011, 03:07:40 am »
I just don't understand how so many people say they have no money and can't upkeep their equipment. I have no problems with money whatsoever. Hell, this morning on one of my characters I made 20k in just a couple hours. Even with upkeep I make WAY more money than I did pre-patch. I don't understand where all the whining comes from.

Agreed.  All of my characters are making money hand over fist even with the upkeep.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Sniper crossbow modifier
« on: January 12, 2011, 02:41:09 am »
The only actual error with the masterwork siege crossbow I can see is that the damage is 87p on the character page and only 81p in game.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Sniper crossbow modifier
« on: January 11, 2011, 08:59:07 pm »
I was able to bring my siege crossbow up to masterwork today without problems.

Masterwork Siege Crossbow   19225   
weight 3.75
requirement 15
spd rtng 21
shoot speed 64
thrust damage 87 pierce
max ammo 1
accuracy 96

General Discussion / Re: Fix List v210
« on: January 11, 2011, 08:43:00 pm »
Reduce arrow damage a bit.  Before it was too low but now it feels a little too high.
Arrows +2
Barbed +3
Khergit +4
Bodkin +6

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Post Your Character Builds
« on: January 09, 2011, 12:11:59 am »

Age   43 [28]
Experience   2990469
Level up at   3573418
Kills   238
Death   246
Gold   69729
Generation   1
Attribute Points   0
Skill Points   1
Weapon Proficiency Points   0

Strength   15   
Agility   21   

One Handed   1   [1 WPF cost]
Two Handed   1   [1 WPF cost]
Polearm   60   [2 WPF cost]
Archery   155   [10 WPF cost]
Crossbow   1   [1 WPF cost]
Throwing   1   [1 WPF cost]

Ironflesh   0   
Power Strike   4   
Shield   0   
Athletics   6   
Riding   0   
Horse Archery   0   
Power Draw   5   
Power Throw   0   
Weapon master *   7

At level 30 I'll have 24 agility and weapon master 8.  That should let me boost archery by about 12 more points.

General Discussion / Re: Fix list
« on: January 06, 2011, 02:20:51 am »
Improved synchronizing between the C menu and the character page.  I've had points show up and then vanish.  A 1 point increase in bow damage across the board would also be nice.

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