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Messages - McNoodles

Pages: [1]
Game Balance Discussion / Re: Long Hafted Blade w/Cav
« on: July 19, 2011, 08:38:50 am »
Eh, I like historical accuracy as long as it doesn't take away from gameplay.

Given the recent decrease in lance attack window, and the less recent addition of un-sheathable wep property of lances, I feel improving the LHB would be appropriate.

Game Balance Discussion / Long Hafted Blade w/Cav
« on: July 17, 2011, 06:24:55 pm »
While Initially I thought I liked the new animation for Long Hafted Blade on horseback, I find I'm horribly ineffective with it since the change.  Even though i have no 1h wpf, I am far more effective with the Arabian Cav Sword than the Long Hafted Blade on horseback.

Any chance on reverting back to the old animation? what was the reason for the change?

Anyone else feel the same?

ps. i know it's a little late to be complaining about this change.

I rebooted my browser, deleted my cookies, reset my password, tried some random login to EU server. I was able to reset my password, but when I tried to log on it simply will not complete logging in. I don't get an error message of any kind, it just looks like the page refreshes when I hit submit. I r frustrated... suggestion?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: New laptop
« on: June 23, 2011, 05:50:13 pm »
speaking of selecting gender, why can't my big burly black man wear his favorite dress?!? c-rpg descriminates against cross dressing!

General Off Topic / Windows Services
« on: June 23, 2011, 05:47:03 pm »
Hey all,

This is my question: is it possible to have different windows services set as enabled/disabled depending on which windows login you use?

When I hop on my computer for gaming (and only gaming) I have found that I can improve performance dramatically if I terminate multiple windows services. However, as many of the services I disable are related to security I have to reboot or re-enable them before browsing the web or any other number of tasks. I was wondering if there was a way to link a particular service profile with a particular login account to make this less laborsome. If anyone has alternative ideas for how to accomplish the same goal I'm open it.


ps. i know disabling services is risky buisness, no need to reiterate.

Uhh, yeah, no need to sell it. Just set it in the default weapon loadout on the website.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Bec De Corbin Bug.
« on: June 15, 2011, 08:42:36 pm »
We should combine this thread with the lance one as well, admin?

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Bec De Corbin Bug.
« on: June 15, 2011, 07:19:44 pm »
I don't intend to. Would just like to be able to use the wep, but I am betting this won't be resolved for a while given that this is a mod. Just gotta be patient.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Bec De Corbin Bug.
« on: June 14, 2011, 04:38:58 am »
Same thing happened to me... but no, it is not good. The weapon does not appear at all ingame. Please fix.

Same things happened after I loomed my bec to balanced. It is no longer available in game. Also, the stats are screwed up, indicating that it now does 40 blunt swing and 96 speed or something.

General Discussion / Re: 360/180 degrees or wtv polearm stabs
« on: May 28, 2011, 01:08:19 am »
I haven't noticed this spin stab garbage until the past month or two, now it's all over the place and is becoming problematic. I remember the pole animations were played around with in the recent past... are we sure nothing changed? what about the thrust-block window/size/radius, has that changed? Would it be possible to slightly slow the turning speed (and not necessarily speed) of someone equipped with a very long polearm?

Announcements / Re: 0.221 - hotfix
« on: April 29, 2011, 06:24:22 pm »
Thank you for the hotfix! Being that this is a Mod, Devs don't get paid do they?

Game Balance Discussion / Cav Lance aim
« on: April 29, 2011, 06:33:00 am »
Just wondering what was going on with lances on horseback... So it looks like thrust aim has been restricted to the same window as a couched lance. Which I can deal with. But I find it very difficult to consistently control which side of the horses head the lance is directed when menuvering. It is hard to accurately describe the problem, it seems like when turning the horse, the camera angle has less of an impact on the direction of the lance than the turning input.... dunno if that makes any sense. Pre-patch I had never experienced anything like this. Anyhow, I dig the new website, and the new hafted blade cav animation (still forming opinion about the rest). Looks like a lot of work went into it all!

Beginner's Help and Guides / wpf and weapon mode question
« on: March 12, 2011, 03:52:58 pm »
I'm looking for some confirmation and clairification about wpf
1. When using a 2h weapon in secondary mode... does it use 2h wpf or Polearm wpf? what about secondary mode with a shield (is it 1h, 2h, or pole wpf?) ?
2. When using a 2h weapon with a shield... you use 1h wpf correct? what about polearm w/shield (is it pole or 1h?)?
3. Does any of this change when on horseback?

hope these questions make sense! thanks!!! -McNoodles

I had my mouse set to 5800 dpi and sucked hardcore at blocking. I would always end up blocking down by accident. Turned my dpi down to 800 and now its soo much easier. may just be placebo, but it seems to help a lot.

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