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Messages - Mech

Pages: [1]
Spam / Re: Who thinks the New Crpg mod here sucks..Ooohhh I do!
« on: March 13, 2011, 08:57:16 pm »
why people thinks its cool using retarded sentences a la 4chan... thats the most retarded fad  that ever came on the  internet...

Hipster   :D

General Discussion / Re: Buff Archer damage
« on: March 13, 2011, 08:45:08 pm »
Damage is perfect. Only problem is arrow speed. Right now arrows travel so slow you should be able to chamber them. Feels like I'm shooting beach balls. You can shoot arrows and your team mates can step into them at close range. At further range you can hit people reliably and it takes skill needing to lead your target but at short range its ridiculous. I'd be perfectly ok with a larger reticule to compensate for speed.

Spam / Re: Who thinks the New Crpg mod here sucks..Ooohhh I do!
« on: March 13, 2011, 07:27:37 pm »
dont want to be rude but the actual retirement system is worse than the prepatch one , why? because it created a huge gap between new players and old ones ,  im a old player gen 17 and retiring is freaking easy
some are gen25+ and it take 2 days sometimes less to retire , instead of the obligatory 1 week wait ,  new players xp is so freaking slow that by the time a new player retire , the old one has retired like 3-4 times , its a massive spam of heirloom items already and its going to get worse

  i always said prepatch that a reset was neccessary , i wont lie i prefered the old crpg ,  at least retirements was equal to all , 1 week  ... poor newbies
You hit on a good point I rarely see mentioned. The leveling curve seems kinda backwards in terms of retirement. Usually it takes longer the more powerful you get, but in CRPG its the opposite because of exp bonus. I don't entirely mind this because fighting battles is fun anyways. Definitely jealous of all those gen 10+ guys who are retiring twice as fast as me. Only a little bit because it only really matters when someone has a fully decked out masterwork set of armor and weapon. Nothing a throwing lance or an overhead poleaxe to the head wont fix ;).

The exp bonus gives a HUGE incentive to stay on one character though. The single reason I don't just make multiple characters.

General Discussion / Re: English Bill and Swiss Halberd needs love.
« on: March 13, 2011, 08:54:55 am »
Pike is soooo good as a support role. Overhead from it is entirely unrealistic but so is one person blocking ten pikes at a time with his short sword. I prefer overhead gone simply for the sake that it is entirely silly to be using a pike as a dueling weapon. At least this makes the Swiss an appetizing option for those who want to forsake a little bit of range for another attack direction. It seems like a support weapon, much like the pike. Imagine the tk's this thing would cause if you gave it 4 directions.

General Discussion / Re: The Leeching Rule on the NA servers
« on: March 13, 2011, 08:44:34 am »
+1 to what Tears of Destiny said. Seems like common sense.

I've seen several peasants and or weaponless naked's run right through our formations during prime time. It was funny because he was able to draw away at least 15 guys every time to chase him down. The other half of the time they just suicide and go down swinging.

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